Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Headed to Orlando. Going to get our GROWTH on!

Flashback.  Aug 6th, 2015.  Jessi and I are headed to Orlando, Florida for the John Maxwell Live Event.  We are extremely anxious this go round, as we know we will be playing a much more active role in this year's line up! 

I have also invited Brian, one of my PT's at MMPT, to join us the following day.  And, as John Maxwell is famous for saying in almost all of his speeches, I had buttons made to reflect the same of our team... 
You KNOW Jessi dotted every i and crossed every t.  She even got us hooked up on Row 11 for the trip out.  She knows I am stickler for details and that I would TOTALLY appreciate traveling in high favor on the way there.  (oh and did I mention that we flew out at 6 am?  That meant I was at her house at 3:45 am.  I am a psycho traveller and will NOT be late for a plane as I am keenly aware that I cannot talk my way out of that situation.  When the plane is gone, it is GONE!)
I ran into a lady on the plane who said, "You MUSt be Staci Raborn's sister!"  She teaches with Staci and I suppose could see the resemblance.  She said, "You two act just alike!".
First stop was Atlanta.  Look how Jessi has that cute little shoulder bag and a pull behind.  I looked like a dad gum PACK MULE!
And the last leg to Orlando was awesome.  I just LOVE being above the clouds.
Closer to Heaven, I suppose.
On the plane, and in airplane mode, I only had apps on my phone to preoccupy me.  And so... I was trying one out.
I also perused my photos for some inspiration.  I was really concerned about how I would stay "Fresh" with the ideas that had to POUR from me when I was standing in the front of the crowd at the event.  Wait!  Am I getting ahead of myself?  I believe I am!!  More on that soon!
This is the kind of thing I screenshot DAILY and have on my phone.  I love it when I am, oh, like thousands of feet above the ground and can't troll the internet.  Because I have growth-centered self assessing questions on my phone, I can take pause and consider my answers.  You should do the same right now.
(and consider that "growth" can be in many areas!  Relationships, family and friends, fun and recreation, health, finances, career, physical environment, etc... so we ALL have an area in which we need to be growing!)

Didn't take us long to find the poolside bar and grill.  Did I mention this is the world's largest Marriott?  I have stayed here twice before, and I never knew that.
To be honest, I didn't fact check that this time either.  I just overheard someone saying that, so I was like, "Hmm.  Cool. "
There was a little Italian restaurant downstairs that became my favorite spot!  Know why?!
Because my most favorite food in the world is a cheese tray with mixed cheeses and salamis and thin crackers.  And this is exactly what they had to offer.  Oh. My. Word.  It's not something one can just find anywhere!

We met up with my friend, Amy, who is a head cheese of a PBS station in South Carolina.  She had the very unique opportunity to interview John Maxwell one-on-one this summer.  He discussed his new book to be released this fall, Intentional Living.  I will let you know more about its airing as soon as I do!
Once again, I am shamed to look off the balcony at the view and realize I left my kids at home!!  I'll try to post pics later of the massive water slide and basically water PARK that was in this pool!!
I did; however, make time to Facetime them every night!!  This is such a photo that I used to text them at night, wishing them goodnight, and sharing a virtual good night kiss.
And finally, this is Deb.  She is from California, and is a ball of energy!  She and I palled around all week.  I love hanging with high energy peeps!!  She was slotted to come to my last art retreat, but at last minute had to bail.  I have a feeling she'll be at one soon enough though!
So... that is a little intro to the weekend.  Tomorrow, I'll take you downstairs to the meeting rooms and tell you a little more about my role at the event this year.  It was pretty KILLER!

Peace out.  And thanks for prodding me to get back to blogging.  I like telling my stories.


  1. I can't wait either! So glad you're back to blogging. You inspire me and I need that.

  2. Ok, I got my seat belt on...let'er rip!
