Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Beach Book 2012 Finally finished

 So, I am not sure if I have posted this or not, but I took it with me on this beach trip to try and get it completed.
 A friend of mine manages a paint store.  She brought me these cardboard rectangles and said, "I don't know what you can do with these, but I figured you'd come up with something."  ANd I DID!
I used them last year when Todd, I and the girls all went to the beach in the spring, prior to Ellie going to kindergarten.  It was pretty desolate, and we loved it!
I put together this little scrapbook of wallet sized and smaller photos of our trip.

Some of these were oriented so that you can look at them upright, but some of them for whatever reason are sideways.  Just tilt your head and keep on rolling.

So, I am now going to stop typing and let you enjoy!

And this is the back cover.
A pretty big fat book to include so many tiny photos.  Look at it compared to my fist.
And YES I DO have this year's already completed too!!  I'll post this week.  I got some WORK done on this trip.  F.U.N. work!!

Hope you enjoyed.



Unknown said...

What a cool idea!!! Why oh why Mo can't I be creative like you????

Beth E. said...

The Senior Trip pic cracks me up, every time! Ha!

You did a great job with the scrapbook...lots of love and wonderful memories in all of those pictures. It's amazing to see how much the girls have grown and matured in the last year!

Tammy said...

I love it! Your so talented. Thanks for sharing your awesomeness with us!

Kathryn said...

I am so glad you are back to scrapping!

Bj said...

So sweet....memories you will treasure forever!! GREAT JOB MO!!
huggers, BJ

snekcip said...

Love it!!! I SO MISS your scrapbook postings!!!

Yvonne said...

Hey Mo-
Have you seen the paper bag mini scrap book? It is made from the small brown lunch size bags. I have one that was made for my son but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make one. I thought maybe you had an idea?

melanie, aka Mo said...

Angie, brang it on!! Would love to meet you.