But seeing as how we do not have one, I can only go and browse when we are out of town somewhere. I think the title of this one speaks for itself!
And I love anything that pertains to a higher level of quality, an accountability despite circumstances!
I am pretty immersed in the world of Facebook, instagram, Pinterest, and I have noticed a shift in the things I see there. I also know that I can actually get my message across from MMPT more readily from our Facebook page(Melanie Massey Physical Therapy) than from our very, very, very expensive website that we recently set up. (mmptinc.com). So, I am interested int hese books.
And this one too! Maybe for my MoJoy business, I could learn more about this.
And I think it is obvious that ANYTHING that has to do with how to make "extraordinary things happen in organizations".
This one interests me, because "change" is hard for me, although I think I am a bit better at it as I have grown and aged. I would like to be able to help my employees naviate change in the coming years as well.
Actually, I DID buy this one! Couldn't resist!
And I will be reading this one for the second time. Filling people's buckets, basically by knowing their love languages and responding accordingly. And look closely, it's by the dude who wrote StrengthsFinder 2.0... one of my FAVES!!!
One MUST love anything love anything by Stephen Covey. And this one looks really good!
I am interested in what Deepak Chopra has to asy, but I am afraid he'd be a little too far over my head for me to understand. "Unlocking your potential for greatness" has my attention though!
And then there is The Charisma Myth. Love the idea of personal magnetism. John Maxwell has The Law of Magnetism as one of his 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. It says you attract people like you. Therefore, if you want your circle of influence to be a stronger one, watch who you are hanging with. And if you are the average of the top 5 people you hang out with... What are their numbers? and ...what is your number? On a scale of 1-10.

I'm interested in this one! You mean you can TRAIN your BRAIN to do that? You have my attention!!
I am a nerd!
And I think this one would be awesome! A new mixed media technique every week for 52 weeks! So fun!!
Oh, man... maybe I should have bought that Training your brain to get Rich so I could buy all these books!! sigggghhh... someday!
Ain't it the truth? So many books and so little time. I struggle with being able to read a lot at one sitting...that has always been a problem for me, so to have that many books that I want to read would put me in cardiac arrest. The books that I do get through quickest and the best ARE motivational and I don't have a problem with reading my Bible...just too much world in my life I suppose. Now that I am retired, perhaps that will get better. You just need the 'bookmobile' to come by your house weekly....lol
i love books - and i have a lot that i didn't realize i had till i cleaned out a cabinet to get rid of and the bottom of it ended up having 3 huge boxes of books. (some was the kids yearbooks and the bible collection) i just hate to pick up a book because when i start reading i dont' want to put it down until i am finished.
i read the help on the nook and it was great, but not really the same effect as a book. but i also didn't put it down until i was done reading the whole thing.
and i have no idea how people read multiple books at once. i immerse myself in what i read too much to lay that book down and pick up another. and i love serial books. being able to finish one great book and pick up the next one with all the same great characters and keep going is awesome.
of all the books you showed - the 52 mixed media one really perked my ears. but i would have all these great intentions and never do anything with it.
and you know how i feel about self help stuff lol in the groups i am with - i am probably a 3. i have much more talent and creative ideas than most know, but the majority of the time it isn't worth the arguing or explaining to do those things. i was in a meeting the other evening (i am a board of director and it was a committee meeting) and they asked for ideas about 3 or 4 different things. i am the youngest of the group at 40, two others were in the late 40s and 3 others would not be showing their cards for their senior discount. when the idea portion came up i had a very good idea from each. the seniors looked like a had grown a second head, the one late 40 just occupies a chair and the other is the "leader". everytime an idea was asked for and i suggested, the leader wanted to know if i was willing to put in the time and effort to implement the idea. well, no i am not.
as i get older my focus has changed and i have been taking care of my kids and doing things that are for my kids benefit (most boards and committees and projects) since they started school 15 years ago. now i want more me time. i would like to take a photography class. i would like to learn to knit. i would like to go places and do things without worrying about those meetings on my calendar.
so i guess i am into self help - i want to help myself move away from these people that are not in the same place i am right now lol i plan to phase out these things on my calendar between now and the beginning of august.
you opened a can of worms for me lol lol
I'm a 50 shades of Gray, love story, mom stories kinda reader. But I do think I may end up buying my boss the work happy book.
Plenty of good books, but you have a fine instinct as well - Zuckerberg & Gates didn't read books on how to create a website or write software! :-)
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