Thursday, July 19, 2012

Can you believe she is FIVE?

 Just in case you didn't realize it... my girl is FIVE!! 
 I am pretty much in love with these gigantic numbers for their birthdays! I cut out a number from an old cardboard box.  And then, either paint it (like I did for Gab's third birthday) or tape that sucker, like we did for Ellie's number five.  There is so much cool duct tape now, and we added a little washi tape for fun texture and design.  And voila... an instant AWESOME photo prop.
 As for the fans and such, I actually borrowed these from Breanna, because, well, we have a party deal worked out where we swap our stuff  back and forth and repurpose it all or spray paint it to suit the new color scheme/ theme.  It's working pretty great so far!!  But, you can get such fans (I've been asked quite a bit) at Luna Bazaar.  Check it out. 

Ok, so these are our shirts drying.
 and Miss Priss got so many new toys.  I need a major closet clean out!
 Look who was checking out our work!  Todd the Bod was even pretty impressed with our handy work.  I made him a big ol purple and gold one, so he was sassified.
 THis is cutie Chloe.  She is the daughter of one of the women I work with.  And she is just precious!
 And here's Renee, Breanna's oldest daughter... with splatters of dye all over her face.
 and this is ME.... NO make up... fresh from a breathing treatment, sweaty and coughing my head off... but I was there.  Perky as I could pretend to be.  Tying and Dying with the best of em.
 My girl had a great time.  She really loved her party.  And that's all that mattered to me.
Her happy mom,


  1. The big 5 is awesome. Next to the little birthday peanut, it probably looks even bigger.
    Great expression on your face as well Mo. Hope you're feeling better each day.

  2. I love the big 5!
    Such a great party, can't wait for Gabbi's!

  3. Hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself. Any plans for retreat as school starts aug 9 th here so I'll have to take a day off. Want to come soon :)

  4. Mo, I feel for you - so glad the party was a great success and hopefully you are feeling much stronger. Can't believe Ellie is 5 - I remember when you first brought her home. I may have to steal your number idea next year from my grandson's party - he just turned 3 and had a blast - because of so many different family scenarios he blew out 5 number 3 candles in the course of celebrating his birthday. Take care of yourself.

  5. Hi Mo ~ You are so creative, that "5" is a great idea, I just love it! Happy Birthday sweet Ellie and have the most fun year to go along with it!
    Now, I am looking forward to Gabbi's birthday bash - I bet she can't wait!
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Diana from Colorado

  6. Oh, the things we moms will do for the happiness of our kids....

    Awesome party, by the way!

    Five years just flies by in a flash, doesn't it? My baby just turned seven! ...and my oldest baby is about to be 16! 16! HOW?!

    Just keep enjoying every moment.
