Monday, May 18, 2015

Day three... journals, decoupage, and a selfie.

Sooner or later I'll have the whole weekend documented!!!  This end of the year schedule is N.U.T.S!

Ok... remember Riley?  Yeah.  She was the one who made unbelievable food for the group all weekend.  
 Like homemade quiches... a couple of different kinds to choose from.  And always had fresh fruit and dips at the ready... oh...
 and did I mention HOMEMADE cinnamon rolls?!  Divine!  
 I always love the mornings before things get cranking.  There were two different tiers of payment this go round. One for those who stayed in the house, and one for those who didn't.  In the mornings, though, is one of those times that it pays to stay!  There is such a fun little feeling of camaraderie with the group at breakfast.  Everyone is up and fresh and excited.
 As I was strolling around checking things out, I happened upon this!  Suzy and my friend, Angie, who came over simply to serve, had this painting station ready to rock!!  I have recently learned this from Suzy.... painting outdoors is called Plein Art.  We'll be offering a kids' class this summer where they'll be painting outdoors on easels, and likely doing mostly architectural renditions.  So... now you know.
 Anyhoo.  Those girls had us ready to rock and roll!
 Meanwhile, back in the circle of love, we passed our journals around for everyone to have the opportunity to write little notes in each participants' handmade journal.  A little something about what they'd learned or discovered about the other over the weekend.  Something appreciated.
 Here is Maria from Houston.
 And Pat for Ohio.  And Megan from Houston.  And Lisa and Jenn from Alexandria.
 This is one of my favorite parts.  It's all quiet and focused, and we are just honoring one another with out words.
 Finally, the last painting of the weekend.  I asked Suzy to teach this one.
 Sarah, the photographer I hired for the weekend, was gathering the journals for one last photo of the finished products.
 Gabbi Girl was inside having her OWN paint party!
 She was so quiet, but I knew she had come and asked me to tie her apron.  When I went looking for her, I saw her quietly on the floor of the art room doing her own art.  I sorta love that!
 Gabbi doesn't need big crowds.  (like her sister and I do).  She is content to just sort of do her own thing, without a big crew.
 The ladies were doing a decoupaged sunshine painting.  And speaking of the sister who needs a crowd.... there she is participating like she was one of the ladies!!  Right alongside Fancy Nancy from Kansas.
 Crytal from California, ended up taking her sweet rental car (she lucked into a black camaro!!), and went down to explore Louisiana a bit more.  She went to Baton Rouge, and I totally enjoyed her photo documentation of being in New Orleans for the few days following the event.  She is even now saying she liked Louisiana so much that she is moving here!
 Miss Faye kept her sunshine simple, as she wanted to use it in her cottage at the beach in Ocean Springs, MS.  which just happens to be the site of the next art retreat.  I'm going there this week to check out a beach house.  Anyone interested?  Speak up.  I can only take about 8, I think.
 So, MoJoy Color Splash 2015 came to a close.

 I felt like a good time was had by all.
 Ellie did a little maintenance on someone's necklace that needed repair.  (LOL!!  She kills me)
 And Miss Pat, in the background, ended up staying an extra three days with me, as she and I have a project to work on together, and needed some one-on-one time.  We are considering writing a book together.
 This was Jennifer's SEVENTH MoJoy Retreat.  I am so grateful she continues to come back and bring her good energy and enthusiasm!
 And after that many, she has literally watched my girls grow up!  She even took them to school for me last year on the day of the event!!
 We closed the event with a selfie.  Lots learned.  Lots of growth.  A little bit of confidence gained in the area of art.  yep... it was a success!!
Looking forward to the next one.



  1. such fun. I could feel it with your words

  2. It is great to see the fun and energy of these personalities! I am sure that everyone within a mile of your home and studio could attest to that! Nothing better than that! Thanks for sharing! Mama J
