Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gabbi's saga... continued.

So.... onward ho.  I was very concerned over the weekend, but we were advised to not open the dressing, and so I didn't.  We were to go back in on Tuesday.  (Can't recall the holiday, but they were closed on Monday).  I think it was fourth of July.    
Judging by Ellie's shirt and the fact that we are at Paula's house in these ics tells me that the Fourth was likely the case.
Monday comes, and she is back at the doc.  Check out the deformity of the palmar side of her hand.  Are you ready?  Hold onto your horses!!
This was the other side!  The doc was completely ready to cast her when we got there and unwrapped her hand.  And then... he saw this. I don't really think HE even knew what to make of it.  He called them "fracture blisters".  I got home and dove into researching fracture blisters, and a. they are rare on the hand and b. they do NOT look like THIS!
He was going out of town and asked us to return in a week.  I said, ummm. no.

The next day, we were at our pediatrician's office and were looking for a transfer to Arkansas Children's Hospital so my baby could see a burn specialist, a renowned hand surgeon, and whoever else had time to look at her!
We undressed her hand at her pediatrician's, and the blisters had popped.  This is now what we had.  Look at the MASSIVE size of the destruction of tissue.  And through all of this, the baby hardly ever complained!
I think even the folks at the pediatrician's office were a little taken aback by this presentation.  I started my career in PT as a wound care specialist, so thankfully, I have been around this block, and wasn't freaking out.  But I knew we had something serious to deal with.
And remember, by now we also know she has three broken bones, per X-ray, for sure, and nothing has been done about those yet either.
Look at that little mangled hand.   She could only wear little sleeveless dresses which were easy to get over her head and arm/ hand.
But she was still smiling!

We got out referral, and were in Little Rock the next day, at Ark Children's Hospital, about 4 hours away.
In fact, here's my baby chillin in the room the next day.
and chowing on the chocolate chip pancakes we had delivered to our room.
Ok. You're doing great, folks.  But it gets worse... so, hang onto your horses.  And just bow right on out if you need to.  I'll have the story told by Tuesday, so you can log back on then, if you need to.

Bless my baby girl's heart.  She is a trooper if I've ever met one!  (And no, she STILL can't exactly tell us what happened on that dang four wheeler.  NOR if she was burned.  She says she wasn't.  But the presentation of that wound certainly begs to differ!!)



  1. Gabbi is one tough little girl. How in the world did she manage to keep her composure with an injury like this. One could say it is the stamina of the entire family. One strong family..Hats off to all of you being able to stand strong with her during her healing. I am sure it was not an easy nor pleasant time. Happy it is behind Gabs...sweet baby girl...who is 10 feet tall!!!

  2. Bless her precious heart! She is a brave little soul!
