So the big party event was to tiedye a tee shirt. Although I had helpers, many of the mamas stepped it to help as well. Ellie thought the idea was pretty great. 
And isn't that the whole point?!Jessi couldn't resist but to get a shot of this little cheek hanging out.
I gotta admit, this baby girl of mine has a badonkadonk!!
This was a good activity for kids of all ages. Even the big girls thought it was fun. And that is really the sign of a successful party!!
HEre Ellie is flanked by Hazel and Elijah, two of Breanna's young uns.
She (Breanna) also took every precaution to keep the dye off their hands. I STILL look like I don't bathe!! Especially around my fingernails.... really gross, and a deep shade of plum!
Each kid brought their white tee. We used rubber bands to make the designs on the tees, and then used the dye to stain different sections of the tee.
Oh, and this is Bryce. One of Ellie's "older boyfriends". Yes, I dissuade it. Yes, it just makes her talk about it even more. So... whatever. He lives in the neighborhood, will ride the bus to Miss Donna's every day with Ellie, and is one of Ellie's favorite people!
Here are Bailey and Kaitlyn. Such cuties. They are ready for the dye.
Not sure what was us with Josie!! She really DID have fun. I promise.
Here the mamas are getting in on the action. It really was pretty good fun. I did one for both me and Todd as well.
Robin was the one who knew the most about tiedyeing. She told me all the supplies to buy and miraculously, I got it. I say "miraculously", because I was S.I.C.K last week!! The whole week is a blur!
And on top of all of that, I was taking Hydrocodone as a cough suppressant, and have decided that is NOT a cool med for me. It would KNOCK me OUT. And then I literally couldn't open my eyes or even sit up... even through the next day. Ugh. I am glad that mess is in my rearview mirror!
So, these are basically the before pics. The rest of the party will be in subsequent posts.
This type of party really is fun for one where there will be lots of different aged girls. The itty bitties liked squirting the dye, and the big girls were more into what color would be squirted where. They were more about design.
And tiedyeing is SUPER simple!
And for the record... SUPER messy!
Good thing Robin had the foresight to have me buy tablecloths and metal foil buckets to put each color in its own pan. Perfect solution!!
More on Ellie's 5th tomorrow.
Now that's a party! Are ya feeling better Mel? Hope so. Gotta have a lot of energy for those two younguns....
Fun! Looking forward to seeing the finished products.
Looks like a great time was had by all (can't believe that sweet baby girl is 5!!!!).
Glad you're better!
Can't wait for more pics.
looks like the party was a sucess the tie dieing shiurts was a great idea glad elli had a great time and all her friends and family did too love the pictures of all the girls doing their shirts i would love to tie dye me one what do i need to get to do it ? let me know cant wait to see more pictures and your blog. hope your feeling better. well iam sick now got a touch of broncitis i went to my dr got meds. well im going to go thank you for your blog about elle's 5 year old party so glad she had fun.. love you mo elli gabbi todd sending hugs your way...
Super cool! Looking forward to seeing some of the finished shirts.
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