Ready for some randomness?! It seems I really, really like to screenshot pics of things that inspire me. But then again, INSPIRATION is one of my core values, so things that inspire me get to the very core of who I am and what is important to me! 
So, with that, sit back and enjoy this trip down random lane! And speaking of down a lane, I saw this on Pinterest, and LOVED the idea of it for those long road trips. Maybe when I buy my bus and fix it up for retreats (see photo a few pics down) , we can use these to keep us preoccupied on short excursions!!
I thought maybe I'd take the 31day meditation challenge with Deepak and Oprah, but never really did. I wanted to learn to meditate to slow my mind down, as the craziness of my life has caused some severe issues with memory and general brain disorganization. But, ironically, I have been too busy to meditate or to LEARN to meditate! haha
I pretty much loved this entire thing. Maybe one day when I buy my cabin in the mountains.....
This kind of cracked me up! KK, show John Wesley... this is him and his crew for sho!
Spring has sho nuff sprung!
And this is what it looks like every morning in car drop off line at Drew Elementary School.... I'm the official drop off parent. Todd is the official pick up parent!
Tagalongs. Nuff said!
fishs eddy. IN NYC, I think. Anyone been there? Someone I follow on instagram said it rocked. I think it's on my "list".
Ok, this is the cutest! ANd I forgot to do it for my girls. Dang!
Oh, I SOOOOO could do this! Maybe set up a mini art studio in the back and go from town to town doing art retreats. How cool would that be?!
I'm telling you if I have one of these beautiful make up girls on my phone, I have a thousand!! She designs each of their faces and saves EVERY one!!
These were the pics we put in Ellie's "u" letter bag we have to send each week on Wednesdays. For "U", we sent UGLY pictures! hahaha I am still cracking myself up over that one!
Hey Breanna, you still reading my blog?! If so, you need to add these to your arsenal. And if you are looking for party hats, check out Party Chic Boutique... tell her Mo sent you!
I think I might try that one!
I think I am gonna like the new Pope.
Do you remember when I posted the contest for whose yogurt was whose?! Well, the winner got a canvas!! And for the record, top left and clockwise is .... Ellie, Todd, Gabbi, and Mel
My kid's favorite new thing. Thanks a lot, Mary Allison.
GO John Maxwell! You KNOW I cling to just about anything those people say! I'm signing up for the training again in August. It's in Orlando now. Anybody wanna go with? I can tell you it is LIFE ALTERING!! It's pricey, but nothing compared to the WEALTH of support and information I have gotten out of the year I have been a member. So, if you think you might want to go, send me your email and I will give you some details. OH, and if you ever message me on this site expecting an answer, I am sorry, but I find it hard to reply on here. If you've asked me something and want an answer and feel I am avoiding you, please email me at and I will be glad to answer.
as a PT... this was very, very" humerus"!
WHAT is up with me and quotes lately?! Actually, I KNOW what is up. I am up to something. and I feel it is the cusp of something BIG. I just need to sort out some details, and I think my life may have a new big project. Actually, my life will be a new big project. I can't speak of it yet, because it is not square in my brain. I need a personal coach to help me get it all ironed out. Ever been there?! Well, anyway, I liked this quote and will add it to my arsenal.
Can you see Riley's mantra amongst all those beads below?! It says, "Choose JOY"... one of my favorite sentiments also! And so, like the hundreds of other things I screenshot in a day, I snapped it too!
And that concludes my totally ADHD version of blogging by Mo! (I actually have one more day for a threefer series of random pics from my cellphone. stay tuned!)
you need to be cloned into multiples to fit all your loves & hobbies into your life. and i thought ellie's girl was beautiful. my daughter always loved red heads when she was little
Can't wait to hear about Your new big project!!!! Thanks for the shout out! :)
I soooooo want to learn to meditate! This year, I WILL do it! This week I'm learning to sew. I dipped into to meditation recently but... need some books I believe, this year, this year!
Get the bus!!! And fit that in to your!? That would be awesome though. Maybe Ellie or Gabbi would be willing to drive you around to different towns in about 40 years! :)
Excited to hear more about this change.
Fishes Eddy is in NYC. Went there once about 12 years ago while visiting Suzanne Perron. You would love it!
A new big project - sounds exciting!
Miss your updates - hope all is ok and just "good busy"!'
A blog friend in CA
Hoping you are just busy as I am missing your updates.
Are you hanging out at the ballpark too much to keep us up to date. How are we suppose to go a whole week without a Mo fill?
Missing you...
MO: Going into withdrawal.....where are you....good thing for FB!!! Hope everything is okay. I know I don't comment often but I check in daily!!! Love your updates!!! Hugs
Redwood City, CA
You ok Girl?
Miss you!
I'm just checking in too. Hope everything is OK.
Been a pretty boring 11 days.... Going on MoJoy withdrawals. Hope all is well?
Thinking of you - hope all is ok.
Been almost two weeks since we've heard from you... hope things are OK at your house!
I love the randomness! My life is that way. My four kids keep me always on the go ... and in different directions. Sometimes I feel so distracted, like I never finish one thing, juggling too many things at once. ...of course, I don't think I would REALLY want it any other way.
Blessings abound!
Having blog DT's.
Life is boring without the Groves girls!! I know y'all have been busy with all the activities, but we want to hear from you...and CONGRATULATIONS on the well-deserved honor!!!
Where are you??? Missing all the cuteness!
Ok. One week is long enough to go without an update! I see the girls' pics on FB, but ready for a good blog fix! DITTO on all of the above. Miss your updates (funny how you get to "know" someone). Hope all is well with your sweet family!
Ok, Mama J feels punished enough. Can you relinquish taking care of Todd and resume your blog? Just saying....LOL..
We DO miss you...surely you know that and that you are much loved...
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