Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Meet the Circle of Love

All I can say is you'd better hang on!!  I uploaded about 500 pictures today of the beach trip.  Well, "I" and Robin!!  Thanks, Robin!!  Ol Mel is working fast and furiously as a PT these days!! 

So, the first post I felt was in order was an introduction to all members of the cast, or the Circle of Love as it was.
First up is Linda Lou.  Wife to Sam.  Dance teacher of my kids.  Mom to Ford and Samuel.  Sister to Johnnye (God bless her soul) and sister in law to Paula.

Next up, Samuel.  Newly a college kid.  Thinks he can now hang with the adults.  He is sadly mistaken.  But we let him think he's in there thick.  Photography major.
John.  Paula and Johnnye's oldest.  One of the 2 year olds who was in my wedding.  Growing a moustache that makes him look like a creepy porn star.  Recently into buying his clothes at Goodwill, thus the palm tree shirt.  Big brother to Emma and Clayton.  LSU... L.O.S.T. with regards to what he wants to do with his life at this point.  Except maybe go to ballgames and out with his Sigma Nu brothers.
Austin Cain.  I call him the chocolate chip to our cookie.  I think he's been with us in the Circle of Love for about the past 3 years.  He and John have been best friends for years.  He stayed home for college at ULM, so when the fam goes somewhere, Austin Cain is along for the ride.  (And yes, we always call him by both names.  Never knew why!)
This is Tom.  He is a major in the police force and husband to Katie.  Also, dad to Michael and Sarah.  All four are new to the Circle this year.  Tom recently won a local fishing tournament and won $10,000.  Yes, for REALZ!
Mr. Joe.  Also known as Daz.  Graddad to Emma, John, Clayton, Benjamin, Joseph, Ford and Samuel.  Dad to Johnnye, Linda Lou and Joe (or Little Joe as he is more commonly known around here).  Also husband to Miss Linda.  Oh, and he built our new house.
Ford.  Linda Lou and Sam's youngest.  Friend of Hayden (so he has favor in my eyes).  Thinks he is a thug, but really just likes rap music...  As white as snow on a polar bear's butt. But he can be who he wants to be, I guess.  Tennis team.  Will be a junior this year. Or wait.  A senior?!  I don't know.
Katie.  Tom's wife. Didnt' get to touch a penny of that fishing tournament money!  Mom to Sarah and Michael.  Prepping for Miss Louisiana Teen this weekend.  Loves my Gabbi Girl.  Loves to play ipad with her.
Hey. There she is again.
Miss Linda.  Dance teacher and studio owner for 50 years.  Still going strong.  Celebrated her birthday during our trip as she does every year.  Mom to Johnnye, Linda Lou, and Lil Joe.  Grandmother to all those kids listed before. 
Sam.  Husband to Linda Lou.  Dad to Ford and Samuel.  Vain about his tan.  Just saying!   Sam, you know you are!  Brother in law to Johnnye, and they argue like they've been brothers for life.  Started dating Linda Lou in high school, so I guess they've been together for about 30 years.  That's crazy!!
Here's Paula.  My best friend since elementary school.  Next door neighbor.  Wife to Johnnye.  Mom to Emma, Clayton and John.  Can hardly stand it that her "baby" is in college.  Makes a mean fruity drink! 
Taylor.  Recent high school senior.  Daughter of Tashia.  Entered the Circle this year as a guest of Sarah, daughter of Tom and Katie.  Has been a member of the Circle for years anyway!   HEaded to LSU in the fall!
Mary Allison, our step daughter.  Travelled this trip with the Fords. Sister to Elaina.  Daughter of Jay.  Girlfriend of Chris.  (None of those last three will be featured in any of the upcoming blogs, just a sidenote!)   Always well accessorized.  will be a senior this year.  Wore a tiny bikini that her stepdad did not approve of. 
Joseph.  Showing his crack.  Oldest son of Lil Joe.  Brother of Benjamin.  Oldest grandson of Mr. Joe and MIss Linda.  Also known as Nana and Daz.  Has lived in Nashville for the last few years pursuing a career in music.  Moved back only recently.  Joins us every year in the Circle of Love.
Sarah, daughter of Tom and Katie.  Sister to Michael.  Assitant to me this past spring in kids' art classes.  Recent high school graduate.  Made college cheerleader at Univ of LA at Monroe.  Will be competing in the Miss LA Teen next weekend.
A recap... Samuel is Linda Lou's oldest son.  And I made him a necklacec out of the shell he found.
Todd and Sam being bros.
They found their spot under an umbrella, and well, were just F.I.N.E.!!
And one more... Renee.  She chose to be outside the Circle, but only momentarily.  She is girlfriend to Lil Joe.  And her son came for Philadelphia to join her.  His name is Ben. 
So as you see, I have not showed you, Ben, Benjamin, Clayton, Payton, Michael, Derrick, KK or CoCo.  Nor did I get a shot of Lil Joe, Ellie of Gabbi on this particular day.  But I think everyone else was there when I was pointing and shooting. 

So, now you have a point of reference.  Be ready for beach pics til you are sick of beach pics!!
Sorry for the couple of days off.  When I leave the beach, I stick things here, there and yonder.  I open a bag and find a flip flop, some sunscreen, a loaf of bread and a computer.  However, I did NOT find a computer charger, so I had to buy one today! Now, I am back in action!!  You ready?!?!



  1. How have I never 'met' Mr. Joe...as much as you've shared that family...hmm!? There are several mentioned that are new to me (Tom and Katie and a few 'kids').
    Looks like everyone gets along and has a good time! I laughed at your comment about John's mustache!!!

    Glad to have you back!!

  2. I'm ready for more beach pics! Love it!

  3. Looking forward to to reading all about your vacay! I'm stuck in school, so I will take a virtual trip to the beach this year though your pics. This former NOLA and FL girl needs to be near water and there is none in NW GA!!!

  4. Well I think you might have thoroughly confused me! I'm glad there wasn't a quiz at the end.

  5. Cool refresher as well as new introductions. Lovin' your beach pics...bring 'em on!

  6. Okay...did Linda Lou name her son FORD after her maiden name? Since she is Johnnye (sister) and Paula's sister in law. If I remember correctly that is THEIR last name?

    Also that Austin Cain (Fly in the Milk *thts what we call it here) is one handsome dude! Nothing like DARK CHOCOLATE!! *not a cougar* LOL!!! Just saying!!

  7. Missed you and glad you are back. Is Sam in a white dress shirt???
    Also, cotton candy does melt in the heat!

  8. Yeah! And I only left a comment because you asked. HAHA...Can't wait for more beach pics. I will grab a fruity drink and enjoy like I am part of the circle! Haha.

    Hugs from Missouri,

  9. Bring em on baby! I'm ready!! Love me some circle of love beach photos!! Lol. No, really!
