Thursday, December 4, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

Last weekend the fan took Christmas pics in the backyard.  While we were there, a "friend" of mine, Santa, messaged me when he saw our pics on Facebook and said, "When are y'all going to come see Santa?"  Miss Ellie Sue saw this and pestered the fire out of me until I obliged.  

And am I ever glad we went!!
Santa was set up at the Northeast Louisiana CHildren's Museum. This is a little gem of a place which we have not given enough of our time. 
 There were cookies to decorate.
 And sweet little Gabbi Girl decorated hers and took it right on over to Santa!!
 There was a train on a little track which was self-propelled, and both of the girls loved it.

 There was this contraption which requires to kid to pull herself up with her own upper body strength.  Gabs needed a little assistance.
 But she did NOT need assistance in this Kiddie Cafe!!  Buddy, she was IN HER ELEMENT!
 She met friends and immediately went into pretend mode with them, as if they were all waitresses at the same restaurant.  They would help each other fill orders, wash dishes, clean the tables, etc.
 The Kiddie Cafe had very short little tables and chairs.  I opted for the "sturdier" barstools.

Before too long, the restaurant was hopping!!  All the mamas and daddies sort of followed my lead of loudly saying, "Helllllooo... can I get a waitress over here, please?!"  And... "What is your daily special, ma'am?". 
 Gabbi made sure her mama was well fed!

 Soon, I was joined by this nice couple, and between the three of us, I am not sure how anybody else in the restaurant had anything to eat.
 Then came the announcement overhead that there was a snowstorm blowing in, and everyone should come to the snow section.
 And so we did!
 There was a dude way up high with what looked like a leaf blower, shooting snow all over the place. The girls were thrilled.
 All I could think was, "How am I going to get this out of their hair?!".
 As we headed toward the door, we passed the hospital.  Gabbi put on her lab coat and proceeded to do a full check up on me.
 First I had to get in the ambulance (Yes, it's a real ambulance!).
 Gabbi's assistant made sure I was strapped in and ready to be transported.
 And Gabbi made sure we sped through traffic to get me to the ER!  haha
 (Ellie got preoccupied by another display nearby.  She was amazed by how she could make an imprint of her entire body with these pixel deals.
 ACK!  I am now on the operating table!!
 Once I was healed, we had to swing by the jailhouse.
 But that was not the BEST thing we did at the museum.  Nope!!  THIS was!
 They had a faux ice rink, and Gabbi remembered this from last year in Gulf Shores.  She LOVED it!
 And this time, even Ellie seemed to have a good time.  They met a friend, and stuck together like glue.

 Would you look at this trick?!

 So, this is the main takeaway and public service announcement for anyone local.  All of the things we did on this night cost us around $30.  I inquired about the Family Membership I saw a pamphlet of in the foyer.  A YEAR membership for a family of four costs $125.  And if I bought it then, the $30 would be waived for the day.  I thought... this sounds like a pretty good deal, so I bought it.  And guess what... they went back the very next day for "Free".  Of course, I understand that it was not exactly free, but I am already $60 into my investment after two days.  And I have the entire summer to send them as many times as they want for inside entertainment.  My summer sitter is going to be pumped!
 There are also a few exclusive "Membership parties" that sound like they'll be pretty special too.  I am giving this to my girls for Christmas.  Just throwing the idea out there for anyone interested.  Tell em Melanie sent ya!
 On our way home, we decided to cruise through downtown West Monroe.  I LOVE my little town!
 They are increasingly going all out to make the holidays special.   A particular favorite is the musical light show.  These lights above the main drag blink in concert with Christmas music being played loudly along the route.

 I could drive through it every night.  Very festive.  Gets me in the spirit of the season.
Hey Jen, if you're reading, this will be a great thing for Sam to do when he gets his first home pass!!  No foreign germs in the car!!  And LOTS to look at!!

I am ready for Christmas.  I don't think I've ever had a busier schedule going into the season.  But, as is pretty normal for my personality, I LOVE it like that.   What fun do you have scheduled?  I'd love to hear about it.



  1. I watched the video you posted of the "restaurant", that place is adorable! Family a four yearly pass sounds like a steal.

    We have a few houses around that do the "dancing" lights, I bet an entire downtown area is awesome.

    I have a sock exchange/ugly christmas party Saturday night; next Saturday an ornament exchange; a work party at some point, hopefully a few nights of hot chocolate and riding looking at lights. :) love Christmas time!

  2. WOW - looks like a lot of fun.

    Mo-are you going to have a January journal? I really want to have a new one for the new year. I hope so.

  3. What FUN! And girls in cute matching Christmas outfits!!
