Saturday, March 7, 2015

It was a Heartfelt weekend.

So, I was just barely off the plane from Tucson, and I knew I had to hit the ground running!  The grind was back in full swing.  Ellie and Gabbi are now officially bus riders, which really does make things smoother in the am. 
Suzy and I had committed to doing a booth at a heartfelt conference, which is nationwide, and may be known by some of you as Hear to Home.  It is a Christian mentoring program, where older Christian women mounter younger women.  And they meet in homes for fellowship.

We decided we'd be stamping jewelry at the booth, which as it turned out was a huge hit!  She and I both wore a bracelet to "advertise".  I had just been made aware of a book which I have actually been reading on my current Colorado trip.  It is called Linchpin.  I think perhaps i'll do a whole blog post on that book.  I LOVE it.  I love the author, Seth Godin.  And I LOVE that it talks about being an "artist" at work every day regardless of what your actual job "description" is.
I bet I stamped 100 bracelets that weekend!  (I know I keep changing tense when I am typing.  Sorry. Trying to tell old stories in present tense.)
ANyhoo,  Suzy and I had never done a booth together nor with the MoJoy stuff.  So. We sort of just got a whole bunch of stuff from the studio, loaded into the back of our cars and started hauling!
Lots of people came by the booth, and lots and lots wanted a custom bracelet.  Some with their favorite scripture, some with their word of the year, some with their kids names.
I sat toward the back of the booth and hammered my little heart out.  Suzy was a ROCK star, meeting and greeting.  She was in her ZONE!
There we are!

We also donated a canvas to our friend, and founder of Heartfelt ministries, Joneal Kirby.  We had a sign up asking people to sign the canvas, either letting Joneal know what the weekend had meant to them or with a note about where they'd come from.  There were people from all over the country!
We sold several of  our new tees too.  I'm pretty sure they are available on our website.  OH>.. more planners are in too!!  I am going to offer a phone conference to those who are getting the planner and want more info on how to use it. It'll likely be in a week or so.  If you are intereted in being on that call, contact Suzy at the above website.  I believe there is an email link.  Or call the studio, 318-884-8334.
I had a bunch of my FAVE African paper beads.
And after they chose their cross color and word for their bracelet, we let them choose the color ribbon strand they wanted.
We had lots of journals for sale, but the tiny paper notebooks really sold the best!!
Tina Michele, the artist we have make the books and journals for us will be attending the Mozart Retreat in May.  I already have three signed up and ready to rock! I'm excited for the one who've been before, as they give me insight into projects we've done before that they'd like to see repeated (and if you have an opinion on this email me!!, and the new ones bring a whole new excitement to the table!

And if you'll remind me, I'll make sure EVERYONE at the retreat gets one of these new window stickers.
For a first time effort, I'd say our booth turned out pretty inspiring!
It, for SHO, stayed busy!!

Suzy represented MoJoy so well, and allowed me to sit back and pound out jewelry.  We made a pretty good tag team!
On metal and leather!
More on this event tomorrow.



  1. For a first time booth set up I think it looks great. Sounds like this would have been a great event to be at. I love how you always include many great items that motivate people; such as the bracelets and journals.

    I'll have to look into that book 'Linchpin' sounds like it would be a good one for me.

    What an unique idea with the canvas. I bet it was greatly appreciated. Loving all your post and can't wait to hear about your adventures. Both the daily and your trips.

  2. I love those types of events! You always find the most unique items! You guys look like pros, not first timers! I love all of the elements you bring to every single interaction, you have truly merged all of your loves and strengths.

    Keep goin' gurl, you're blessing the world!

  3. Looks great and I bet you had a ball! I would have helped you hammer lol. I have been researching dog tags for my new pup and stamped metal is very popular. Thought I may like to learn, but it would just be cheaper and easier and quicker to order one online. May be something you want to offer your pet peeps or something different to gift your inner circle. Pinterest has a ton of them for ideas.

  4. My team here at CFA read Purple Cow by Seth Godin. It's about transforming your business by thinking "out of the box"....great author! The booth looked awesome by the way!
