Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's dance recital time.

 Guess what time of year it is, y'all!!  It is time for our dance recital.  I would have loved to have told you a story with these pictures, but this dang new Blogger set up is NOT cool!!  I cannot figure it out.  Sooner or later, though, I will have this thing licked. 
Life has been CRAZY busy lately.  As soon as dance recital week is over, I think it'll be a little more back to normal!  Maybe.  For now, how bout the love my girls have for one another!?  Not sure there is anything more precious than seeing my babies love each other. 

More recital pics to come.  Now if I could only figure out how to load up some of my videos.  Y'all need to SEE Ellie do her tap dance!!  Comic relief!!  Believe me.


  1. the pictures!!! They are so darn cute loving on each other!! Keep those pictures coming! Hope things calm down for you.

    Redwood City, CA

  2. I have many pictures of me in a dance costume on those same steps! The girls look adorable in their costumes. I can't wait until my daughter is in her first dance recital. I'm sure I'll cry the whole time.

  3. The pictures are adorable. Love the one of Gabbi kissing Ellie's cheek!

    Oh yes, we need to see Ellie in action. ;)

  4. I know I commented on FB, but these are just too sweet. You've got to be the proudest mama!
    Hopefully you'll be able to post the video - would love to see her tap!

  5. These are some of the most adorable pictures I've seen....I hope your girls will stay close throughout their lives! Too, too sweet...thx for sharing....huggers, BJ

  6. Have you tried loading pictures to Flikr and then loading them here. The pictures end up a lot bigger and it is really easy. You can email me if you need help or check out my blog for picture size. I had not blogged in forever, but I actually did the last couple of days. It was not an issue at all.

  7. My favorite time of the year!! Bring on the sweetness!!!

  8. Oh, those sweet babies of yours! The pictures are awesome.

    Like you, I do not like the new Blogger. I can't figure it out, either. You did a great job with this post, though!

    Looking forward to the video...
