Around our house for Valentine's Day.
This is the garland I made when we were down in Orlando.

Ellie seemed to really appreciate it, as she would hang her artwork all over it, smushing the hearts with tons of tape.

I need to name this deer. Help me out. Remember, she has eyelashes, so let's give her a name! Anyway, she was slathered in hearts in honor of our V Day decorations.

In all her glory.

We'd srapped wire heart garland around the cedar posts in the den for the Miss America pageant. We just left them there, because we knew teh holiday of love was fast approaching. Since you have seen pics of my den so many times, I thought about it, and I don't think I have ever had this angle where you can see those skylights waaaaay up in the den. Just saying.

I love this heart garland, sewn together in a loooong strip, then tripled on the mantle. I kinda think I need one just like it for St. Paddy's Day.

And I think a stick/ branches may be the best thing in the whole house for decorating and changing with the seasons. I bought two bags of these conversation hearts at the Dollar Tree. And just like hte garland, I already have to figure out what I will be adding to my sticks that are green for the next season.

These tulips are usually in a vase for Christmas, and put back in the attic with the rest of the Christmas stuff. THIS year, I decided to leave em out and have some extra red for V Day. WHY have I been putting them up year after year?

These doubled fringy hearts were also at the Dollar Tree, so for thre bucks, I linked them together for my front door design. NOW, don't even think that you can OPEN the door actually when they are on there, but that's just a technicality! Noone ever really uses that door much anyway.

Hey, there are those lights up there... along with a DARLING little girl ready to head to church.

And another little one who actually put on a sweet dress and a little cardigan. Yay... MOM: 1.

Yep. These girls were ready to rock that Baptist Church. Stylin' and profilin'!

After church.... we had a little teepee time.

We invited Angel Grace home with us to play after church.

She is straight up girly girl, so she was DIGGING the idea of a tea party in a teepee.

This bought mama a little time, because they were WAY into decorating the cakes.

It was a pretty fun day. Ellie LOVES playing with big girls. Gabbi loves tagging along. Have I mentioned I love having girls? (no hate mail from boy mamas, please! I'm sure they are just awesome too. haha)
Only male deer have antlers.. just sayin'! ;). Cute church outfits, girls! I like that they're wearing dresses-so many these days have thrown dressing nice and respectfully for church out the window.
Love the V-Day decorations! As for girls vs. boys.....I had one of each, so I got to see the advantages in raising! There is only a 21 month age difference between my two (both grown now). I loved shopping for "girl" clothes more than "boy" clothes for sure.....but, each is special in their own are a wonderful girlie Mom!.....huggers, BJ
I do believe that deer's name is Ernestine... or maybe Percival if you decide the antlers qualify him as a boy deer!
You won't get any hate mail from this boy mama. It is pretty wonderful to see someone who enjoys her calling as a mother - regardless of whether there are girlies or dudes. The smiles on your kids faces are proof positive! Friday blessings to you from rainy Oregon.
I love to hear all about your girls so no hating from me. I would have loved having a girl but trust in god that he knew better. I have 2 boys and Enjoy being a boy mama but so look forward to your girl stories everyday.
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