Thursday, August 22, 2013

Gabs and Mama combined art

Let's take a break and look at mine and Gabbi's latest joint venture.  We've been creating art together.  Gabbi Lou does the background (above note the hot pink, purple in the bottom left hand corner and of course, her favorite... black!  I come in and paint on one side while she continues the background somewhere else.  I added scallops, feathers, and circles in this particular painting.  Then, I help her load a sponge brush, and she makes her "drips".
I gotta tell you... I am IN LOVE with the outcome.  It was hard to believe in the above painting that she didn't add some black.  I think I hid it from her.  She still went with a dark brown!  And on this one, we used a circle stencil (see above right and left hand corners), which I held while she spritzed with a tinted ink.
I love that there are often little surprises in her paintings.  Can you find them in the one above?!
If you've seen Brave, you know that the red-headed heroine is Merida.  She is the smiley facey figure at the midto upper left side, of course in black.  And below her to the left is Merdu, the mean ol nasty bear who is depicted by Gabs with a frowny face.

I guess I felt the need to lighten the mood with a few flowers and happy circles.
When I tell you she gets all ZEN like, I mean big time!
This is how they start.  See that black zigzag "Z" above?  and note the royal blue strip just to the side of it.
Can you locate it in this picture too!?  I got a little flower crazy on this one!!  But, I L.O.V.E. that it is our work combined!!  And I really like that she did all the drippies in coral.  I loves me some coral!
I guess for every time Gabbi chooses black, I probably choose turquoise.   So, to each her own.
And here's another... purple and black as her go to background colors, apparently.
I've been posting them on Instagram, so for some of you, this is a repeat showing!
And here's another one.  I intended to use this one as a gift for a fundraiser. See all those cool shapes Gabs gave me to start working around?  As she continued to paint, I started choosing a "blob" to paint OVER.
And just to the right of the heart, well, I think that she said that was me.  See the light pink!?
It started coming together slowly, but we haven't quite finished this one.
Yo, Trey.  In the case that you ever read my blog, had I not had to go out of town before the donation was required, this was going to be at YOUR auction!
I had so much fun with this that I actually thought it would be fun to have an art night for about 6 or so mama/ daughters. I think it would be awesome bonding time, and what a fun finished product to hang in your home!  I haven't been able to get rid of any of these yet, because I love them too much, but I am working on getting an art show set up for this cute little project.

I'd thought tentatively Friday, September 6th.  If anyone is interested, let me know. I am thinking $60/couple.  If you are an out of towner and want to stay the night, make it $100, and you can have food and a warm bed too.  This is a small price to pay for all your art supplies and a masterpiece such as this. As you can see, I don't think that there is such a thing as too young.  Gabbi's "blobs" are perfect background material.  And I will also have a variety of ideas for mamas who are already worried about the foreground.  You can do it! So... anyone interested?!
Tomorrow, I'll show you some of the Gabster's independent works!  :)



kimybeee said...

I would so totally love to come play one day!!!

I think I would need a month.

I would want to get to know you and your whole family that I have been watching for years.

I would want to go to all your clinics and meet all those people and see your work.

You would totally have to introduce me and the fam to the duck dudes as I call them. lol

I would want you to show me some of the places you like to visit and hang out.

We would have to hang out with the fords and all the dance people and the friends and tweens and anybody else you have ever mentioned.

I would probably let you try out your jm spiel on me lol lol

Then it would take another month just to play with all the artsy fartsy stuff.

And I would want it to be late fall into Christmas decorating so I could play with all that stuff too!!!!!

Wow - I may need to rent a place to stay lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

What great memories you are making with your precious girls'!!

Cassie12 said...

Oh my gosh Mo....I wish I could come with my Sofia...she would love it....can't do that day though....maybe in the spring if you do it again!!! Headed to Africa the 22 of Sep for 3 weeks and it's a biggie for me...I might have to take her Mama with me too....she loved our time when we came the last time!!!
Love your blog....continue to read best friend was just diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma (the one who has lupus) Busy with her right now too. Hate that cancer!!
Hugs to you - keep the great blog posts coming!!!
Redwood City, CA

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I have a 7 year old this would be such a fun mommy/daughter thing. Do I need to send a deposit?

Anonymous said...

I have another mommy/daughter that's in too. Just let me know what we need to do.

melanie, aka Mo said...

Here's my list:
Becky and Karissa
Amanda and daughter
Stacey and Emma Claire
Leslie and Ruby
Jessie and O (maybe)

Susan, I'm thinking Bout an entire weekend of mother/daughter, so hang tight!!

melanie, aka Mo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathryn said...

I love the G and M! That big girl is a wonder!

jenny said...

Love the stuff you and Gabbi created together. But my big question is... where was Ellie that day? I just can't fathom her being around and NOT being right in the thick of things! Have fun with your girlies. God bless.

Becky said...

the pictures are wonderful.

snekcip said...

Bre and I would LOVE to come!! Let me know what dates you got!!

Anonymous said...

add Angie & Sarah Kate

melanie, aka Mo said...

They're in!! See y'all Friday the 6th. Dee, you in?! And our class is full!

Kaia said...

Those turned out great and I like the fact that they are teamwork with your daughter!

snekcip said...

Is that Sept 6 Mo?

snekcip said...

Sorry about the late question about the date. I have had a busy week!! Just let me know!

melanie, aka Mo said...

Yea, Dee