We've made a blistering run down to the Beach Club. It is just the four of us.

We'll be back on the road home on Sunday. We had new tile laid and needed to come down and clean up before rental season. I am also in a mood to make it even more personal. This drives the Beach Club crazy! They want me to depersonalize it. Todd and I have about decided to take it off their rental program and just rent it out ourselves. For the most part, people who rent from us are friends or acquaintances, or even folks from the blog, and quite frankly, they tend to LIKE all the pics of my family, Jake and his brothers, and friends who have visited the condo in years past.

On this trip, I am also making some custom artwork to match our decor. We did new bedding when Mary Allison and I were on out trip! And we need to update a little of our furniture, and for SURE get rid of the O.L.D. wallpaper in the bathrooms. Oh, and it's time to hang the flatscreens on the wall and get rid of the old timey tvs in the armoires. I actually LOVE doing all this stuff. Just wish I had about three weeks to do it. Oh well. You know how it is... work, that is. It calls, so I must be back on Monday!

And now might I address how dang CUTE my baby girl is?! She loves all things hat or glasses!

And I love all things HER!
i would want to see your goodies too - just stick your tongue out at them and go for it lol
and gg is adorable - the hat posing reminds me a lot of mary allison lol
You would have no problem renting your condo! I would be one of the first on the waiting list!
Go by the golden rule.....Mel knows best and hang the rest!
Have some fun for me!
She is so darn c.u.t.e. I saw Ellie's toe on FB - yikes - I hope she's feeling better today.
I agree with you about the condo. Being cold and not so personal, is one of the things I dislike about traveling and staying in hotels, etc. This would be so nice! Hope "E's" toe gets well soon!! Huggers to her, BJ
I thought of you this morning while we were getting ready for school. My 6 yr old was trying to tape strips of cloth of her wrists for little bracelets. Do you have any cuffs on hand for sale?
Have fun at the beach!
Ohhhh I'm a sucker for a GIRL in her FLOP/sun hat!! Gabbi looks adorable!! Check out my pics on FB of Bre in hers!! That Chic can
So far as the CONDO...GIRL..DO YOU!!!
PS Hope Ellie toe is on the MEND!!
GG is so adorable in that hat!
I want to see the condo when it's done ;)
Have a great weekend.
SWEET baby girl!
Have not been able to enjoy that area for a while but already told my husband some time ago taht our next visit will nt be to our normal lodging if there was any way I could rent your place! Love that you are sticking to your guns about having your personal things around. Take some time on this short visit to enjoy it!
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