Monday, August 6, 2012

Good Girl Daddy

I came home the other day to find this.  And I mean, I walked in the front door, and this was extremely unstaged!!
And I only promised Todd that I wouldn't put these on Facebook.  I didn't say a word about my blog.  After all, we are all family on here, right?!
My girl LOVES her some hairstylin'!!
And what I really, really loved were the cute clips on the front of his hair, complete with flowery rhinestone barettes.
Ellie was SOO, SOoo proud of her work!
and I am just SOOOoo, Soooo proud that I have a husband who is such awesome daddy to his girls. 



  1. so sweet - i have pics of caitlin with her daddy and her grandpas doing hair. i think they mostly did hers cause they didn't have much lol

  2. I am waiting for the makeup session. A little glittery shadow around the eyes will make them pop Dad.....

    So sweet! Todd rocks..

  3. Oh my goodness, that's hilarious! What a good sport he is. Love it!

  4. So funny...reminds me of something from "Spanky and the Gang"...just saying! Todd, you are an awesome dad and I know your girlies love you so much...keep up the good work! Hugs, BJ

  5. what a good daddy! Way to go Ellie! You can do some hair! I think he needs some make-up too. Thanks for the laugh!

    Hugs from Missouri,

  6. That is awesome!! I'm proud of her for getting those little pony tails in so well!!

  7. Hi Mo ~
    Yep, you got yourself a good one there!! And that look of pride on Ellie's face - amazing. She must have been hard at work for a while there.
    You guys at THE BEST!!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Diana from Colorado

  8. Todd is just the most wonderful dad, your girls are so lucky to have him. I have a photo of my dad with my sister and I snuggled up in his reclining chair - we are fast asleep and he is doing one of our knitting!

  9. Oh this bring back GREAT MEMORIES of how my sister and I would spend HOURS "doing our dad's hair". He had beautiful long white hair! Oh boy did it hold the barrettes and bows!!! Bre doesn't have that opportunity, b/c my husband keeps his hair MILITARY SHORT!! LOL!! Now his nails...that's a WHOLE OTHER STORY!!! LOL!!! Let's just say "he does NOT exit the house w/PINK NAILS"!!!

  10. Is Ellie auditioning for a booth at Polly's??? LOL! Your girls are so blessed to have an awesome dad like The Bod!

  11. I love this...absolute proof that Ellie has her daddy wrapped around her little finger! ;-) Todd's a great dad!
