Monday, June 25, 2012

Mo's Instagrams.

Who all out there is in the Instagram world?  If you aren't, let me be the first to invite you!
 If I am not mistaken, it's a free app, and it so totally rocks!! And it is a quick and easy way to modify your photos for the better!!
 Even when your kid is in a belly dancing skirt.  (Thanks so much, PAULA!)
 Anyway, it is a place to load up your pics, and when you make them even better, they are then added to your camera roll.  You can also directly add them to your Facebook wall and twitter, all in one fail swoop.
 So, these are some of my recent Instagram photos.
 If you follow me on Facebook, you've probably seen almost every one of them.  And if you aren't, send me a request, but let me know you are a blog buddy.
 and I found a new app called Phonto.  I LOVE IT too!!
 I absolutely LOVE adding words to my pictures.
 And if you want to follow me on Instagram, check me out at melaniemomom.
 I didn't link you, I just bolded it to try and make a cool color and a bold print.  I've been very inspired by all of this type of stuff lately.  I just bought a book called iphonography.  I can't wait to dig into it to see what all I can do with my phone.
 Ok, so just sit back and enjoy my doctored up photos.  Even if they ARE a little strange.
 They are just a record of my life!
 The good, the bad and the ugly.
 I upload the pics from my phone about three times a year.  And I did it tonight.  So, expect all kinds of random pics this week from my phone.  Believe me... RAN.DOM!
 Things like... Pedis.

 Followed by work pictures.
 Followed by tea parties.
And the list will go on and on. 

You ready?!


  1. That tea party photo is incredibly beautiful! I can't wait to do Instagram, but I'm in the backwoods of Michigan right now so I'll have to wait until August.

  2. love the photos especially the one of Todd and the girls! You always bring a smile to my day! Becky

  3. Love the billybob teeth on Ellie!!! Started my morning with a smile!!!

  4. Love the pics! Can't wait to see the Ran.Dom! I so wish there had been digital cameras and iPhones when mine was little! Photos are such a treasure!! I'm in the process of scanning old pics an freshening them up in Photoshop. They fade so much! I loved a while back when you mentioned photographing people's hands! I wish I had photographed my Mother's! But even the kids - its fun to see the changes!

  5. Love them! So cute!
    I'll have to check out Phonto.

  6. Love the shades on Madi and Ellie. I might have to cave and join the instagram craze too.
