Mojoy followers, it is my turn to give you an insight of my experiences
at MoJoy Art Retreat Colorfinder1.0 Nov. 8-10, 2013. My name is Pam
Mosley from Jonesboro,
year was the first time I had heard of Melanie hosting art retreats and
my daughter, Jill & I both wanted to attend. However, we felt it
would not be feasible
as her son, Gaines, has been in therapy at Melanie’s and at that time
he was mostly cared for by one of us. I didn’t want to attend without
Jill and she didn’t want to leave Gaines. So, we waited (pause), and
waited (pause) and waited until another retreat
was announced.
introduced me to Melanie’s blog in Sept of this year. Have I been
missing out or what?!? Anyway, Jill said, “If you would accept the
retreat as my Christmas
Present, I will buy it for you!” How awesome is that?
So, off I go “without anyone to hold my hand” and venture out all by myself which is very unusual for me.
After arriving at Melanie’s and choosing my bunk, I came to realize we had several returning ladies from previous retreats.
Next year, I won’t be one of the Rookies!
As we introduced ourselves and began the retreat- I felt so at ease and ready to “soak up” some growth!
listened to John Maxwell speak on the radio several times and was
expecting some insight & I was not disappointed. When we were going
over the “Law of Environment”
I heard a profound statement, “When you take charge of your life, you can quit asking others for acceptance.’ Being #6 of 7 children, I
ALWAYS look for acceptance. Hmmmmmm
would really be hard to choose which craft/art was the most fun and
enjoyable. I love the leather wrap bracelet and I applied a scripture
from John 11 - …but
for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it. God uses circumstances we go through to help grow us. All to His glory.
loved the, as I called it, Paint N Pass. When I was first handed the
blank canvas and rub-ons, I thought, “what am I going to do? I can’t
destroy this canvas?”
So, I just made 2 long green streaks – green, because I am growing,
applied the rub-ons and as stated above Paint N Pass. So goodbye
canvas, on to the next person and tool.
The relief didn’t last long, now I had someone else’s canvas and I didn’t want to damage it. Yikes!
By the time I was on the 3rd canvas, painting or blobbing or scraping or whatever tool we used, I was letting go – absorbing the creative environment
I had found myself in.
My painting went around the room to everyone.
Christy added the red
Riley added – BLOOM
Others continued to add their personal talent to my canvas. Loved it!
When the picture came back around and it was time for Melanie to work her magic she said, “I think this is a flower.”
agreed then she said, What kind do you want?” I immediately replied,
“A rose and I would like a border”. She agreed and with her artist’s
eye and just a few
seconds – Ta Da, it was done. And, as everyone heard me say, my
painting is the BEST! I absolutely adore the message on it.
Law of Awareness says – You must know yourself to grow yourself. My
painting said- Always BLOOM! As the weekend unfolded, I was realizing
the need to be more
aware of my strengths and weaknesses, my interests and opportunities.
As the grandmother of the group, I was aware, you are NEVER too old to
learn these things and focus on your purpose and passion.
Saturday morning we hit the ground running. It was non-stop action all day long:
Christmas canvas, ornaments, key/jewelry board, more jewelry – Look at my stash.
You didn’t expect me to write on this this blog without showing my grandchildren did you? Meet Kinley and Gaines Aldy.
am always busy. Who isn’t? Family, church and crafting are BIG parts
of my life. I related to the John Maxwell “lesson”: on the Law of
Intentionality. We
cannot assume we will automatically grow just by osmosis. One thing
Melanie said was, “You are more likely to act yourself into a feeling
than feel yourself into an action.” Isn’t this so true? Can’t we feel
bad the longer we think about feeling bad?
Takes a little longer to pull ourselves out of the ditch once we are in
it. So, I have to be more intentional in every aspect of my life.
Saturday night we ate at the Warehouse (Love their food!).
chatted with Rita Spillers, the pianist, and then began to sing Amazing
Grace in the middle of the restaurant! 1. Wish I could carry a tune.
2. Would
I ever be bold enough to do that? Another thing to ponder! By the
way, SHE WAS GREAT! We all joined in!
Sunday morning we made it to the infamous cottage and it didn’t disappoint.
The lesson was on stretching – 3 quotes made an impact on me:
It’s never too late to be what you might have been.
If you won’t be better tomorrow than today, then what do you need tomorrow for?
Stretching changes indifference into make a difference.
I stated before, my family, God and crafts are my life. I used this
weekend to learn new & better ways to PLAY! What fun we had.
leaving we all wrote notes to each other in our journals. I have an
old book from my GA camp days and this 56 year old grandmother now has a
new “camp”
book (journal) to cherish. I will look back at the new friends, new
crafts, time of growth & awareness and I did it all by myself. No
one came along to hold my hand, it was all about ME. This was a new
adventure and I LOVED IT!
Goals I made for the next year –
before I leave, did I tell you while I was at the retreat, my husband
killed an 11 point buck at his hunting lease? Biggest one he has ever
killed, just had
to share! We both came home with trophies that weekend.
A BIG Thank You to my wonderful daughter and family for gifting me this Fantastic Experience!
If you are still reading…thanks for keeping up with me.

I love your experience and the way you shared it! Nobody likes to be the stranger in the room, but you embraced it and used your weakness and turned it into a strength. I am not into the personal growth stuff, but you made it sound fun!
I LOVE how you stepped out of your box and went to the retreat!! That's fantastic! I have a hard time doing that. So glad you had an awesome time. Your family is beautiful and woo hoo for the 11 point buck!! What a weekend!!
Awesome recap of your experience at Mo's retreat! You lack nothing in articulating for others to absorb every minute of your experience! Great job!
You depicted the retreat wonderfully in this post, Pam! I'm grateful that our paths crossed that weekend, and our new found friendship can grow from there.
Blessings to you, from afar...
Thanks for sharing - I felt like I was right there with you. Pretty awesome family you have too . I knew your canvas was a flower and then to see what Mo did to it - just blew me away.
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