The Groves did VERY little shopping on this trip!! We hit a farmer's market on the way down, and I swear we survived on fruit on this trip. Bananas at poolside daily.
Apples IN the pool!!
And for whatever miraculous reason, the pool's only visitors every day were little girls in the 3-5 age category. It was meant to be for us to be there during this time of year!
As you know, Ellie Sue has no trouble making friends!
As a matter of fact, day one, I was sitting next to this mama and her little ones and found out they were from MONROE, LA!! And she is a speech therapist. Small world!
Knowing me, as I know you all do, I had to have a "project" to do as I sat there in that chair watching the kiddos. I cannot be idle. I just cannot.
and so I practiced mixed media on a few canvases.
I was basically just getting backgrounds ready for when I decide what artwork I want/ need in the condo. I tried to basically use the colors of the condo.
I used oil pastels, acrylics, stamps, scrapbook paper, stencils sprays, dobbers, spouncers, and markers.
And as I was sitting in my lounge chair, I could hear my loud mouth daughter, who had walked around behind me, saying she was "going to the hot tub". That wasn't her first time, and she never stays more than a minute. So, I was like, "Sure", knock yourself out!
A few minutes pass and I hear her saying, "WIllie" and "korie" and "Willie plays golf with my daddy" and "Duck Commander", and I knew something was up.
I turned around and saw this....
Ellie and EIGHT of her new friends on their senior trip! She totally felt as if she fit right in and had their undivided attention.
Lord help me!
All I can say is OH MY - Good thing daddy wasn't around. His heart might not have made it through that moment. Loving these pictures. Thinking you have found the perfect time to be there. Loving the canvases - Inspiring as always.
Love the hot tub pics! You have to save that one for when she is graduating high school! Beach looks beautiful!
it is just networking - that is all. you worry too much lol
Ellie is the definition of social butterfly! Too funny.
Your canvases are awesome, as always!
I would say....This too shall pass...however, we ARE talking about Miss E. What a huge personality packaged in that tiny body. That picture is a hoot!
Long time reader/creeper here. I just wanted to say that Ellie has made my DAY with the hot tub escapade. I laughed so hard at my desk; she's delightful!
I laughed out loud when I saw the hot tub. Boy are you in for quite the ride with Ellie.
OMG. I have not laughed so hard at 8 am in morning as I am doing now. HOW FUNNY!!!!!! The girls are so cute!!!
Sending Love and Hugs,
LOL! Literally!!!
I sitting here crying laughing at the hot tub picture.LOL
She definately knew how to get their attention! I have a feeling you have many years of attention getting in your future!
Oh Mo ~ She never ceases to amaze me.............what a funny kid she is. And the pictures of Gabbi with her hat on - she rocked it!!
These two will keep you in stitches for a loooooooong time to come. Enjoy it!
Have a wonderful day,
Diana from Colorado
I love HER expression, it looks like she's thinking, "SCORE"! LOL!
Oh, that is just HILARIOUS!!! SO glad that she has parents who understand her and will let her be who God created her to be!
Lori from Oregon
I'd say you got the same shocked reactions here just like you did on FB. I love the mixed media canvases. I am really looking forward to your next full art retreat!!
That is HILARIOUS!!!!!!! That girl is a hoot! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
That Ellie...she cracks me up! Lord help you, indeed. The teen years are gonna keep you and Todd hopping! LOL
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