I warn you, this is a 3-5 year old art class, and their moms will likely be looking at these pictures, so I had to post every single one. Get a drink, sit down, and enjoy the show!
So, this is how this project came to be. Last weekend, when I was at a small town watching Hunter play ball, I stopped by a cute little store in Choudrant, LA, called Louisiann's Traditions. While checking out, I got to talking to the owner about our similar tastes and how I always love the things in her shop. Somehow our conversation went to art class.

By the way, that's her oldest granddaughter, Kate. Anyway, she said her three grands were in town, visiting from McKinney, TX, and asked if I ever do art classes for small ones. Well, actually, I have a four year old who has been wanting me to do this for some time!
And so, I just picked a day and time, and it was done!
Ok, this is Alayna....

and this is Isabella.

They are both in Ellie's dance class. So, on Wednesday at dancing, while waiting for our ballerinas to emerge, one of the girl's mamas asked me, "When do you do an art class for the little ones?" Hmmm.... as a matter of fact....
and here you have Caroline, Kate's 3 year old sister.

So, as I talked to that mom, with the whole, "Funny you should ask..." thing, another couple of moms said, "Well, I wanna do that too." By this time, I was up to 10, and felt like I'd better stop!! Cause you KNOW I have E, G, and Madi!!

This is Josie. Her mama is the one who asked me at dancing if I'd do a little kids class.

This is the third grandchild of Miss Randy, of Lousiann's Trandition. His name is Mason.

And this was my special guest. Meet Mayson. His little brother was in from Mississippi at the clinic to do an intensive therapy round for three weeks. I figured he was tired of hanging around the clinic, so I invited him to join us. He was our oldest, a ripe old age of 8!

And thank God for my mama!! She brought over donut holes and decided to stay and help out as needed. Note to self... next little kids class, have THREE adults to help!! That was the perfect number!! Robin was there to help too!

Madi chose pink... no surprise. I think she is the most feminine of the three girls. Or maybe Gabs? But most def, not my older kid!

Yeah. This one! She was apparently going for the goth look, (please note choker), but I wasn't up to the battle. Looks good to me. Let's rock and roll.

And I was SO proud of Gabs!! She just painted her canvas and STOPPED! Instead of insisting on layer upon layer of colors, like usual. I was surprised at how well she followed directions in the class setting!! I'll have to do this again soon!

I went into the kitchen where the kids were letting their backgrounds dry and having donuts and juice. I mentioned to Robin, "This is going pretty well!" And then I glanced at my phone.... thanks, Jake!

And now came the time for the foreground. We were making an owl! I had them draw two circles. One large on the bottom, and one small on the top, with two triangles for the ears.

Of course, we had to go around and give a little help with some, but some did quite well on their own.

They were then instructed to paint in the lines, just like a coloring book.

Look at the focus on these little ones' faces. They were surprisingly very engaged!!

Ellie and Madi, naturally had to do the same colors. AND they had to share a palette!!

Have you noticed the cute aprons?! I mean, really... these are the cutest!!

Miss "I have to do things differently" chose her own apron. I wish I could remember the name of the company where I ordered these aprons. I used to order lots of things from there when my kids were little, and would like to do that again! Anyone? anyone?! Hutton's mama... you still read my blog? I know you know who I am referring to. Ok, moving on!

Mayson was my "special helper". I thought it might convince him to come and join an art class of three and four year old girls!! He made the water cups for me, and gathered background brushes to help me move along during the hour and a half it took to complete this piece of art.

So, this is what it looked like as we painted. Remember when Brooke mentioned that I don't have any pencils in the art room. I am glad about that . My first inclination was to draw the owls on their canvases. But, since there were no pencils, I had to rethink that, and using the shapes (circles/ triangles), I think, made the piece that much more THEIRS!

Mason was none too happy with me, though, when I made him paing orange over that beautiful face he drew. That was NOT the class prject, so I had him cover that nose and mouth!! After all, we needed to decoupage a beak! Duh! ha

Josie was a very good worker. She never got pushy with the whole, "It's MY turn"! Or "I need you!!" SHe patiently waited her turn.

