One of my favorite moments of the art retreats is when I gather all of the canvases we have completed over the course of the time together and put them strategically all together for a mini art show.

The 7 participants this weekend made all of these.

And this was only a "mini" retreat. They showed up on Friday night at 6:00 and left about the same time on Saturday.

You may recognize this one... this is Kimie. I had to hire a sitter the whole time, because as soon as Gabs lays eyes on her, she wants to just hang all over her or have her to herself to play dress up.

And this is Kaye. Kaye's granddaughter, Lexi, came to both of my little girl art classes. And now, my little accountant friend is taking her turn!

Jessica is a PTA at my office. She was invited, as I have been trying to work out a time for she and three others to reap their reward of winning the prize of an art lesson with me since our retreat in December. Two down, two to go. I am not forgetting, Beth and Summer!

And these are the R girls!! Miss Ruthmary, third from left, is the mama. And Randa, Rueann, and Rori are her girls.

They drove all the way from Texas. Rueann is the baby girl. She told us a little story about eating calf fries. Anyone? anyone?!

Miss Ruthmary reminds me of my own mama. Trying to keep her girls in check. She told me she hadn't painted in years, but loved to do so, and seemed to get back in the saddle really easily!

Rori and I have met before, in Canton. It was there that we started talking about her coming to a retreat. I didn't know then that she meant her, her sisters and her mama. But I am really glad that's how it fell in place!

Randa is the oldest sister, and I think she's the quietest. Would you R girls agree?!

It was fun to let the girls look through my "inspiration books" to find a few new designs to make for themselves. For instance, that snowman. And I love the stenciled snowflakes on the hat.

I can't seem to stop making houses. I just LOVE them!! Many say they are their favorite one at the end of the retreat. (Except Rueann.) We'll keep what you said about yours a secret, Rue. And Kimie included her word of the year with a scripture, Abide.

I love the polka dotted stencil over Joy to the World, and although there's a major glare, jess did a "O taste and see that the Lord is good" for her mama's kitchen. I did a big one similar when Karl completed his new kitchen makeover.

I think these little houses have such a personality.

Do you have a favorite? Just curious. My guess is everyone will like a different one.

I have a booth to fill this weekend at teh local ballet, so I was working on some dance canvases.

And then, I love to do owls because, again, they all have such different personalities.

Rori's Sadie, and my, "Never let others dull your sparkle" are covered in glitter, which isn't showing up well in photos.

Can you see it? It's neon colored.

Randa chose a different shaped owl, adn that purpl and gold one will be in my booth this weekend for sale too.

Annie is Rueann's daughter. And Kaye chose more muted colors, well, "muted" compared to some anyway.

This is Miss Ruthmary's. At first she worried about her background concentrically getting lighter, but when she added the owl, it looked like it framed "her'! It was perfect.

So, here's the conglomeration of Christmas canvases... all done while learning to use the modeling paste medium.

Again, can you spot a fave?!

And right off the bat, we used hymnals to decoupage on canvas, and the girls had overnight to figure out what they wanted on the foreground.

I really like the verses in the shape of the cross.

This is Kaye's. She had a "little" help, but I really do LOVE the outcome!

So, there you have it. Just for curiosity's sake, tell me which ones you like the most. For instance, the owls, or the religious motif, or the houses, or the holiday canvases. I doubt this will be my last one, so I like to know how to plan in the future.

WOW. That's a lot of output for a relatively short amount of time!
The best thing is that Todd the Bod cooked for us and we had a whole bunch of girl talk!
I love holiday canvases! I also really like the mixed media used on the owls. I think the owls are cute, but it would be great to see that same style with a different subject. The decoupage canvases always look great too! I like the idea of the houses being small and a year round canvas.
Can you tell that I am itching for your next full weekend art retreat?! I SURE hope this is NOT your last retreat!!
Oh yeah and the snowflake and dot stencils look AwESomE.
They all did an amazing job!
The crosses/scripture ones are my favorites, but I love how fun the others are too.
Cute! Cute! Cute! I really like the snowman with the snowflake hat! And the owl with the polka-dots(think its yours).
Love it! I especially love the ones with the "hymns" in the background! Looks like a good time was had by all........huggers, BJ
Love them all.
Mo, did you paint the angel wings? if so, I'd love to buy that one. please let me know. trustprincess40@gmail.com
Tina, I didn't paint that one. But, Rueann if you're reading this, this could be your first sale!!
A favorite? Hmmmm, that's a tough one. I guess I'd say...holiday, crosses, owls, then houses. I'm thinking your canvas with the ballet slippers will fly out of your tent. Super cute!
WOW! That's a lot of paintings!! If I had to choose favorites, it would be the house with the green roof and Psalm verse at the bottom. And the snowman with the light red/pink hat and green striped scarf. I loved all of the religious ones! The owls were cute too. I hope by picking favorites, it didn't hurt anyones feelings. They were all very good! I'm jealous of your talent! They look amazing!
Thanks for sharing!
Hugs from Missouri,
AWESOME JOB ladies ~ you all have done a marvelous job with your paintings!! Favorites for category ~ tough choice, but would have to go with cross/scripture followed closely with Holiday!! I LOVE the owls and houses too ~ I personally would just hang the others before I would the "cute" stuff. Now for a favorite out of the weekend ~ tough, tough choice as these are ALL SO GOOD!! I like the brown house/green roof with "but as for me, I will always have hope" verse on it ~ like the snowman with pink hat, the snowflake stenciling just really sets it off ~ as for the owls ~ I just cannot choose, I love them all ~ as with the cross/scriptures, love them all too!! I too certainly hope that was not your last retreat ~ I haven't made it yet, but most certainly WILL be at one and cannot wait!!
I love them ALL, but my favorite are the decoupage hymanals ones. So very unique!
BTW..glad to see YA BACK MO!!!
asking what i liked most - all of it lol
Well, I love the crosses best... or maybe the houses... or maybe the holiday ones... Oh, heck, I just cannot choose! They're all terrific. Wish I didn't live so FAR away (Idaho)!
God bless.
Ilove the snowman....Just sayin....Heart cath on 24th...Keep me in your prayers....
If Rueann does not want to sell her painting, I understand because it is really nice. but would you have the time/desire to paint one for me?? or maybe two.
I would love to have it for my scrapbooking/card making room, plus it would be an awesome present for my Aunt Bonnie who is fighting uterine cancer.
Love the houses, love the owls, always love the Christmas ones but I guess my faves are the religious ones. Isn't it wonderful when you get a group together who enjoy such a wide array of art? I so admire you who have talent in that area. (My talent is still hidden, lol).
Thanks for sharing. You really rocked it out for such a short time together!!
P. S. Cherry, you are in my prayers.
I am coming back from an internet hiatus after aparticularly difficult month healthwise and one of the first things I did was to check your blog. I love the latest works created at your latest mino retreat!! I am still hoping that one day my mito boy will allow me to make a trip to LA to a retreat to learn from the "master" :)!!
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