Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The remainder of Day one!

Guess what.. I skipped a whole bunch of stuff on day one.  This was a blog post I actually skipped on accident.  Let's go back and pick up where we were SUPPOSED to leave off.

I believe we left off in the Tibetan booth!!  And so... we'll start here tonight!
 I L.O.V.E. these pendants (upside down pic!).  I bought a ton of them last year and the year before.  They go with EVERY outfit!!  I already have them on chain and ready for purchase in the studio!
 Is this not pure deliciousness?!
 I bought lots of strands of these wooden beads and am going to add very cool tassels to the ends of them.  They, too, will be available on the website soon, and in the studio, if you happen to be local
 It would be WAY easier to get through Tucson if you weren't' creative.  If you are, however, all you can do is think of the "what ifs".  What if I added a cute little tassel to these wooden beads that I have absolutely no use for in the world!  Ooooooh yeaaaaahhh.  Goooood ideaaaaa!!!  SOLD!
 There are booths that only sell fine gems ready to be set in mounts.  That's not my gig.
 Suzy got my girls nesting dolls from Russia for Christmas.  They LOVED them!!  They were hand painted!
 This booth had nothing but these.  It crossed my mind to get them another set, but really, they just got some, so I opted not to.
 Instead, I bought Gabbi a set of nesting cats.  Sorry, I didn't think to snap a pic!  And Ellie got a Russian doll sort of like these, but who has a music box insider her.  They were pleased with their souvies, so I guess I did well.

 ANd these little treasure boxes were like $2000 each!!  They were absolutely gorgeous, but I am not sure who could afford them!!
Pretty, yes.  Affordable, no!
Yo, Connie.  I'm at your booth!!  I always try to make the money you send me stretch as far as possible, so I know which booth I am going specifically for you!

I try to show the magnitude of one individual booth, but it really is just about impossible.  Here is a panoramic to try!
It's crazy the difference in strands.  For instance, there were some of these that I really loved.  And for 2 bucks for a whole strand.  Then you walk across the aisle and see a strand of faceted emeralds for, oh, $600 or so.  The whole thing is just kind of nuts.
See?   I think these are pretty!

And I LOVE these wooden beads.  I didn't buy any of these either.  But I sho nuff loved them.
Sooo. finally the night had come to an end, at least from a shopper's perspective.  and lo and behold, my hotel didn't have a restaurant.  BUT... the one next door did!!  And so, Finnegans it was!
This is where I usually stay.  But it was sold out by the time I decided to go for sure.
And...now that I've heard about Canyon Ridge... well, let's just say, I may never go back to the Doubletree again.  I am going to start saving for next year, now.  JESSI... you hear that?!  We are gonna be styling!!  So, start eating beans!
I grabbed my book, and of course, my pen (cause I don't just read!!  I have to totally write all in any book I'm reading!), and I headed into the bar.
I bellied right on up, cause as a singleton, I didn't want to preoccupy a table.
I'm not exactly sure what I had going on here, but it might be the first time I've noticed I have an old lady neck.  WHAAAATT?!!
Cool little joint.
Oooh.  I like this.  Seems, according to my photos in my cellphone, that I spent a little time on Pinterest while in that bar as well.

And isn't this so true?!  I was asked recently what my favorite year ever has been.  Would you believe the ones that came to mind were the ones where I went through some major disappointment or setback.  They've always been the years that led to something great!
And this little bird was on Pinterest too.  I think if I had to be an animal, I might pick this one.  I mean, who wouldn't want a permanent cobalt blue crown?!  Love it.
More on this trip tomorrow.



  1. Oh my, awesome but overwhelming! Since my first solo trip in Novemeber I think I want to make it a yearly thing, I loved it! I really like everything I just would just be torn on what to get.

  2. I love the bird!! Blue and orange are my favorite colors!! I sent you something on Pinterest one evening that made me think of you but I don't even know what it was now lol. It was one of those happening right now don't need to remember it later things lol
