Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A life-changing weekend!

 I boarded the plane on Thursday to head to West Palm Beach, FL, with KK and my girls giving me a sendoff at the airport.  I was sad because I knew I'd be meeting something special by being gone. 
 Gabbi kept telling me that she wanted to ride on the plane with me... talk about a dagger to the heart!
 Todd the Bod had already planned to be  out of town on a golf tournament.  So, that left KK in charge.  And as it was, Monday was Ellie's "first" day of kindergarten.  I write that in quotes, because I refused to acknowledge it as her OFFICIAL first day or I couldn't have stood it! 
 JinJin agreed to take her to school, gather the necessary paperwork, and head home.  NO Facebook pics.  NO big hullabaloo.  I wanted this experience to be with me!  And so, mom did just that.  They went in, took a few pics, sent them to ME, and headed out.  Today, there was no school.  Tomorrow is the REAL first day of kindergarten!!  And we have already laid out the outfit, washed the hair, prepared the backpack and packed all the school supplies. And now.. about MY trip.
 For starters, it was quite expensive.  And a real commitment; one that I made in February or so of this year.  I did not know exactly what I was getting into.  I have been a studier of leadership since my Poppa started sending me Zig Ziglar cassette tapes in the SIXTH grade!  I liked this topic then.  And I LOVE it now.
 Most of my studies in the last 10 years or so have been in the books by Dr. John C. Maxwell.  I LOVE the simplicity of his writing.  And he just makes so much SENSE.  I flew into Palm Beach International Airport to get the party started!
 There were 500 like-minded people in the room, all there for personal growth.  Many being personal coaches, international speakers, trainers to huge corporations.  And then, me.... I think maybe I am on the entrepreneurial side.  But, not (yet) in the "industry".
 I can see that in my future.  I love people.  I love to meet people.  I love to invest my time and energy and life into other people.  And that is SOOOO the John Maxwell philosophy. 

 The way it starts is by taking these new learning models/ books and  bringing together groups of 8-10 people who have the desire to learn and grow.  I have the John Maxwell materials to facilitate these people into a deeper self awareness.  To try and explain what I learned this weekend would be ABSOLUTELY impossible!
It was one of those kind of things that was life-changing.  And what, ideally, I would do is hole up for about a week and marinate in all the new information I gained. 
 I seriously do not even know where to begin.  But, I have my first three groups of masterminders set up.  One will be my leaders/ directors at MMPT.  I have to share what I've learned as soon as possible.  We've set up our first event next week.  And then, I just mentioned it one Facebook, and I have the next 8 set up for a women's group.  They are all my friends, so I think it will be good "practice", as I should be fairly at ease with these girls. 
 The thing that impressed me in the last lecture we had this morning was the idea of the aspiratonal level of awareness which is that level (of health, professional/ financial, spiritual, family, and more) where you hear, "I'm going to..." or "One of these days, I am planning to..."  or "I'm fixing to...."  It is about aspiring to do something.  And really, there is only MOVEMENT.  Movement forward.  If we stay put at the aspirational level, and nothing happens, then we start blaming... "not enough time", "not enough money", "I can't work out, I am needed at home with my kids", and immediately we slip down in levels of awareness to animalistic.  At that level, we just blame.  We say everything we do is because of someone else.  For instance, someone cuts you off in traffic, and that's all you can talk about or think about all morning long.  That person has control of your thoughts and feelings.  How sad is that?  I am in control of my thoughts, actions, and feelings.  I should never say, "He makes me so mad".  Or "She has ruined my whole day.."  That's really sad and says nothing for my level of awareness and ability to master my own thoughts/ life. 
 With that, I decided to make a few changes.  And more importantly to take a little ACTION!  Our life is ticking away.  What am I going to do with every day?  I went with no idea how I would use the information, and I was asked many times about my passion.  I am still struggling with this answer.  Because, I seriously feel like I get passionate about all kinds of things.  Therapy, business, art, teaching, mentoring, my kids.. all of it!  And  would love to figure out how to mesh all these things into one.  I was talking to KK today and asking her what SHE thought was my passion was.  After much reflection (another biggie over this past weekend), she said, the common denominator, as she saw it, was people.  Hmmm.
 I have an idea.  And I think it will be a BIG idea.  I am going to treat you as my "focus group" to roll ideas off of.  How many of you are really interested in personal growth?  I mean, who really wants to know more about leadership?  mastering your thoughts/ attitude?  communication with connection?  how to become a person of influence?  And putting your dream to the test.  All of these areas are based on Dr. Maxwell's books.  The very ones I've been reading and studying for years. 
 I'm not being rhetorical.  I really want to know what you are most interested in.  I have SO many new platforms I could use.  I started a book today that really, really fires me up.  It's premise is that how you plan and stick to your daily agenda is ultimately how your entire life will look.  So, what you do day to day will manifest in your life's level of success.  WOW.  I'm thinking I need to get myself a day planner! 
 I'm not even going to go back and read all this that I have written to make sure it all makes sense.  It was like everything that dripped off their tongues, for three days, was gold.  It was just so rich and inspiring.
 So, you can see I have been a little detained.  I am sorry I had to skip the blogging.  I thought an iPad was the solution.  Apparently, it was iStupid of me! The run of the mill laptop would have been the ticket.  But 'm back now, and will have lots of new things to share in the near future. 
 Ok, so who thinks I am a nut?! 
Maybe so, but my Poppa would be so proud!



  1. You're not a nut, you're living YOUR LIFE! I can tell from your writing tonight that you're on fire! I hope all goes well for you. I have no doubt that you will touch many and make lots of changes in your life (business, etc) and many others.
    Maybe I should buy a John Maxwell book! I wouldn't consider myself a leader (business per se) but I need some personal enrichment...positive thinking and moving in my life! Oh, I need some MOVEMENT!

