Friday, June 12, 2015

What's your word? For 150 kids!

We have really had a great year at the studio!  Just this week, I was honored to have SIX speaking engagements in 4 days.  And we are working with adults, kids, and corporations.  

These pics are from a fun day we were asked to spend working with 150 kids from a local elementary school.  Yes, I said, "ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY"!  Suzy went on behalf of the studio and facilitated this activity.  The kids were given a brief little talk on their word of the summer, and each were told to think of the work that they felt represented what they wanted to be, focus on, or do more of over the summer. 
I love how they turned out.  I especially love that we were able to preserve each of their sweet little unique handwriting on their canvases.
Looking through these, do you have a favorite or two?

I really loved these!!!  I like the handwriting and the upper and lower case of of "faith".
And how cute is this little "happy"!?

If you recall, my word of the year this year is "Maximize".  I have seriously made a very conscientious effort to MAXIMIZE my time.  I do the things that only I can do.  I try to avoid taking on projects that take me off the path of my purpose this year.  Did you decide on a word this year?  Are you still honoring and recognizing that word?

This is about 40 of the 150!!

We do something similar for kids' birthday parties!  Sometimes it is a "word" and sometimes we encourage the kids to do their monograms in that center space.

This was their end of the year party.  We had them spread out in the multi purpose room, and also had a little extra surprise by also doing face painting.  It seemed to be a hit.  If you are a teacher, and think your students might enjoy this project or another canvas project, holler, and MoJoy will come to the school for your special event.
Shelby was a top notch helper!  Just sayin'!!
Doing art and teaching personal growth to kids is a pretty great day.  I am living the dream. Are you living yours?


1 comment:

  1. I think this is a really great project for kids. I like the variety of words that was chosen. What great and some very powerful words. Even noticed the Art canvas - bet this activity was very inspiring.
    My word this year was Grow. I've been truly living it and growing in many ways. Been reading John Maxwells 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth book which has been very beneficial. Love my word and living it!
