Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Proud of Hunter Bunter

GUESS WHAT!!  Hunter's high school baseball team is going to the quarter finals of the playoffs Saturday!  If you are down near Forrest, LA, come join us in cheering for the Demons!
Hunter had gotten out of sports almost entirely until this year.  (See that number 11?!)
Something not so good happened causing him to transfer to another school.  Ya know, sometimes it takes a big change to see a BIG change!!  And sometimes we don't know that something BETTER is waiting around the corner.  Something that comes with change. And this change of schools has been AWESOME for my eldest nephew!  He is back to his roots.
Hunter is an ol' country boy at heart.  He likes mud digging, four wheel drive trucks, and thankfully, he is remembering that he loves baseball!! 
We spent many an hour at ballparks when the boys were young.  But, as they got older, they just sort of let it go by the wayside. 
I don't think I thought I would ever say it, but I have really missed being at those games!! 
I miss sacrifice bunts, the strategic stealing of second base with a man on third, RBI's, and nachos with peppers on the side.  Just sayin'!
For as many hours as I have spent at the ballpark, it is strange to me that this is a fairly new occurence for my girlies!
They weren't around when the boys were playing.  And since they've been born, neither their dad or I play anymore either. Daddy decided Ellie needed to wait one more year until she joins the tee ball ranks, so she's not been introduced to the ballpark much either.
Gabbi Girl couldn't care less about a ballgame!  THERE'S a DOG in the midst!
And that is all she had eyes for the whole time.
Oh Gabs, really?!  Seriously, she LOVES this!
And I just let her play with them.  I keep thinking she'll be a vet someday! 
I dont' think these little furry babies will be at this weekend's game, so she'll have to do what she usually does.... Dig in the dirt.  That's her other favorite thing.
So while she and Ellie are scrounging through the nasty sandpiles, I will be cheering for my sweet nephew. 
Wish him luck.  His Aunt Mo LOVES him dearly!! 



  1. Good luck Hunter and goooo Demons! Hope things continue to go well for him. I can't believe those boys are grown now! :'(

    I can't wait for next year to see Ellie in tee ball, that will be adorable!

  2. Good luck to Hunter and his team. So glad he is back and happy at his new school!

  3. Good Luck Hunter!!! How exciting! I can't think of a more favorite place to be then to be at a ball park! Love me some ball! My Hunter (9yrs old) had his first practice of the summer! I'm so excited!! As is he!! Tee ball is the best!! So funny to watch the littles play ball. I can't wait for pictures of Ellie. Fun memories!!

    Hugs from Missouri,

  4. Congrats Hunter! I love time at the ballpark--which is where I spend most weekends. My 10 year old plays on a travel team. Actually, I have been watching baseball for almost 20 years, since my oldest is almost 24, and he started playing when he was 4, & played through 2 years of college.

    What you posted about change is so true. Sometimes things happen in your life that you don't understand at the time, that require BIG change. I have experienced this over the last 2-1/2 years, when my husband of 24 years left us. That, along with several other life-altering events caused just about every aspect of my life to change. I never thought it would turn out for good, but it has. I am happier now than I've ever been in my life! One more thing, and I'll quit babbling.....the look on Gabbi's face when she's looking at that dog is just pure bliss! She's so precious!
    Sending much love from Dallas Georgia :)

  5. GG definitely has a passion for those fur babies. We are a sports family too, so I totally get missing ball park time. It controls your life for so long that when it's not there, it's like so what do we do now. Have fun at those games.

  6. Good luck to Hunter and all the team!

  7. WOOOOO HOOOO GO HUNTER!!!!! Just getting my FIRST experience w/baseball "basics" this year! Yep we are FULL SWING into Tee Ball!! Bre is hilarious!!First game, she played against a fellow classmate and he was taunting the moment he saw her!! "We are gonna beatttt your team...NANNY! NANNY! BOO!! BOO!! Keep in mind Bre is on an ALL-GIRLS teams w/the cutest hotpink shirts and polka dot shoes! I think "the boys" took it for granted these were GIRLY-GIRLS! Well, those girls play A GREAT GAME against them and my little tee-baller "stopped" Mr TAUNTER ball in left field and not only caught him but TACKLED HIM!!! HA!! That'll teach him!! GO DEVILS!!!!!!!!

    PS Good to see updates on Staci's crew!!

    PSS Gabbi made me wanna grab some wipes and clean her face ON THE COMPUTER SCREEN!!! Blechhhhh!! LOL!!!

  8. That's awesome about Hunter and his team!

    Our oldest son played baseball from t-ball all the way through high school. He LOVED it. Our other son played until he got to high school. He decided then that baseball wasn't his thing.

    We have some awesome memories of those days. Now that our boys are grown, it's good to have those times to remember...hubby and I sure miss the days of all of us being together!

  9. Don't let Gabs dig in the dirt in that adorable white skirt, though! lol! My daughter just decided to try softball for the first time this year, she is 7th grade. She loves it!
    Enjoy the summer!

  10. ...and good luck to Hunter's team!!
