Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Random before daycare pics

Lots of you may follow me on Facebook.  If so, you know I was borderline fanatical during the school year to take pictures of my girls every morning before daycare!
As I plow back through my iPhone pics, I am seeing some of those and thought I'd re-share with my blog peeps.  I have no idea why I let Gabs wear her gown to school on this day!??!
At least she has on cute sandals.
And has a pencil at the ready!
Look at those girls.  I mean, really.... that is some serious cuteness right there.
And this was Ellie's kindergarten round up.  DOn't you EVEN think that she just threw on a dress for daycare!  Ha.  Hardly!
But, we have (somewhat of) a deal for when school starts.  I bought some CUTE clothes, and she has agreed to wear them.   I bought them in, like, May.  She's never worn them yet.
But every time we see them in her closet, I remind her that we bought them for school, and she WILL be wearing them to school.  And that she ok'd them back when I bought them from Spoiled Rotten.  And to answer many of your inquiries, Staci sold her store back in the fall and went back to her first love which was teaching.  She is teaching pre-K at the local university, most of the kids are actually children of the professors or staff at the university.  Staci was a kindergarten teacher prior to Jake's getting sick.
And every once in a while, I would sneak in a picture too.
I love it that my Gabs lets me dress her still.  I am a little bohemian at heart, so I love that she really has no opinion or bias to her style.  She just goes with the flow.

Funny.  Look at the difference between Ellie and Gabbi's style.  Gabbi is all cute and matched.  And Ellie is wearing jeggings and some tween looking shirt!

It's gonna be sad to drop Gabbi off at Miss Donna's this fall while I take Ellie Sue all the way to her "big girl school"!
I guess that is what it's all about... life changes.  The world keeps on revolving.  And new adventures are always just around the corner.
Have a happy Wednesday.

Oh, and thanks to all of you who voted for MMPT on the Best of the Delta!  I really appreciate it!!



  1. Why are you and Staci not neighbors anymore? Just curious.

  2. Why are you and Staci not neighbors anymore? Just curious.

  3. Awww but I can't wait to hear about 'big school' adventures!! I still can not believe how fast the years have flown by.

  4. Debbie, life goes on. Some things aren't meant for a blog. She's fine, but thanks for your concern.

  5. ok, thanks for answering. as long as she's good, that's the most important thing. thanks for answering. Debbie

  6. I love how their different personalities shine through your photos. Great reminder to get ourselves in the photos too...I need to do more of that for my kids' sake.

  7. I have followed your blog for a long time, was a follower on caringbridge. Friends with Tonya. SO NO it can't be that Ellie is old enough to go to school. But the adventures you will have!!!!

  8. You mean you don't tell us EVERYTHING about your life? Shocked! Just playin! Glad she is okay and moved on to something she loves. Stuff happens for sure! Being able to live through what life gives us can be a huge deal! Thanks for sharing your girls with us. I love how different they are!

    Hugs from Missouri,

  9. Mo - I've never commented but am a faithful reader...LOVE reading about your girls and your passion for everything you do. Thinking of Ms Ellie on her special day and would like to wish her a Happy Birthday!

    Mrudula (Della)

  10. Gosh, the girls are growing up so fast. I can't believe Ellie will be in kindergarten this fall!

    Their pictures are adorable, Mo. Thanks for sharing them with us!

  11. Didn't realize Staci was a teacher. That's awesome.
