Saturday, June 2, 2012

Line Dancing at MMPT

 Every once in a while, especially when we are feeling like tired crazed lunatics on a Friday afternoon, we take the liberty in therapy to do a little line dancing!
 It is great for those tweens who are so tired of jumping jacks, hopscotch, jumping rope, etc. for building stamina and coordination.
 On this day, we had our OT, Patchez, and her two OT students, Elizabeth and Allie, participating too!
 Oh yeah.  And me.  Doing what I do... having fun with the kiddos at work.  Not a bad way to make a living, huh?!
 And I do believe they liked it too.  Ashton is a beauty pageant girl, so she is all about the "talent competition". 
 Tiffany kinda acts too cool for school, but she was having a really good time too! 
 And just in case you think it is not physical therapy to line dance, check out the coordination necessary to do this dance.  We definitely have a good time at therapy!! 


  1. You go girl! Love a little Friday afternoon fun!

  2. You're so much fun!

    Y'all have fun this week, and RELAX!

  3. i cant see the video looks yall was having a great time

  4. i cant see the video looks yall was having a great time

  5. Too fun! Love to dance, so that would be right up my alley.

  6. Can you see the video? This was my first attempt at the video thing. And with my big butt... that's a hoot. Anyway, let me know if you can see the video. If so, I'll be hooking up some Ellie Sue dancing sooN!!

  7. Hi Melanie,
    I am a follower of both your blog and facebook and love when you post various books that you are reading on leadership. Any way that you might post or list your top five favorite books on leadership or inspiration in general...could be like a summer reading list!

    Also, I'm afraid I'm not able to see the video either; it says it's unavailable at this time.


  8. So wish this video would WORK for me so I could see MO "WORK" it!!
