Friday, February 20, 2015

Yep. I can make friends ANYWHERE!

When Jessi realized she wouldn't be able to go with me to Tucson, she admitted that if it was anybody else, she would really feel she had let them down.  BUT... because it was me, she fully expected me to go on out there anyway and make friends, and go about my business.  Welllll, let's just say, she was exactly right!!  

Enter the margarita!
Nah.  I'm just kidding!!  I actually had a friend who lived about an hour and a half south of Tucson who was coming in on Sunday to pick up one of her friends at the Tucson Airport.  I had contacted her prior to flying out west.
This is Dorothy.  She is a John Maxwell team member, and she and I have kept in contact, basically via Facebook.  She was also present at the Turning Point Seminar I attended in Atlanta, GA, in the fall.  Remember the one where I was up on a ropes course?! Well, Dorothy was in my group!
Each one of us in the JMT have our "niche", I guess you could say.  Some of us love the coaching side, some love to train/facililtate businesses (I lean toward that), and some are the public speakers.  Dorothy finds her lane there!!  She was even chosen (there is a process, and one must submit a video and be chosen) to speak on stage at the live event the last time I was there.  This was not her only time to be chosen either.  She is a really great speaker.  She and I practiced our upcoming speeches on one another right there in that Mexican Restaurant, in fact.

She also has a heart for the military wife.  She, herself, being one, she understands the unique hardships which come with the deployments and frequent moves, and really feels a pull toward helping these women through her own experience for more than 30 years. (or longer?  Hers was a  Lieutenant Colonel, if I remember correctly).  She's written a book, and for the life of me, I cannot recall the name.  Sorry, Dorothy!!  But I have a feeling you could google Dorothy Bonvillain, and you'll find it.
She and I had such an in-depth conversation.  You know how it is when you come across a like-minded friend?!  She even came back to my hotel room so I could share with her my planner and a book I was using to learn to do better presentations.

Not sure how this quote got nestled in here, but hello there...
I had the opportunity to tell her all about my 11's, and lo and behold, it showed up for me, as it usually does when I am "honoring" it.
When she left, I whipped out some magazines and found some more jewelry inspiration.
I bought lots of old keys in Canton in the fall.  So, I think we need to be making some of this fabulosity!
If you follow my girlies on Facebook, I am sure you got a kick, as I did, over Todd's unique posing of the girls every day.  And where in the world did Gabbi get this coat?!  Lord have mercy, Todd, did you not notice it's about 3 sizes too big?!
Well, by now, it is day three in Tucson, and I have on my agenda to get to the post office and get some of this weight out of my bag!!
I meandered my little self all over Tucson, and easily found the post office.
These flat rate boxes are the BOMB!!  I mean, beads and stones are HEAVY!!  But this flat rate that the USPS has you pay means stuff as much in there as you can, cause it will cost the same regardless.
I tried to take some pics of the mountains in the background, but I see they are pretty unimpressive in photo.  Oh well.. Tucson seems to be surrounded by mountains.

See those straight ahead?!  It is so odd for me to see them, cause we have nothing of the sort in Louisiana.  I mean a chunk of our state is actually BELOW sea level... thus the destruction of Hurricane Katrina several years ago.

Nor do we have hillsides of cacti!!  I know you can't really tell that here either, but believe me, there are cacti everywhere.  NOT my favorite scenic area.  I am not all that into limited vegetation or dry air or dirt.  BUT.... I DO love a good bead show!!  And the people are nice.
So... it's bright and early, and I am about to go to one of my favorite parts of the Tucson gem show... and I swing in here.  There is great parking, IF you eat here first.  Otherwise, they tow your butt!!  Soo.... I sacrificed!!
And that is where I met Mike!

Jessi, I guess you know me well.  Mike is from San Diego, and he and I ended up having great conversation, and even left Waffle House together and did some pillaging and hunting together at African Village next door!!
Yep, as I've mentioned, my number one strength (Strengthfinder 2.0) is WOO.  Winning Others Over.  We, wooers, love to meet people.  We love the challenge of making friends wherever we go.  When I am hiring, (and I have every single applicant take the strength finder test), I always perk up at a fellow wooer.  It's not a highly common strength, but I always know that person will have no trouble fitting in with the staff or making a connection with the patients.  I can also usually expect that person would be comfortable marketing or going out of the clinic to meet people on behalf of the group.  So, THAT, my friends, is your daily PSA!

Tomorrow, I take you to African Village!!  But first, our question...

What has been your favorite age so far, and why?

Mine... 45.  That is this past year.  I know myself better every year.  I feel more and more comfortable in my own skin.  I love being an adult and know that I am getting better at it. I am free to go and do, and I have a husband who supports my free spirit.  I am confidently following my gut to pursue my dreams, with an art studio, teaching leadership, freeing myself from a confining schedule, and being more present for my children.  I love being a mama.  I love being a wife.  I love being an artist.  I love inspiring others through teaching personal growth information and speaking opportunities. It fills my bucket to see my leadership team at MMPT take the reins and run a business the way I am confident it should be run... with passion and love and responsibility.   I know I am making a difference in other people's lives, and that is fun and fulfilling to me.  YOU?!



  1. Not that I don't love life right now, but my favorite age was 27. Two years after finally finding the courage to end a tumultuous marriage, I married my best friend and soul mate. We grew in faith together, he helped heal my broken heart, and he loved my young daughter as his own. We went on to have two more children together. I thank God for the many blessings in my life, countless times a day!
    I guess you could say, I started over, living my life at 27.

  2. Think I'll have to look into Dorothy's book. Sounds like a pretty inspiring person.

    It's really hard to pick a best age. I think each age has great moments and low moments. Truthfully I usually forget how old I am until my birthday comes around each year. Proud of my age but live by thought you are only as old as you feel. If I picked an age it might be when I was 27 (more for the year of 2007) That was a big year for us. After three miscarriages the previous year I finally had a viable pregnancy and had my first son. I reconnected with some friends that are still a part of my life now. I was blessed with 4 incredible woman that stood beside me as I faced ups and downs. Their support brought me closer to God, gave me new perspectives of life, and reminded me what true friendship involves. This was also the year I moved back to my hometown. I remember always thinking I couldn't wait to get out of this town. Moving back has allowed me to be with my whole family several days a week which as you know how great that feels. I've been able to take my children to the places I went to growing up. Also we have an incredible home that is open, creative, and always busy. Of course this year was also special because I got to see my husband become a father which is such a wonderful experience.

  3. 41 - the year with all the horrible medical maladies! Without that year, I would never have come out the other end being willing to do new things and be more adventurous and appreciate everything more. I made a promise to myself to do something every month of this year I would normally not do. So far I am doing well with that!,

  4. Hoping 45 is good for me, too - my birthday is Friday. I'm thinking every year just gets better. I, like you, love being an adult. Now having grown children (and an almost grown) I'm SO SO SO looking forward to empty nest. Our oldest was 3 when we married - and THAT is a story in itself. Totally a God thing. I'm sure you could read a whole lot more into our story. It's a good one. Hoping this is a great year - also celebrating 25 years of marriage in October. Looking forward to it.

  5. I think my favorite age so far was 60. On August 31 of that year I had a whopping huge heart attack that totally changed my life. I was told in no uncertain terms to slow down. Really s l o w down. So, I did. And, it is wonderful. I make time to do the things I want to do. And, I want to do so much! I realize every day, every hour, is a gift, and I intend to love every minute.
