Saturday, January 21, 2012

Playing with Kimie and Jennifer

Just a typical Saturday. Kimie comes over to play with my girls. And you know I LOVE that!! See what they can stir up? Out comes the dress up clothes! Oh, and did you happen to see Kimie in the above picture, on the other side of the bed, sitting there, coloring in coloring books with GG?

Next, out comes the teasets. All handpainted, might I add, by Kimie herself. Ellie Sue got hers when she was one year old. It's the one on the left. It has a big "E" on the teapot. Gabs got hers this past Christmas. It has a handwritten/ painted note on the bottom of it. And so naturally, Ellie told Kimie she thinks hers needs a handpainted note on the bottom of hers as well.

This weekend was different though. Kimie brought her cousin, Jennifer, with her over to play.

THey were playing, "Cockadoodledooooo", which was a pretend to be asleep, then pretend to wake up game that they both thought was hysterical.

Emma Lou and Amy came over from next door to show us their preliminary dresses for the pageant party. And Miss Ellie Sue's attention was a bit diverted!

See how she popped right outta that bed to see what the "big girls" had planned for the afternoon. The TWEENS are her people!

And now the whole crew is attending. It's about time to start planning some pageant outfits, peeps! Please note Gabbi is already in a princess gown. over her clothes. in the bed. in braids.

And speaking of princesses... and castles... and a giant mouse... guess where we are heading this week.... THAT's my big surprise.



  1. Disney World!!! The most magical place!

    Can't wait for pics!

  2. One of my most favorite places! We were there the week of Thanksgiving. Have fun!

  3. Tell Mickey and the gang hello from us! We will be there is 285 days!!! Booked my trip this past Friday.

  4. The happiest place of earth. I've green with envy! Love me some Disney!
