Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My beautiful Gabbi Girl

We're almost finished with dancing pics, I swear.  But seriously, LOOK at my baby's hair!
We are dangerously close to my needing to hold her hair when she is in a public restroom so it doesnt' get in the commode.
Too graphic?  Sorry.  But hair in a commode is just nasty.
Gabbi is finally finding her independence and quite frankly I am loving it.
She sort of lives in her big sister's (by a whole 13 months mind you) shadow. And she's been happy to be there.  I am glad that she is sort of wanting to spread her own little wings as of late.

Here's Miss Linda.  She is owner/ operator of our dance studio and director of our ballet company.  Also my dance teacher since I was three years old.  Can you fathom that?!  She is also Johnnye's (of Johnnye and Paula next door fame) mom.
Oh.  And Linda Lou's mom.
SO precious.
I'm so blessed to be her mama.


Holly said...

What a CUTIE! You are truly BLESSED!

Mbeaty19 said...

So great seeing Gabbi striking out into her own independence. I know what it's like when the 'momma' child starts to go out on their own. Such a big happening!

Love Gabbi's long hair but hope bathroom issue never becomes a reality.

I love how everyone in your life circle is connected like Ms. Linda - Johnnye, dance teacher, studio owner

Kathryn said...

Such a cutie! I understand about toilet hair. That is when our DD's hair was trimmed. If hair was long enough to hang below the rim of the toilet, it was trimmed up a bit. No biggie.

Diana said...

Hi Mo~ Yes indeed you are blessed with both your girls! You hit the jackpot for sure. They are both beautiful inside and out. Have a wonderful Easter,
Diana from Colorado

Theresa Shirley said...

Hi Mo--I JUST finished catching up with all your posts! Been reading in my "spare" time at work (haha) for two days. Had to go all the way back to January. It was like a breath of fresh air to read all the happiness & fun of your life! I'm still determined to make it to a retreat one of these days. Just wanted to say "Hey" & glad I caught up with the blog!
Theresa (from Georgia)