Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Recital take three

 Ok, so that was a sweet post about Gabs and her daddy.  Now let's talk about the rest of the insanity that was Recital 2012.  THIS is their haul from friends, family, grandparents, etc.  It's sort of a backstage tradition.  And when I was called back as the "only one parent backstage after the show, please", I didn't remember that because I had TWO kids, I could've likely gotten away with two of us!  AND there was THIS much stuff to carry out too.  I was WORN SLAP OUT when I finally got outside. 
 In fact, I think I looked a lot like this...
 WHEN will Cindy realize that I AM going to post every weird face she makes when I point the camera at her?!!  Of course I am !  But, I felt the very same way!! 
 Now, lets' take a look at a sampling of the people there to root my girls onto a successful dance recital!

Here, we have KK. She doesn't miss anything we do!
 And of course, there's Veronicia and CoCo too.
 Gabs just LOVES all this attention and LOVES all these people.
 And I am pretty sure they love her too.  My girls have so much love and support around them!
 Oh.  And gifts.
 Like this awesome big floppy hat from KK. I'd say we are beach ready.
 JinJin was there with giant ballerina babies for the girlies.  All three of her girls.
 Kimie drove in from out of town to watch the show.
 She's their "other" grandmother, ya know.
 Nana and Pops came bearing lavendar roses.  (Linda LAVENDAR School of Dance!!)
 We had enough flowers to make a huge bouquet when we got back home.
 And the legions of friends and families of the kids were all outside as all the dancers exited "stage left".
 But I was just waiting for two SPECIAL ones. 
 They have become the beat of my heart.


  1. You girls are truly blessed! They not only have wonderful parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles & cousins......they are blessed with extended family that love them as their own! I am happy to have the same sort of support group with my little angel! It makes our lives so much sweeter!

  2. The girls are absolutely precious and I'm sure the recital was fabulous!! I so remember those days, only mine was watching a grandchild! Thanks for sharing Mo! Huggers, BJ

  3. How sweet...nothing but LOVE! Your last sentence brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you and Todd, y'all are so blessed and those two baby girls are just as blessed and I love that you savor EVERY moment! The stressful ones (recital or cleaning paint off of floors), the heartaching ones (watching your very sick baby up all night) and especially the amazing moments.

    I'm loving watching your babies grow ;) thanks for continuing to share your life with us!

    Can't wait to see beach pics of the girls wearing their hats.

  4. Oh my, that pretty much sums it all up in your conclusion!

  5. What wonderful support you and your girls have!! I loved all the pictures. Looks like the little ones had a blast and were well loved. Great job Mom!!!

  6. Awwwww!! What a circle of support!!! Love it!!

  7. Wow, those girls totally racked up with the gifts! LOL How wonderful that you have so many amazing friends and family members to love and support your girls (and you and Todd).

    I agree with the others who commented here...you are BLESSED! :-)
