Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cute little Gabs and Myers Briggs

As you'll see when I post my week long schedule, a couple hours of my time tonight went to learning more about mine and my staff's temperaments and personalities with the Myers Briggs Personality Test. Lori Ware did it for us, and it was VERY enlightening!
If you've done it before, then this may mean something to you.  If not, here's a free way to check it out.
I am an ENFP.  And what that means is that I am an Extrovert, gaining energy as I am surrounded by people and interacting with them.  The more the merrier!  I used my blog friends as an example.  I am SO much an extrovert that I even address my "friends" on my blog directly, as if I personally know all of them and they me.  The N is the intuitive side of me.  I can typically read people easily.  I am not one to bluntly spew out my opinion, rather, note the facial expression or body language of the person to whom I'm communicating, and try to more "gently" get my point across.  Then, I am an "F" for Feeler.  I make most of my decisions based on feelings versus logic or "T" thinking.  That sounds a little dumb for the owner of a company, but actually, it's why service is a core value of MMPT.  We care about and FEEL for our patients and their families. And lastly, I am a "P" for Perceiving vs. Judging.  That is actually nothing like you think it is going to be.  It is how you portray yourself to the world.  The Judgers like to be seen as "having it all together".  Always kempt in thie appearance, ironed pants, tucked in shirts, nicely organized desk.  Then there's me!  We "P"s tend to be spontaneous and enjoy an unplanned adventure!  We tend to put our play before our work.  But I DO work.  I just have a VERY hard time staying focused for very long, particularly if there are people around to talk to or something creative in my midst to do instead!
There's of course much more to this whole thing, but that is me in a nice concise nutshell. And the reason I have this interspersed among pictures of Gabbi...???
Well, it got me to thinking about my own kiddos and how different they are. 
I think we know which one of my babies is an "E" Extrovert!!
and I kind of sweat it when this sweet girl wants to play alone or avoids a bunch of friends.  Like I said on my Halloween post, she rarely gets the opportunity to play if Ellie is home and swoops right in to exercise her extroversion!

After tonight, I think my angel is just an introvert.  She may actually get a little stressed with a busy, noisy, highly populated environment.  And as some of the members of my staff were "I" Introverts too, and could say that they actually prefer very few close friends to lots of them, I am now aware that it is OK!  Gabs is just my sweet little introverted Gabbi.  She is not like me in that.  But she will make a nice compliment to me and her sister!  Her daddy is probably an "I" Introvert if I am guessing.  He wouldn't take the test.  As a matter of fact, he and I are likely opposite in almost every area! 

I love these personality tests, and then to make practical examples of how we all communicate or have not been communicating.  And I look forward to watching my little INFP.  How's that for guessing my little Gabs, Lori?!
Nighty night, y'all.



Lori said...

Good Job Mel! You are a pretty quick study! As for Gabbi being an INFP?? I guess time will tell, but I bet you are right on the I and the F and P....Really enjoyed tonight! Thanks for having me!

jrey said...

I took the test you posted and this was what I got.
Extravert(89%) Sensing(62%) Feeling(75%) Judging(1%)
Yep, me to a T!
This hits home to me right now as we are struggling with some behavior and adjustments for my sweet boy in kindergarten. He is the sweetest boy but I have to remind myself daily that he is different and learns/behaves differently than others. We are making positive improvements the past few days though. Great post tonight!

HeartSong said...

Someone once told me that introverts "think to talk" and extroverts "talk to think." i think that about sums it up. This tendency gets me in a world of trouble sometimes. So excellent that you are gaining wisdom early on in the lives of your kiddos on how to accept and encourage each one in their uniquely designed personalities. They are "fearfully and wonderfully made." Viva la difference!!!

Mumx3 said...

Love the last picture on the post!

Amy K said...

I took that test a long time ago with my then co-workers. I'll have to do it again to refresh my memory, and for a little self-reflection. Thanks for sharing the link.
Your little Gabbi is the poster child for sweetness in every picture.

Zhohn said...

ISFJ, thanks for sharing!
Gabbi Is growing so much! In the very last pic she actually favors Ellie.

Have a great weekend!

Stacey said...


I am an ENTP. I took the test years ago and took it again recently. Still the same.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

I really enjoy your posts. You are part of my morning routine when I sit down at my desk each day.

Sharidrew said...

Thanks for that post Mel. I found out through taking the test that I am
Extravert(33%) Sensing(38%) Feeling(38%) Judging(33%)

The percentages lead me to believe I must have conflicting answers. I think it is pretty accurate given the questions on the test. Sometimes, it's not just yes or no so I had trouble with deciding on some of them.
Happy Friday!

Hugs from Missouri,

Emily said...

I LOVE the pose where Gabs is trying to do Ellie's regular pose and lip out-PRECIOUS!

polly said...

I love that y'all did that! Can't wait to take the test myself. :-)

MaryH said...

I am going to take the test - thank you for offering the link. My two girls and opposites (yet similar now that they are grown ladies) but one is definitely an E and one an I. The "I" has always been content with stay at home fun, small groups of friends, quiet gatherings, loves one on one with her animals, solo type sports as in running, horse jumping, etc. The "E" has to have it going on whenever possible and tons of fun and people. It is so great to watch them explore their world in their way. So, ENJOY, Mo - they grow up waaaay tooooo faast.

MaryH said...

I am going to take the test - thank you for offering the link. My two girls and opposites (yet similar now that they are grown ladies) but one is definitely an E and one an I. The "I" has always been content with stay at home fun, small groups of friends, quiet gatherings, loves one on one with her animals, solo type sports as in running, horse jumping, etc. The "E" has to have it going on whenever possible and tons of fun and people. It is so great to watch them explore their world in their way. So, ENJOY, Mo - they grow up waaaay tooooo faast.

Mbeaty19 said...

I've actually taken a few of these test through various team-building and leadership conference. I still regularly get ENFP.
My percents were E (56%) N(12%) F (75%) and P (22%)

I completely understand how you are feeling about Gabbi. That's how I feel about my kids. Johnathan is 5 and because of his autism his personality is very introvert. There's nothing wrong with that but with always being such an extrovert in life it's hard to see him like that sometimes. Charles on the other hand is only 2 but has such an extrovert personality. He'll go up to random kids all the time and play (very much like me as a kid)
I've come to find out though that these personalities are the greatest part about them. While they are very different I wouldn't change a thing about them. In fact they great complement my husband and I who are different in several key area also. I would guess Jim to be ISFJ. Thinking we will have to sit down and both do these tests because I'd be very interested to see what his says.

Rachel said...

Saw the three computers. What about having two or three monitors hooked to your one computer. I have two monitors at work and love it. I can have a spreadsheet open on one and the other database program on the other. Or email on one and the database program, etc. I'm sure you still need your laptops, but I swear the two monitors at one desktop is the greatest thing ever.