Sunday, June 30, 2013

So She Thinks she can Dance

Oh my... the entertainment just keeps on coming!  Now, let me lay the foundation here by saying that this is the very day we got back from the beach!  We weren't home an hour before she'd already started trying on her dance clothes.
And by dance clothes, I mean, she likes to wear them the way she sees the big girls wear over her leotards and tights.
All drapey off the shoulder and such.  Believe me, she ain't going ANYWHERE with that belly hanging out of her shirt.  But, she was feeling pretty fly!
So, one by one, the outfits kept on coming.  She'd go to her room and return in a whole new get up.
Then, she'd start doing all kinds of modern dance moves.  She is quite creative when it comes to her dancing.
She watches all those "So You Think You Can Dance" dancers, and pretty much realizes that any good solo routine involves some rolling around on the floor, leaps, and lots of contorted body positions.

She has also been on a kick to improve her flexibility.  I don't talk to her about this, but she emulates Emma Lou and her big girl friends, by stretching, standing and doing a heel stretch, and pushing her foot up the wall in an inverted position, (picture a split up the wall).
I can say that I think she'll be a good little dancer someday, cause she really is dedicated to practicing it.

Yep.  This went on for some time!!
WHAT?!  Hands free?!!?

This is her standing heel stretch.  It's actually improved quite a bit since this picture.
I LOVE this picture.  It sums her up... like, "Ta daaaah... Am I great or what?!"  She doesnt' seem to have any issues with her self esteem at this point!  ha
This show included running and leaping, ...
and posing, and costume changes.
And finding the light in the room, and asking me to take a picture of her posing in it.

And then came THIS outfit.  We bought all of these at the dance competition she was a part of in March or so.  She'd never had any outfits quite so fabulous as these, and buddy, she was feeling super fine in them!!
She again, found the light and said, "Mama, take my picture like this."
Gotta admit, I love that above photo too!!

I guess every super star needs a break from time to time.  Hers were few and far between.
She was like the energizer bunny... she kept going and going and going!
And leaping and thrusting and spinning, and .....


Are you getting a feeling like you were here to witness it yourself?!
I hope so, that was what I was trying to accomplish.  Especially you, Holly!  Since you like to do MoJOy with your morning coffee.  Thought I'd give you a little morning entertainment! Like Cirque de Ellae'.
Gotta admit again... I like her turnout, her soft hands, and the softness/ rounding of her elbows/ shoulders.
So She Thinks She Can Dance!!  So do I!


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ellie Sue cracks me up

This child is a nut.  If you are my Instagram friend, you know that she has really been into selfies lately.  And this one, I felt, looked just like a picture that Elaina, Mary Allison's sister, sent me recently on Snapchat.  I screenshotted it, because I thought it looked so much like MA!
and then when my kid took this picture, I thought they looked just alike with regards to eyes and lips!!
One thing that was NOT cracking me up; however, was this knotted string in her hair!
MOre on that lately.  Ellie now selfies herself, herself and her cousin, herself and her dog, herself and her cat.... etc, etc, and so on.
There is typically a peace sign and lips puckering involved too.

This is the hair wrap we had done at the beach.  NEVER AGAIN!!  A lot like my lapband.
I finally just whacked it off with some scissors.  I'd HAD IT!!
ANd lo and behold, after I cut it off, (hair and all), I figured out the method to the hair braiding madness, and was able to UN DO what had been DONE.
I think next time, we'll just go for the glitter unicorn tatt.
Ok, I've got lots of blog pics loaded up now, so if I survive the Miss Louisiana Pageant tomorrow night, (more on that later), I'll be back to blogging daily this week.  ANd kimmy, did you ever get my message regarding contacting me about reading the entire caring bridge site recently?!  I need to talk to you.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Epic the Movie

Ok, so have you seen it yet?!  well, I did.  Last weekend.  In 3D!
And I even bootlegged a few photos of the big screen cause I could NOT get over how much I thought the daddy in the movie looked like Todd's Uncle Toby!
I mean, it was uncanny to me.  I wish I had an animated character who looked like me!
Todd didn't exactly see the resemblance!  But, hey.  It's a free world.

JinJIn pretty much goes to all movies involving four little girls.  And this one did.
Gabs, the usual non participator, was absent for this photo op.
But Ellie is always READY for ACTION!!
Short but sweet tonight.  Just got finished with the Miss Louisiana Pageant, it's almost 11:30, I have to read a chapter on leadership to teach to my crew at 7:30 am tomorrow, and then a full day of work... to do it all again tomorrow night.  Yep.  That's the way ol' Mo be rolling lately.  Tired.
Oh, and did I mention that yesterday I MADE MYSELF go to the doctor because I felt so absolutely horrible, and I had aspiration pneumonia!  Stupid reflux.  I swear it's gonna kill me.  I've changed meds.  I am having ANOTHER scope done soon, and I think I am getting this God awful lapband outta my body!!
