Monday, July 2, 2012

Ellie Sue's buckteeth.

 I believe I mentioned that I am presently going through the 1700 or so plus photos I just uploaded from my cellphone.  For that reason, I am honestly not sure if I am using photos that I have used in the past.  For instance, I vaguely remember posting pics of Cheerio in the stroller.  Then again, all the pics on my iphone are typically used for my FB posts, so I also forget whether I remember them from my Facebook or from my blog.  Just bare with me.  I know for SURE I havent' used any of these for my blog!!
 To be honest with you, I have no idea where she found these teeth.  I do know that they are Todd's. 
 He has a strange little collection of odd things like these.  He likes to put on his little "costumes" when he is least likely to wear them and when NO ONE would suspect that he actually would.  He's quiet to the masses, but to his closest friends, he's an absolute card!
 These crack me up, cause I think Ellie looks like she should be in Whoville!

 Madi happened to be over that day.  And lo and behold, she had a set too.
 They were in rare form with their goofy teeth.
 Ellie absolutely LOVED them.  Of course, she doesn't mind being the center of attention one little bit.  She had us all laughing, so I believe she would call it a success.
I think I had one comment yesterday.  What's up with that?!! 
Let's see... let's have a question...

If you could change careers today, and money was no object, what would you do!?
There.  That should do it.



  1. I would be a professional volunteer! I love helping people and organizing anything. Too bad I don't live closer. I would be an awesome assistant. =]

  2. Some days I don't know why I didn't follow my heart all those years ago, and go to nursing school. I would love to be a nurse.

  3. Ellie is so funny! They don't look the same with their 'teeth'.

    Growing up I always wanted to teach but honestly now I'm not sure if I'd love it as much as I thought I would. Today what I'd love to do if money wasnt an issue, own a 'plus size' boutique! Cute clothes are hard to find and it shouldn't be that way ;)

    What's your answer??

  4. I would still teach. Love m job!!

  5. Physical therapy! That's what I always wanted to do but other things got in the way. I'm so glad you asked that question. It brings back some good memories.

  6. Hey Mel--don't always comment, but ALWAYS, ALWAYS read your posts!! Actually, I don't think I would change my job even if I could. I'm a buyer for a power company, and I love my job :) Have been here 22 years, & just 9 years from retirement! Love the Bubba teeth on those girls!

  7. If I could change jobs and money was not an object, I would move to hospice care.

    I have worked in the funeral industry for 20 years, but I would loke to help support families during one of the most difficult times of their life.

  8. I would not change my job! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE teaching Kindergarten! Watching the children's eyes light up when they learn something new or when they are successful at a task melts my heart. One big plus is they tell you they love you and that you are beautiful even in bad hair days!
    The pictures are hilarious!

  9. I'm a regular reader but not a regular commenter! Love the buckteeth! I would be a full time Irish Dancing teacher and open my own studio! It's on my bucket list, but I have to save money and finish competing first :)

  10. I love my keep my current job (Vessel Entry Specialists with U.S. Customs Service), which i LOVE. But, i would go part time to spend more time with my son :)

  11. I read every day! But don't always comment. Sometimes I feel like a stalker. LOL. Love the bubba teeth. Funny kid! I too love my job. However, if money wasn't an object I probably wouldn't work at all. I would love to volunteer or clean houses for the elderly or help at a youth center. I think I would love the work you do! I personally loved all things bones and muscles in college. Not sure why I didn't persue that field!

    Hugs from Missouri,

  12. I would be a counselor for women primarily. If money were no object, I'd not charge at all. There are so many hurting and they just need someone to listen and be there for them.

  13. I would be a chef but not with a brick and mortar restaurant, but with a food truck or personal chef.

  14. I would be a photographer!! HANDS DOWN!!! It would be simply for the fact that I love capturing people ESPECIALLY KIDS in every day life! Especially their hands! There is something so expressive about ones' hands!

    BTW...Bre spotted a "GRILL" *that's teeth w/gold covering* in Burlingtons while we were on vacation and begged me for them! It was an adamant NO!! LOL!!! Those teeth GROSS ME OUT!!

  15. Money AND time no object? I would go back to school for a nurses degree. WAY back in the day I let a high schol guidance counselor talk me out of it. I do not believe in living life with regrets but that is one I do have.

    Love those "who" teeth!

  16. I am changing careers from corporate America to educational technology. However if money was no object I would like nothing more than to spend all of my time volunteering in schools and helping support our teachers!!!

  17. Great question! Like a few others, I would have loved to have been a nurse. Never went to college though - I'd have to start from scratch. Maybe once my own children are finished, I will do it!

  18. I would have gone to school for graphic and web design . I'm doing a little of it now, but with no outside education, it's a steep learning curve.

  19. I would definitely be a teacher!!

  20. I just read yesterday's post and commented so now you have 2. :) If I could be anything I would ne a nurse. Always wanted to but never devoted the time necessary for schooling.

  21. I would be a nurse! After our stint in the NICU, it really made an impression on me.

  22. In my selfless world, I would adopt every orphaned/homeless kid in the world so that no more kiddos would ever be without a loving family.
    In my selfish world, I would be a professional beach bum.
