I am totally, totally, totally far behind!! So, to catch up... we DID celebrate Mother's Day. And we did it in high style! We took mama to Squire Creek Country Club, and the whole gang was there. 
This family is smack full of littl girls. Oh, and there are the big boys too. But they hate pictures, so they are usually hiding about this time. Not the problem for these little hams!!
They were a ball of energy in this fancy schmancy club, and the manager of the dining room, Lane, who happens to be a personal friend of mine (we go waaaay back to high school), even leg them back to me a few times when he saw them strolling through the dining room.
Hey. There he is now!! He has two "little" girls... his youngest is Emma Lou's bestie, and 10 years old, so he is all about being a girl daddy! And doesn't it just suit him!??
Jin Jin was the queen of honor, with her man, Baxter. I am so thankful to still have a mom to celebrate on this day!
Really. I mean, there are lots of reasons I am thankful for her, but mostly, I think I am just thankful that I have her! In light of her recent heart surgery, her mortality came really into focus for me. About two days after the procedure, I realized that I could've been planning my mama's funeral had something gone wrong. So often, we just buzz right along after somehting goes well... never really thinking about the "what ifs". I suppose God made me stop and realize what a blessing my mama is to me and that I should be more aware of that and be very grateful for His healing her with that stent.
Even ol Hunter put on a little show for us, with his musical glass playing. Staci looks enthused, doesnt' she?! She was just jealous. She couldn't do it.
More on this special day tomorrow.
Sweet. We all seem to just live day to day not fully realizing that we could lose our loved ones any second of any day.
So happy that you were able to spend your mothers day as a mother and with your mother.
Can't wait to see pics from recital!! We've waited all year haha! Hope rehearsal goes well tomorrow.
I am happy you still have your Mom too. I miss my Mother so much. I drew so much strength from her and I miss her kind heart. It is human to kinda take things for granted but as parents, we know our kids love us. Life is fast and furious for us all. Just start every morning with a great BIG THANK YOU JESUS! I think a lot of you Mel. You are so many things to so many people so remember to take care of yourself too!
I still have my Mom too, even tho she now resides in a Nursing Center following a massive stroke a few years back. She is still very alert and can even talk on the phone. She was 82 back in January. Thank you Lord, for moms everywhere....young and old! Huggers, BJ
Mom's rock! I still have mine. She was just diagnosed with bone cancer. (her breast cancer moved to her bones) It was the scariest news I have ever gotten!! Of course we pray daily and know that God has a plan for her and we will thank Him for the time we have. She is doing really well and although it isn't curable, it is very treatable. Cancer is a terrible beast (as you know very well!!) but my mom beat it twice and I'm praying we have many more years with her. Sorry for going on....Glad you have your mama!! It's definitely a blessing!!
Hugs from Missouri,
Hi Mo ~
I guess I missed your Mother's surgery...........At any rate, thank God she came through & is feeling good now. It is very scary indeed.
It looks like all of you had a wonderful time.
I had a great day with my girls too.
Have a wonderful Tuesday,
Diana from Colorado
Mo ~ I am missing alot I guess. I didn't know your mom had surgery and I sure didn't know that Staci had moved away from next door to you. I love the photo of Gabi looking up at Ellie & Maddie - she sure loves those two. Mother's are so special.....Becky in NC
Glad you all had a great Mother's day!
It sounds like y'all had a wonderful Mother's Day. I love all the ruffles for the 3 little hams outfits! I also have heard you talk about Ellie fighting with you about her outfits. Maybe she is turning a corner from hoochie land!
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