Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Birthday, Don Don.

First off... hilarious!  Shannon was the first to notice.  But I intentionally didn't make any sort of comment regarding the fact that I served those pre-scored cookie dough squares.  I didn't exactly "bake" per se.  I wondered who might really actually read every word!  ha.  ANd there it was... busted!  Good catch, girls!
Bro-in-law, Don, had a birthday at the end of July.  His mama passed away on his birthday, some of you might remember, while Jake was at St. Jude, so he typically likes to celebrate a few days later.
And Pops did it right!  He made us some smokin' good steaks!

And look who got to celebrate with us this year... little Miss Sydney.  She is totally beautiful.
And so is she!
And her!
We looked around our packed table, and realized that we were all in there just a chompin on our spread, and where was Don?  The birthday boy?  He was out on the porch eating by himself.
I don't really think anyone was too worried by that though.  Let the eating continue!
This is Rachel, Hayden's baby mama. I mean, what else do you say these days?!  It is what it is.  Good thing she is so sweet and we all love her to pieces!!  She's doing a great job with sweet Sydney, and is continuing to pursue her degree in pharmacy.

All the littles are pretty cuckoo over her.  Gabbi is especially smitten!
We had actually brought Gabs's birthday hat over for the birthday boy to wear in his birthday photo op.
And there it is!!
Happy Birthday, Don.



Unknown said...

I miss Don! You know, from the CB days. I love that your family celebrates everyone and every occasion.

Hope your birthday was awesome, Don!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Don!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Don!!!!!

Amy K said...

Happy Birthday, Don!

Anonymous said...

Is the painting party still on for Friday?!?! What time do we show up? I'm so excited!

Lisa said...

Happy belated birthday to Don - what a good sport he is! And how darling is little Sydney!

jenny said...

I wondered about you baking those cookies, Mo! And hey, with cooking, cheating is allowed. Way to go.

melinda marie said...

Happy Birthday, Don! How about Sydney's Mama? :)

snekcip said...