Daneira, I might need to blow this one up for you. That's a seriously cute picture!

I wish y'all lived closer, April. I would love to have this class regularly! I was surprised at how well it actually went!

I can honestly say, this one needed NO assistance. She was talking about her "background" and "decoupage", like it is commonplace language. Of course, she was also doing her own thing, with a gigantic owl!

There's a reason that there's a big gap between basic owl shape and signature of the art piece... and that reason is...

ALL HANDS WERE ON DECK getting all these wings, beaks, and bellies cut. The kids got to choose the paper they wanted.

Little Miss Caroline did a great job. The white stuff on the canvases is ModPodge and will dry clear.

Ta daaaaah.... way to go, Josie.

And here is a close up of our group.

Madi's and Kate's were great.

as was Mayson's. I always judge the success of the class by how excited the mamas will be when they show up. As well as. will this art piece actually be used in their houses or in the kids' rooms?

Even my Gabbi Girl's owl was pretty good. Looks a little like Angry Birds, but it's great for me!! It is already in her room!

And the whole crew!

The class also fostered a few little friendships!

and there were some who just grew a little with regards to their esteem, as they kept up with the "big kids"!!

Even my little bitties!!

You gotta admit... these are pretty awesome for 3-5 year olds!!

When their mamas arrived, I had miraculously cleaned the entire artroom, including palettes, paintbrushes, and room in general, and THIS was the sight in the den... all sitting and watching Max and Ruby. Funny, because had they been there about 30 minutes prior, they would've seen the frenzy we were in to help 10 3-5 year olds create a masterpiece! And then... PEAAAACE!

It was so much fun that I think we MUST do it again! Enjoyed the day with you, little ones.
Mo, this is awesome! those little's did great! you are such a blessing to those near and far. keep on keepin on....
Love this blog - I think people underestimate the art 3-5 year olds can do. How lucky they are that they have you to foster their creativity. I love that you share all these experiences with us. Quite impressed with Gabbi's owl as the others also. Thank you for sharing this post and sharing your artistic abilities with so many.
Super super impressed. Your little artist did great owls.
they did great - you have to be an awesome teacher to turn out with such great projects. they all look like budding little artists!!!!
and you let them make their own choices and gave them confidence...what a blessing to you all!!
Hi Mo ~ I do wish I lived closer.......you always have so much fun! I just could not let the day go by without wishing all of you a Happy Aunt Patrick's Day!!!!!The litle kiddo's class looked like too much fun - what a great thing to do.
Have a wonderful day,
Diana from Colorado
The canvases turned out fantastic! I think the place you got the aprons is Em Tanner Designs - I always associate her with Jill and Hutton. I would love to someday attend one of your retreats.
These pieces are AWESOME!!! I know the parent's just love them. What a fun idea!
Love the owls these little ones made!!!! You are such a great teacher!!! I know those little ones had so much fun just as us big ones did attending your retreat....so wish we lived closer......Hugs!!
Come to Atlanta and do this with my class please!!!! Love it.
The place you are talking about is EMTANNER.
The place you are talking about is EMTANNER.
WoW! Love it Melanie!!!!! I knew you were the Best! The Grands had so much fun and their chests were puffed with pride about their paintings! They learned a lot, which they promptly taught me when we got home...correcting my novice art methodology! Ha!
April, M,K, & C and I thank you so much for such a great creative opportunity! Love! Love! Love it! And YOU!
P.S. April said they will be in Louisiana soon!
These are some adorable & talented little ones. Yes, those aprons are fabulous!
You are doing great things near & far Mo!
Bre would have loved that class!! I have got to get back that way SOON!! The kids did an awesome job!!!
I had to laugh at Ellie's choker b/c just last night I almost fainted when I saw Bre had found a small "knitting hoop" with the screw in it and placed it snuggly around her neck!! She walked in the kitchen all nonchalant w/my 3yr old grandson in tow. I screamed and panic and they bought started crying!! LOL!! She was NOT happy when I threw away her "necklace". She was so upset she fell asleep crying, despite my efforts of giving her a REAL necklace! It was something COOL about that "blue knitting hoop"!!
Wow, I love these! They did a great job!
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