Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Mel and Todd do New Orleans

These are just teasers.  Haha.  Because I have no idea how to let you actually watch the videos.  But, they're cool.  Anyone have the Boomerang app?!  You need to have it.  It's fun. 

Todd the Bod and I had to get up early and head to the hospital to check on his dad who had just had reverse shoulder replacement surgery.  Before we headed there, we made the trek to what has to be one of the best places in New Orleans.... District Donuts.  They change out their flavors every day which I think is half the fun.  (You know how I talk about strengths all the time?  Well, I am LOW in consistency, and have a flair for things being different daily.  That's why this suits me.  Todd is HIGH in consistency, and he'd have to see some semblance of familiarity day to day to appreciate the place. He's also high on standards and quality, which I think suits that consistency strength!)
On the way to the hospital, we passed this great monument.
This is the Louisiana Superdome where our Saints play!
And, I LOVED these murals that were inside the kids' wing of the hospital.  I think our babies at MMPT might need to make one of these soon!
Can you say RANDOM?  Yep...that's how you can rest assured it is ME writing these posts!
And down the halls... oh my. Swoon!  YEp.  MMPT kids get ready, we bout to have us an art day!

This is just one sign that you are in Louisiana.  Salt, pepper, and Tabasco Sauce on every table.  It's a staple!  ha
Cool joint that Todd and I got to sit and chill at.  He loves some football.  Beer.  And most of the time, me!
So isn't he lucky to be there with the trifecta?!
I LOVE times like this.  They are kind of few and far between.  All parents know what I mean by treasuring these alone moments that kind of remind you of the "Y'all" of times past!
It wasn't long before our buddies showed back up from North Louisiana for the first Saints home game.  We put some MILES on our vehicles between us all this week!
The guy in the black is a WM friend, who I had no idea owned a condo right downtown!  Like one block off Jackson Square.  He took us on a little field trip.
And it had this A-MA-ZING courtyard.
Can you imagine the painting that could go on out there?  Or maybe even reading?
It is precious.
The architecture in New Orleans is just all around cool!
His son had an apartment upstairs, and we went to look around up there too.
He has eclectic taste which I can totally appreciate.  I LOVE authenticity!
This is the view out of the front balcony.
It didn't take Todd long to think we needed to sell at the beach and buy in New Orleans.  Sucka!
These are my people!
We were cruising downtown and found a place to stop JUST in time to get out of the rain that was heading in.
Apparently, I was in major selfie mode.  We discovered that selfies are an art.  Who knew?  I've taken them forever.  But Paula was totally clueless!
I taught her to use her pinkie finger as the "kickstand" to hold her phone, and she mastered it!  I had no idea that was a hard thing for some to do.
This is where the den opens right onto the street.  OR... we screwed up big time.  You decide!
Black and white selfie.  Now, I'm just showing off.  hahaha
And we don't start a day anymore in N.O. without going to District Donuts.
Check out these flavors.  It's close to Heaven.
Well, enjoy peeps.  I am in the Atlanta airport at this very moment trying to keep my promise to return to blogging.  I'll be heading into Columbus, Ohio, this evening, and know I won't be able to get settled and get a blog in.  That's Melanie being #futuristic (my #5 strength) . Can you tell I really, really buy into the whole strengthfinder thing?!  I do!

I am toting a heavy laptop in my over the shoulder bag JUST to blog on this trip.  You are welcome!! and thank you very much for interacting via your comments.  I LOVE to connect with you as much as you like reading about my crazy life.



  1. Keep writing boo! It's fun keeping up with yo bad! Blessings and eat a donut for me!

  2. I'll have to check out the donuts! Glad you're back, keep it up.

  3. So happy you are BACK! Love New Orleans!

  4. We are wanting to head to New Orleans next summer for a grown-up getaway and so I've loved these posts! Also just love seeing your posts back in general. Keep it up!

  5. Glad you're back to blogging but now I have to remember to check for updates. Out o practice too lol.

  6. I LOVE strengths finder - our church staff all takes it and I love thinking about how we work together!!

  7. I've never been to New Orleans. Looks like y'all had a blast! Couple of questions for you:

    1. How do you use your pinkie as a kickstand for your phone? We need pictures. ;-)
    2. What is REVERSE shoulder replacement? Never heard of it! (Praying Todd's dad makes a quick and complete recovery.)

  8. Those donuts look delicious!!!! How is Todd's Dad doing? I pray all went well and he has a quick recovery.

  9. Thank you for returning to your blog. Safe travels!

  10. Life seems back to normal with you blogging. Thanks - we need normal right now!!! Heading to New Orleans in November so I think that I will have to add District Donuts to our list.

  11. Love that you are posting on the blog.

  12. Here's a thought for Todd - keep the beach condo and buy one in NOLA! I think I need to meet you in NOLA one weekend. I have a feeling it would be way too much fun!

    1. Say the word! And come to WM for my 11/11 retreat. First 12 or so have the option of staying at my house!

  13. between this post and the last - I love the hat on Todd that you said was like Alice in Wonderland and I loved be selfie that he smiled and you looked stern. And yes, I think all parents should recharge without the kids

    So glad you are back
