LOTS and LOTS of prep work goes into an event like the one we had last weekend!! For instance, we have to consider all of our projects, which of course have to be coordinated with all of my speaking topics, and then order ALL of the supplies, far enough in advance to ensure we have everything we need!! I knew I wanted to talk about the Wheel of Life from my Let's Grow planner and personal growth journal, and had to figure out how to tie that into an art project.
Soooo... we assigned a color to every section of the wheel, and throughout the weekend, whatever color you wanted to attract to your life (ex. lime green is spiritual/ personal growth. Purple is career. Pink is health. Red is spouse or significant other. Dark green is finances.... and so on....we had activities for you to use that particular color in your handmade jewelry, your journals, your pen choice, the color of your background on paintings, etc.We carried that theme throughout the entire event!
Some women flew in Thursday night prior to the opening day. Their flights just worked better if they showed up a bit early. We had Jennifer and Lisa (beside me, above), who drove up from Alexandria, LA. Suzy is on the far side, down at the end. Riley is next to her, and came in from Houston, TX, to totally serve the guests 100% and make the entire weekend extra special!! Then, there's Amy, from Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin. This is her second retreat. And Miss Pat Gano, who is the epitome of living life to the fullest at 81 years old, and coming down from Columbus, Ohio. And lastly, Christie, from two doors down in my neighborhood!!!
Once we got home, Crystla showed up (long black hair, above), from southern California!
The first morning with guests, we tried to come up with an interesting #grovesgirls pic for our morning ritual, but Ellie refused to cooperate. I've been talking to my crew at work about their "spirit animal", (nothing weird... just which one is the most like you). John Wesley said, without hesitation, the RHINO!!! This pic was just for him!!
I took my counterparts to IHOP, as they know that is where I think best. I needed to put some last minute touches on my talking points, and we all needed breakfast! Oh... and now Nancy has joined us as well (light blue shirt to my right). She came down for a second time from Kansas City, Kansas.
Upon arrival, there was a lot of excitement in the air!! The welcome buckets, hand-dipped in paint by Riley, were the bomb!! And they were stocked FULL of artsy fabulousness!!
We got right to work in our CUSTOM-made canvas journals with sections sewn in to represent each area of our lives (by color, of course), so as a quote, or inspiration hit over the weekend, we could assign it a spot and easily go to that section for inspiration. Tina, from Haughton, LA, facing us on the end, joined us and is the creator of our super awesome journals! Tessa is beside her from right here in West Monroe, LA. She was in one of my mastermind groups, and now is craving more personal growth. Once you dip your toe in, you just might as well dive in!! It is addicting!
Erin, above in green is also from West Monroe, and was a last minute gal. She heard about it, and said, I AM IN!! I'm so glad she decided to come. Miss Faye Barnes, in the red, is a gal from down the road in Ruston, LA. She was all about the personal growth information and said the art was just a bonus!
Suzy was beyond helpful this weekend!! She had SO much to get ready for this three day event, and had the studio looking G.R.E.A.T.!!
Ironically, when I was about to start working with the girls on lettering, a canvas showed up from across the street at MMPT that was painted by the kids in the clinic as a fundraiser piece to be auctioned for their friend, Braylon, who is currently in the hospital. It was a perfect opportunity for me to demonstrate bravery, and shun the pencil, and go straight for the paint pen!
These ladies were so brave and so many of them out of their comfort zones throughout the weekend, and yet, there were nothing but GREAT attitudes!!
First assignment was to draw simple clip art style motifs and hand letter a message of gratitude to turn these into a set of thank you cards in the future. We had just discussed the relationship between joy and gratitude.
I can tell you... I am GRATEFUL for every single one of these women who came and learned and stretched and grew!!
I mean, look at Tina's pretty writing and cute heart cards!
Art supplies were abundant. Creativity flowed freely!! Watercolors, paint pens, lettering markers, card stock... these are the things of greatness.
I spy Helen second row back, far left. She also snuck in after driving from Shreveport, LA. It was great getting to know her and watch her just light up with new information. She tells me she WILL be back!
Riley blessed us with all that cute rainbow bunting!! It was beyond fabulous. I don't think we'll be able to take it down! It was just perfect in this setting.
Here's Miss Pat, who decided "I'm not doing OLD the way others do it". I first met her on a ropes course last year at my mentor, Paul Martinelli's, Turning Point seminar. She was a GIFT to all who got to know her this weekend. She walks VERY closely with the Lord, and when she speaks, wisdom OOZES out, so you'd better be paying attention.
Aha. HEre's Helen (on the right) and Cyndi, another local girl who I've known since college. She, too, was in my mastermind group where we studied The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, and decided she wanted to know a little more.
After a full first day, we went to dinner (that Todd the Bod grilled for us), and had "Craft of Crash" at my house. The art room was bustling, but about 12 or so of us got to make a really cool black glue painting. We called it Painting Happy! More on that tomorrow.
Goodnight until then!
Why go at all IF you can't go BIG! What a wonderful time you ladies experienced. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great first day! The experience of a lifetime! Love Miss Pat! She gives me hope. It also says an awful lot about the rest of the group. At 66, often when something interests me and most of the participants are younger, after they all say I hope I am like you when I get old they never really treat you like an equal member of the group. It can be a little isolating. Can't wait to hear about ALL of it!