Sunday, September 18, 2016

Day four in New Orleans. Todd is here!

As is par for me... a dose of girls.  A dose of work.  A dose of adventure.
While I am in the south, Ellie had her first day of dancing at Linda Lavender School of Dance.  Does anyone recall when that teeny little thing started?  
This is her fave, and my good friend, Linda Lou.  
And ta-daaaaah... just like that, this trip changed from a girl trip to a business trip, to a one-on-one with my man!
The reason he came down midweek, and the reason I didn't head back home was because Todd's dad was having shoulder surgery in Metairie, just outside of N.O. Someone at the hospital recommended a good local spot for lunch.
We started our day at Crabby Jack's.   To call it a "hole in the wall" would be a gross understatement!
I sent his pic to one of TG's friends to tell him about this cool little place, and he said, looks like it is "Crabby Todd's".  haha
I LOVED all the local art in the place.  In New Orleans, they really value local artists' work, and really like art that depicts the area.  So do I!

This place was wall to wall paintings.  Susan Recarey, if you are reading my blog, I want to do this to your tamborine!!  
I loved that it even had sort of old school hand lettering an painting on the windows.
And the probes here were enormous!!  This was a painting that was near their register... and it was totally accurate!

On our way back to the hospital, I saw a billboard for David's Art Supply.  I BEGGED Todd to let me run in.  And by "run in", wellllll.... I mean it IS an art store!
Again, this place looked like some kind of old converted gas station. But oh how looks can be deceiving.
I think i heard, "The hills are alliiiive.... " as I walked in the place.  I stopped and took a panoramic so I could remember the sheer excitement of the first view.
I have never in my life seen so many awesome art supplies in one place.
And we're not talking Michael's here.  We are talking the creme de la creme of art supplies.
Like, at Michael's, they have about five options for Golden paint in the larger bottles.  Here, there were too many to count.  And in tubes, and in small pour spouts.
My eyes were totally having a hey day!
Question to FORCE you to comment on the blog today... if you were a color of the rainbow right this minute, which one would you be and why?!
I think I'd be blue violet.  It is dark but still pretty.  It is late as I type this blog, and I am super tired.  I just spent FOUR hours waiting for my girls' turns at a fashion show they are modeling in on Tuesday night.  Tonight was the first rehearsal.  We do it again tomorrow night.  Ellie and Gabbi are in one of the last productions.  But we still had to be there at 5:30.  They hit the stage at 9:30!
So, I need a "night night" color tonight!

If I'd asked this same question earlier, my answer would have been different!
Dear God in Heaven look at all of those paper pads.  And the backside of this rack was just as full!
And handmade paper!  Swoooooon.
I think I NEED some of these.  I bought 88 cigar boxes while down here, and this handmade paper decoupaged on them would be oh so fab!

We finished up at the art store, took DeeDee a poboy in the waiting room, and headed back to our hotel in downtown N'Awlins! (There's the Superdome where our Saints play for all you non-natives.)

And I am going to mention here that I have another of my retreats coming up 11.11.  I am FIRED up that this date was available!  It was meant to be.  I am also goi got mention that my retreats have changed a bit as I have progressively changed.  I would prefer to call them "transformed" and "transformative".  They are soul-searching retreats which cause you to look within and be a bit introspective to choose those things in you that need to stay and those that need to be released.  All to move you toward your highest good.  There WILL be projects taken away, but that, to me, is secondary to the lessons you'll receive on how to "CREATE" the future you want.  If you are interested, email me with questions at or sign up at retreats.  The first 13 will have the option of staying at my house.  For everyone else, I have secured a lowered hotel group rate for the event.  Hola.

Enjoy your week, peeps! 



  1. While my color is usually some variation of a blue today I feel I'm a bright orange. Orange is very energizing to me. Been reading one of my John Maxwell books and it really got me fired up today. Therefore shining brightly orange today. Thinking this week im going to take note of my color throughout the days to keep this motivation going.

  2. I love that you're back to blogging. Sure, Instagram and Facebook are great to get a glimpse, but the scrapbooker in me really needs the story to go along with the pictures.
    You may remember that hues of blue are typically my colors, specifically teal, but today I'm feeling a cheerful yellow.
    Oh my heart, that art store....

  3. I can just imagine your face when you walked in the art store!!! Have to think on my color - typically it is RED but I am thinking more on the GREEN side a it has been a GO type of morning! Love the pics of the new VP, Ellie, the dancer! And yes, I do remember when she first started!

  4. At this moment as I caught up on the blog at lunch I'd have to go with blue/red/I guess a purplish with that combo as color of the because it's my fave and I need that to keep the blue mood lightened up as much as it can be.

    Have enjoyed the blog being back. Between Motivational Mondays, FB posts, blog postings, breaks in the day can be "mojo" all the time :-)

    Thank you!!! Amy Keif

  5. LOVE that you're back blogging! Sooo missed your blogging! I think right now I'm probably a blue- gray; worried about my daughters health issues. Ordinarily I think of myself as yellow -- bright and cheerful! Is there an age limit on your 11/11 retreat? I would love to bring my 13 year old daughter.., I think we both could get a lot out of it...

  6. I have some others who want to bring their younger teens. Depending on the number of teens present, I might design a special pull out session just for them during a "heavier/more introspective" time of the weekend to address more relatable issues for them! Sign up! It's gonna be good!
