So, here's what went down... my precious patient, Kelsey's, grandmother invited my girls to join them on Saturday morning at a special camp on a lake down in Clayton, LA. I had no idea where that was, but she started talking me to it, and in my mind, it was the route I used to take to go to LSU when I was in college. We were scheduled to be theer on Saturday morning to help them with an art activity.
When I was talking to Todd, he was describing where he was headed, to stay with his golf partner at a farm on a pond in Clayton, LA! I was like, "WHAT?!!". Understand, this is about two hours from home and is out in the boon docks!! I mean, in the middle of NOwhere. Once we realized we'd be staying near them, I decided to call Kelsey's grandmother to ask if we could come on down on Friday night, stay with them, and then we'd head out on Saturday when my role there was done.
You'll be getting much more information on that experience later in the week!! Fast forward to Saturday afternoon.... JinJIn was staying at Baxter's on the Pearl River in Jackson, MS. And I had two girls to whom I'd promised an ADVENTURE!!
So what'd we do?! We headed northeast to I-20 and right on down the Natchez Trace to Baxter's house.
We've never visited Baxter, so I am sure he and JinJin were glad to have us as guests. (I'm just going to assume that!!) First things first was a boat ride.
There were other exciting things that I will be sharing later this week too, but another first was this...
FISHING!! And both of the girls caught their first fish. Although neither of them would get remotely near them for a good photo op!
After a while, in fact, they both preferred the pretend fishing poles to the real ones, as they could practice casting without all the fuss of the hook and cricket, and such.
I gotta say, Ellie REALLY, REALLY got the hang of casting, and well, I think she might wanna do this a little more frequently! Yo, dad... you reading?! We DO have a pond behind our house, ya know!!
So that is a little about our weekend. More to come on our Camp Darby experience, the boating, spotting alligators, and more...
I am sort of feeling the permanence of stinking school looming!! I am used to our going and coming whenever we want. Now, with public school, there will be so many allowable absences, and I am NOT gonna like that one bit. I think we may be hitting up DeeDee and Granddad in the next few weeks. You guys reading?! Don't be surprised if we book a trip. Ellie actually packed her suitcase while I was at work today. She hears it and ACTS on it... reminds me of someone else!!
What fun! Can't wait to see more. Ellie reminds me of her mama ;) I bet one day soon out of the blue we're going to see some pics of granddad and his girls! And hopefully Cinderella too! Mention that one to Ellie ;)
ReplyDeleteYeah, kids in school will totally ruin travel plans. I did take my oldest out of kindy for a week to visit a certain mouse but haven't done it again. This year I'll have two in school and two at home. My days of being able to go anywhere on the spur of the moment are long gone.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby loves to fish and doesn't understand why our boys don't LOVE it too.
ReplyDeleteYea school can put a kink in traveling. I have 2 high schoolers in a block schedule so no absences for us.
Ahh, adventure! We need to do more of that. Looking forward to seeing the next part of your weekend.
ReplyDeleteWe did lots of weekend and day trips worked around everybody's sports and dance and birthday party schedules. That was fun, but we sure missed the pack-up-and-get.
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures Mo....I remember when my baby (now 42), went fishing with his dad and caught his first fish. I think his sister may have been in on the action too! Thanks for sharing, BJ
ReplyDeleteLoving this fish post!! This has been Bre's DREAM since beginning of spring!! I don't know WHY she is so obsessed w/fishing?!! We bought her dad a fishing pole for Father's Day as well as bought her one. She has been practicing her casting but has YET to go fishing!! I told my husband "make plans to take my baby fishing SOON"! She is SO serious about it that she has found two of my "point and shoot" cameras and begged NON-STOP for batteries. She wanted to have "working cameras" for her and her dad to BOTH have so they could take pictures of each other fish! She wants to catch a RED ONE and dad catch a BLUE ONE!! I think the Dr Seuss book (One fish, Two fish, RED fish, BLUE fish) is intermingled in her fascination dontcha think!! LOL!!! She reminds him almost daily!! I'm giving him to the first or second week of August to take her, or it's gonna be ON!! LOL!!! Summer is ebbing away quickly because school starts at the end of August.
ReplyDeleteDo it all before the school days begin. Don't get me wrong, the school days are extra special in themselves and the activities are great and to experience school through your kids' eyes and hearts is wonderful but there are those restrictions of school nights, etc. The fishing looked great and good for Ellie to be packed and ready. You have taught her well to grab it all and have fun with it and to always make it happen.
ReplyDeleteWell, we do read your blog and that's great news! However, Ellie had already given us a heads-up. When we talked to her on her 5th birthday and told her we were coming to see her in September, she said, "Well, actually, we're coming to see you" and I said when, and she said next week! Any time is great with us. Love, Granddad and Deedee.