Saturday, May 24, 2014

A few inspiring quotes

On nights like this when it is after midnight (I think) and I am exhausted, I am thankful for those nights I stayed up and loaded pics that I thought might make a fun blog post someday!!  We made it to the beach.  All SIX of us girls.  Mary Allison is with us, and we have two new babysitters along for this journey.  There is just so much to do at the Beach Club, and my girls are so different.  I like the "divide and conquer" attitude, and having plenty of willing "adults" or at least "older teens!!" to be ready at their whim is pretty handy.  Todd decided he'd come later. 
I LOVE inspirational quotes!!  Many of you follow me on FB or Instagram, and know that my FAVORITE thing to post about is my girlies.  Right after that, it'd have to be positive affirmations.  I LOVE this one... 
WHY do we worry so much?!  Don't we know that when we put that fear, anxiety and worry in our heads, it makes the likelihood of a negative consequence increase?!  We are the "cause" to the situation's "effect".  We need to live with a spirit of abundance!  NOT scarcity!!  We have everything we need.  We can have anything we want.  But we cannot go around fearful and worried. 
Above... are you paying attention to the relationships in your life?! 

And below... this was something that came across my email, and for some strange reason I screen shotted it.  I figure it is a course that I was interested in signing up for continuing education hours.  But since I am sitting here talking about Herman and Wallace seminars, have I mentioned that I passed my certification exam to receive my Pelvic Floor Practitioner Certification?! 
Remember when mom and I went to Lafayette for the night?!  I had about 6 weeks to study for the exam.  I was worried it wouldn't be enough.  I passed!!  I am the only pelvic floor certified therapist in Louisiana.  And because this is a new certification, actually, there aren't very many of us in the country.  Pretty cool, huh!?
Just sayin'!

I love this one...
Funny how some might call it "naïve". I can think of one glaring situation right now.  I am not being "naïve" about the person using me or being pretty neglectful in their side of the relationship!  I recognize it clearly.  But I have definitely come to the place where I know that I can "only do me".  I cannot control someone else's actions.  I have to do what I feel is right and I have to let things go that I do not have control of.  And that most certainly includes the behavior of others!!  And THAT, is one thing, that makes a leader.

Yeah... kinda like I was saying before... what are you afraid of?!  Just take a leap.  No other person has been gifted with the same strengths or gifts as you. You have an "assignment".  Are you going to fulfill it?!
Let's take a break from my heavy talk... ahhhhhh... I would love it if my condo was this gorgeous! 
I talk to my chronic pain people all the time about this... in case you can't read it, I particularly love this part..."If you are feeling a little unwell, don't talk about it- unless you want more of it."  People sometimes seem to "want" their pain.  It's like a security blanket to them.  We can go along way toward healing ourselves by changing our thinking. 
I pin the strangest things!!  And I hope it's a long time before Ellie sees this.  Todd=green.  Mel=blue.  Ellie=brown.  Gabbi=green.  Therefore Ellie's brown eyes are an impossibility with regards to genetics, and dominant/ recessive eye color.  Random.  I know.
ANd that concludes my totally off the wall blog post for the night.  I hope to have my "assistant", Mary Allison, upload all my beach pics for me while I'm here.  She bought a printer for me, and we should be hooking it up tomorrow, so we can start printing pics for my annual beach mini album.  I also have mucho projects to get rolling on tomorrow.  First up, I am going to solidify the curriculum for my upcoming lettering class.  Mary Allison also thinks she can get it to where she could potentially make it into an online course with videos.  I need someone with her savvy on the computer around me all the time!!  I have the ideas, just not the know how.  So, maybe... you'll be seeing some online classes soon.  And maybe, just for kicks, some weekly inspirational videos, so you can marvel at my intense southern drawl!  (for all you northern readers!)

Happy weekend!


Amy K said...

Woot Woot! Love to hear you moving forward on the online classes, in your last paragraph! Yay for MA's techie-ness!

Your perspective on on...thanks for sharing!

Cherry said...

Y'all have fun....

Debbie Dankelson said...

Love this post. I do love your thinking on worry. It causes anxiety and it's something I really need to work on. I sure wish you'd write a book!

Cassie12 said...

Love that Southern drawl. B can't wait to hear you talking on here!!! B have fun!!!
Redwood City, CA

Mbeaty19 said...

I always love your random quote posts. They always leave me thinking and enjoy your insight you share. It's so hard sometimes to remember to let go of the negative (be it an unfavorable situation, an illness/pain, or even just worrying) I think you made a lot of great points in this post and I'm certainly going to print out several of the points you made as a reminder.
That's so cool about your prestigious certification.

Unknown said...

Long time follower, first time commenter. I suffer from chronic pain from Fibromyalgia and trust me, I don't want to carry this pain around for 1 second longer. I'm only 41 and I've been dealing with it for 12 long years. The hardest part is I have 2 baby girls who are 5 & 12 who need a mommy who doesn't hurt all the time. I refuse to take pain pills b/c I don't want to trade 1 problem for another. Sorry to dump all this on you but maybe you can help me with a new word that will give me some hope that things will get better for my family soon. Thanks Mel, you're a real inspiration. I'd love to meet you some day. If I win the lottery and can get my medical bills paid off, I can probably come out to one of your art retreats. I'd love that :)

melanie, aka Mo said...

Where do you live? I wish I could work with you! Chronic pain patients, at my office, are my favorites.

kimybeee said...

Looking forward to videos!

Unknown said...

Oh Mel, I live in VA. So, so wish I lived closer so you could be my PT.:)

Bonnie N. said...

I'm also a long time follower. Since Caringbridge. I don't comment very often but I check the blog everyday. I have had Fibromyalgia for 7 years. It's a horrible "invisible" disease. I have a 13 year old and an 11 year old. So some days is harder than others to keep up with them. So glad to know there is other alternatives in the area! Thank you for inspiring me every day!

Unknown said...

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