And don't you EVEN think that all we did was one measley little Vaseline canvas. Nosirreeebob!

On Friday night, we did all kinds of canvas prep! I wanted the girls to learn decoupage, texture, and mixed media on the canvases. As Saturday came along, we went from one canvas to the next. I liked the concept so much, and have had so much interest in it, that I will be doing this again soon. I am thinking the second weekend in April, if there are any local yocals who would like to do this, inbox me or email me ( I will likely only have 6-8 folks. And there won't be an overnight deal. But we WILL be prepping the canvases on Friday night, because I think it is important that the participants learn to do all of these techniques on their own. So they can be replicated when I am not around!

I decided to pull out a canvas I had been wanting to do for Mary Allison. I used the back of a hymnal where there were all kinds of verses I'd handpicked for the background. I couldn't help myself but to circle the most important ones for her.

Amy found an inspiring design and quote on Pinterest and went with it. I am here to tell you... this lady found her inner artist on this girls' weekend!!

Brooklyn dotted her background, one by one by one by one....

My friend, Polly swung by to play a little. She acutally painted this background yellow for me, as I want to do our mission statement for a clinic wall.

Paige had a verse she wanted to do. And her canvas background color lended itself just perfectly for reading the words in the background. When there are old hymnal pages involoved, it is always cool to be able to read some of the stuff in the bathroom.

The busy little bees learned all kinds of new things over the weekend.

This is the canvas completed for MA. It is simple, but says just what I think it needs to.

and would you just look at Jennifer's canvas? ! It was Momerized only a touch. I love how she wiped the background color off the canvas to let the titles of some favorite hymnal titles show through.

Polly Poo worked a bit on her holiday canvas, because she would come and go throughout the weekend. She had couple of hair dos to do and an updo for a teen. So, she was in and out from hair studio to art studio!

Brooklyn would get to a place in her canvas and say, "So, what color do you think I should do my cross?". And the first answer was "purple". And so it was!! (Of course, Ellie came in during this activity and looked right at Brooklyn and said, "I like your hair!".... she LOVES her a "pouf"!)

Go Amy. Go Amy. Go Amy!!

Paige jumped on out there and used her own penmanship. It's a hard thing to do! You get your background all perfected, and then you have to decide if you like your handwriting enough to slap words right onto your background. It's a scary thing. But Paige was up to the challenge.

Y.U.M.M.Y.! I do love me some mixed up paint colors on a white palette!

I love this palette of Amy's too!

I went out to check on how our dinner was coming on the grill. Hmmmm....
Looks like Todd had a pretty good chip shot. But, I am only concerned with whether or not he has a pretty good grilled chicken at this point!

Hey. Yo. Get on that dinner cooking, boy!

Kimie came by to meet the participants and to join us in a canvas as well. But, not long after she arrived, so did JinJin with these two little darlings. Kimie left the artroom in order to entertain my babies... in a teepee, nonetheless!

and by midday on Saturday, we had THIS MANY canvases drying in the workshop!

Tomorrow, I'll be sharing more retreat photos. Hope you are enjoying!
Sooooo very kewl!! I want to learn more about how to decopauge!! I think that is such a neat thing (especially with the hymnal pages).......huggers, BJ
I'm just loving all those canvases. makes me wish I could have been there. Husband said he'd love for me to be able to go some time. Thank you for all the inspiration and keep the pictures coming.
Of course we are enjoying!! I love it!! So jealous of everyone's talent! I love me some crafts but I must say, hitting golf balls out the back door is pretty fabulous too! LOL. Can't wait for more.
Hugs from Missouri,
Every day makes me wish I was there!! I would love to see if you could find any art talent in me! Your retreat makes me think I could do that too.
Happy Thursday.
I so hope i can do this some time. I would love to do it with my four daughters if we could afford it! That would be so fun! I love you, Mo!!!
What a wonderfully creative and talented group. I don't know that I could have executed all these projects with such great results. I used to paint all the time - I need to find the time to do it again. You have inspired me to try and now it is up to me to act on that. Thank you.
I'm enjoying the pics and commentary that goes along with them. Quite a talented crew you had there.
Everyone has done a great job. I especially like the canvas you did for Mary Allison. :-)
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