    I CAN'T BELIEVE ELLIE GOES TO SCHOOL TOMORROW, how can it be!? I'm anxious to get on Facebook in the morning and see your big girl dressed and ready! ;(

  2. Just reading this blog has me really excite about reading some of John C Maxwell's books. Sounds they are right up my alley.

    Would love to hear more about the conference if you are willing to share. I have gone to several leadership & team building conference through the 4-H program. I know how 'fired' up I got after them and how overwhelming all the knowledge and information can be when first trying to digest it all. Sounds like you are experiencing the same.

    Can't believe Ellie is starting Kindergarten. Seemed like yesterday you were announcing her birth. Glad I still have another year before Johnathan starts (glad he has a late birthday) Is Maddie starting Kindergarten or does she have another year to wait to?

    Looking forward to hearing more about your new leadership role and the benefits it brings to you and all those lives you touch!

  3. I love this! Can't wait to read what you share next! I am like you - lots of things I'm passionate about, but I really need to pin something down, because time is ticking away. Or at least have more focus than what I've had the past few years!

  4. I am going to have to check out some Maxwell. I love leadership development, organizational development, coaching, being coached -- all so awesome!

  5. Mel,
    I"m loving this! Very intrested in what it is you will do with it. I may REALLY be interested in a group retreat if I can fit it in. I'm sort of at a cross-roads - tired and burnt out at my job. Yet I LOVE the field I'm in. Yet I HATE the time I am away from my girls... I want to be on my own hours and able to volunteer at school and yeah yeah... LOL you get it. Looking for a change in my life yet not sure where to start.

  6. This is you! If you don't follow your heart and find what makes your heart shine, no one else will. I'm interested to see where you take this. Can't wait to see!

  7. Ok I'm LOVING this!!! Girl, you got me FIRED UP!!! I'm passionate about several things but as stated above, I'm ALWAYS finding a reason why "I can't do it"! I also was intrigued by the "letting someone else control your thoughts". I really like that!!! Very profound!!! THank you for sharing Mo!!! I wanna here "Mo" on this subject in the future" Ha!!

  8. Can't wait to hear what the future has in store for you.

  9. Retreat maybe? My husband is running for office in out city. Would love for him to hear whatcha got!

  10. Mo, can I quote you on my Facebook?

    The thing that impressed me in the last lecture we had this morning was the idea of the aspiratonal level of awareness which is that level (of health, professional/ financial, spiritual, family, and more) where you hear, "I'm going to..." or "One of these days, I am planning to..." or "I'm fixing to...." It is about aspiring to do something. And really, there is only MOVEMENT. Movement forward. If we stay put at the aspirational level, and nothing happens, then we start blaming... "not enough time", "not enough money", "I can't work out, I am needed at home with my kids", and immediately we slip down in levels of awareness to animalistic. At that level, we just blame. We say everything we do is because of someone else. For instance, someone cuts you off in traffic, and that's all you can talk about or think about all morning long. That person has control of your thoughts and feelings. How sad is that? I am in control of my thoughts, actions, and feelings. I should never say, "He makes me so mad". Or "She has ruined my whole day.." That's really sad and says nothing for my level of awareness and ability to master my own thoughts/ life.

    That part. I want to quote that part!

    I would be interested in controlling my thoughts and actions. I spend too much of my time mired in CRAPOLA. I need to move FORWARD, I need to find my passion.

    Love Joan

  11. Can't wait to hear about Kindergarten. And Monday was just meet and greet. It does not count as the first day. I hope it goes well. My Older daughter started K 8/1. She is getting use to it, but it is a whole different world with her than it was with my son. She is already "talking" to boys on the playground rather than playing!

    I have to reread and digest your conference before I can be any help.

  12. Sign me up. I need some inspiration and spirituality. I'm going to be 60 in November and I am dreading it. I need to embrace it but don't know how.

  13. Sign me up please. I need some inspiration and spirituality. I am turning 60 in November and am dreading it. I know I need to embrace it but I don't know how. I'm at a crossroads. I am so interested in what you have to say.

  14. I would love to hear more about your weekend...it sounds like it was amazing!

    Learning leadership skills is something that would interest me. :-)

  15. You GO, girl! The part that resonates most with me is just learning to control my own attitude and not let "stuff" drag me down each day. We all have a lot of stresses in our lives, but I need to learn to focus on the positive and just LIVE well. I don't really have aspirations to lead (except just by being an example to others), but I'm definitely going to work on this! Thanks for sharing. I love John Maxwell too!

  16. I am very interested in this! I have been a lurker since way back when you wrote on Jakes page!! I felt compelled to speak up and do this for me! My husband was diagnosed with stage four terminal cancer 3 years ago. I continued to work for the first year but 2 years ago we made the decision do me to quit my job and take care of him full time (the most blessed position I've ever held is being my husbands caregiver) I have always been a leader in every position I've ever held but lately I feel I'm loosing touch with that part of me. And your love of life and family is so close to my heart. I would love to attend type group you have planned. I live here in town and would love to talk to you.
    Believing her in the Warren Home!!
    Shannon Warren

  17. i do think you are a nut - and that kind of stuff doesn't appeal to me at all lol you asked for honest.

    i think your artsy fartsy side and your business side are both super great. you have a great family and great friends too. i have to say that i have no idea how you can fit one more thing into a day, let alone your busy life. but if it is something that you have passion for and want to do - then give it all you have, just like you approach everything else!!

    And I agree with kk, people are your passion. From your wee ones to your friends and from your art crew to your life's work - it is all about the people. you could be just sitting with a bunch of homeless people in cardboard boxes and you would be building them up and fixing up their boxes.

    love you and your fire!!!
