Perhaps a little unorthodox, I'll admit, but on Easter Sunday this year, after church, we went over to Paula and Johnnye's house to hang out at the pool.

Even some of the teenagers came by to hang out, thrilling my kids!!

My girls are pretty thrilled in general to be swimming in April!!

Heck. We swam in March!!
WOuld you like to meet the world's fattest lab?! This is BO!

Madi came over and swam with us. Oh, and btw, to answer your question, Amy. OF COURSE we dyed eggs!! The Friday prior, JinJin came over and we died eggs and hid them for our own little egg hunt!

John is in from college, so of course, we had a John love fest!

We decided to make it a really chill day. We seriously vegged out!

Emma Lou, the monkey, has become obsessed with pulling the grey hairs out of her mama's head!

Paula even said she was sore the next day after Emma did this. She doesnt' want to miss a single hair. Of course, she does, but look at the intensity on her face!

And would ya look at that?! This is Paula's middle son, Clayton. And this is his girlfriend, Alex. He is the kid who doesn't like to let any of the adults privy to any thing that the kids these days are doing. We get lots of "creepers" and "stalkers" from him when we are on Facebook or Twitter. He likes the privacy. Well, too bad for him!! WE know ALL!

This is LInda Lou's youngest, Ford.

In fact, this is Ford, rubbing his Nana's shoulders.

There's Sarah on the swing and her mama, Katie, in the foreground.

This is teen corner. I am stalking, creeping, and totally photo taking!

Sweet Logan was in the pool playing with Madi. He used to play ball with Hayden, and would hang out at the house with him. He was around in the Jake at St. Jude days.

And finally, what a lovely photo of Ana.

WHERE does Ellie get it from!?

I think we can see where "E" gets it!! LOL! Too cute! Love the pics......thanks for sharing.....huggers, BJ
Looks like a WONDERFUL Easter! It was warm here as well, but today we got down to the upper 60's. Kinda cooler weather in the forecast for a few more morning, but by noon time it's H.O.T. So here's what I summarized from the post...Linda Lou is the DANCE instructor if I remember correctly . Also, LL's son has the first name of Paula, Johnnye, Clayton and John's (John IS their son right) last name? Emma Lou is creating her own version of Grey's Anatomy to (removing GRAY from your ANATOMY), Bo looks like a relative of Earl, and last but not least...HELLO Madi!!
ooooo ana needs to make that her profile pic! hahaha! hope you are well!!!
One of the perks living in Louisiana.
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