Sunday, January 1, 2012

My word for 2012: ORDER

2012: ORDER

Establish order In my savings programs… a monthly personal plan and a plan for girls’ education
Put order in my MoJoy calendar, preplan my year… retreats, classes, birthday parties
Put order in MMPT calendar... continuing ed, staff personal reviews, inservices, leadership training
Finally sit and make out my Bucket List. Order for my life’s dreams.
Put order to my plans for speaking engagements. Mix with creativity, art, inspiration, leadership, teamwork
Create order in MMPT’s books… P&Ls, Balance Sheets, daily referrals, productivity per clinic
Establish order in my week for ME time... to read, study, create, file, fill in my books daily, blog daily (personal and MMPT), daily photos
Establish order to MoJoy orders going out more efficiently.
Make time in my schedule to orderly (weekly) take a class… sewing or college course
Give order to bedtime routines.
Give order to AM routines.
Give order to discipline, consistently.
Give order to my house. Girls’ closets, art room, attic, bathroom drawers, my closet, cottage, workshop, GARAGE!
Establish an order for laundry, so we aren't doing 10 loads on the weekend.
Give order to my life through simplifying ownership… old house, land, lots
Improved order to staff evaluations.
Improved order to MMPT staff meetings; monthly.
Establish order in a quarterly leadership meeting with clinic leaders.
Work on order in my treatment “protocols”
Orderly blogging for MMPT, MoJoy, and marketing attempts
Put order in my life documents. Birth certificates, will, life insurance, etc.
Orderly establish a growth agenda for MMPT leaders
Decide on an orderly way to exercise and eat right... Weight Watchers, NurtiSystem, ???

I am sure I will figure out lots more. But for now, these are the things that helped me make up my mind on my word.

I didn't get much feedback. Surely you know what your word is. And it will make it more concrete and final to share it. Make it public... here!



  1. Love your word. I'd say that would be perfect for you this year considering your to-do list. And I'm glad to know you'll be sharing with us as you discover HOW to create order. I sure need it myself. My 2012 word is DILIGENT. Inspired by the verse the Lord is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, but there are also many areas of life I need to be diligent...creating order would be at the top LOL. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  2. Love this post! I'm so inspired by YOUR word. I know what I want to accomplish this year but I have yet to say it aloud or put it on paper with a plan - your blog post may have helped me with that! I've made a big career change and really need the self confidence that I have always lacked and the ability to turn the control over to God. Going to think about all the opportunity that lies ahead and think of a word to focus on.

    Cheers to you and your family.

  3. Love this post! I'm still choosing my word... I'll let you know! I like your word for the year!

  4. I am still thinking. It is going to be hard to top how I EMBRACED 2012...stay tuned! Will you be doing talismans again? I feel I will need one. Especially to carry as I continue training for my marathon.

    Happy New Year Mo! I sure wish you lived closer to me. I think we would laugh a lot!

  5. Crud...I embraced 2011! Bleepin iPad :-)

  6. Love your word! You know exactly what you want and need. I wish you the best!
    My word is CHANGE. I plan to change many things this year; relationships, financial decisions I make, my physical appearance! My outlook on life, the effort and time I give, but most of all the mentality i have of making everyone else happy and not worrying about myself! I'm going to change whatever it is that I need to to be HAPPY. I almost chose happiness but I have some things to change first!

    Happy new year, Mo! I wish you and your family the best year yet, filled with lots of ORDER!

    P.S. I always wondered when or if you did laundry! How do you find the time!?

  7. My word for 2012 is "chance". Before we write people off or pass judgement, we should remember that until death takes us, everyone deserves another chance.

    My goal is to remember that and give others encouragement to want to change either by words of encouragement but more importantly by the way I treat them.

    I want to give myself the CHANCE to do some things on my bucket list as well.

    I am OCD and I want to channel that into more positive energy and let the 'little' things go as they may. LOL

    That's my word for 2012...CHANCE.

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

  8. I love your word and your goals....its always a release to organize thoughts and write them seem to be on the right track. My word for the year is going to be Balance. I need to find more balance in my life between art, work, family, home etc. I also need to start thinking more about myself and to put my health on the list of important things. I'm going to balance out all of these things and squeeze a bit of time in there for myself as well. Here's to 2012!

  9. My word is ABIDE. AS in waiting or standing still. Love 2 Chronicles:17 that says,"Stand still and watch the victory that the Lord has for you." And Psalm 46:10,"Be still and know that I am God." I want to see what God has purposed for to accomplish this year and what He has in store for Andy as we serve in the waiting.

  10. Love your word and your list. Lots of "change" happening at the Groves' house. Good for you!

  11. I might have to steal your word. I was thinking control, but it felt wrong. There are some areas I just need to give up control to get what I need. So, order takes away the bad taste of control.

    I am a big fan of Weight Wathchers. It does such a great job of giving you choices in your food, while still letting you lose the weight. It certainly makes you create order!

  12. Love how you not only choose a word to focus your new year around.... you also inspire others to choose words also. My word for this year is HEALTH. I want health in my spiritual, physical, professional, and emotional life. I have changed careers and will graduate from nursing school in May. My goal is to be healthy and balanced in all areas. After all, HEALTH is truly a divine balance of all areas of my life for optimal performance and joy.

    Blessings to you and yours!
    Marjorie McGowen
    (Jacob's mom - former patient who LOVES you!)

  13. My word for 2012 is live. I contemplated this for a long time, I thought of words such as simplify, change, enjoy, slow, organize, order (thank you MO) and many others but what it all comes down to is that I want to LIVE in the moment! I want to enjoy each and every day with my girls – we’re never come back to this age or stage and I feel like I am on overdrive, just getting by.
    I want to focus on my family. Focusing on my family includes focusing on ME! My health is an issue – my babies need their momma to watch them grow up. I need many more years of enjoying watching them grow up!
    So I’m going to LIVE – I’m going to work to LIVE, play to LIVE, exercise to LIVE, eat to LIVE, love to LIVE. Sometimes in trying to be successful and meet the needs of everyone, we forget to LIVE .
    My year is going to be filled with love and laughter, peace and contentment, health and activity. This is the year I’m going to slow down, way down and make sure I’m living for the right reasons: God, my family and myself!
    Looking forward to it!

  14. 2012: Live
    My word for 2012 is live. I contemplated this for a long time, I thought of words such as simplify, change, enjoy, slow, organize, order (thank you MO) and many others but what it all comes down to is that I want to LIVE in the moment! I want to enjoy each and every day with my girls – we’re never come back to this age or stage and I feel like I am on overdrive, just getting by.
    I want to focus on my family. Focusing on my family includes focusing on ME! My health is an issue – my babies need their momma to watch them grow up. I need many more years of enjoying watching them grow up!
    So I’m going to LIVE – I’m going to work to LIVE, play to LIVE, exercise to LIVE, eat to LIVE, love to LIVE. Sometimes in trying to be successful and meet the needs of everyone, we forget to LIVE .
    My year is going to be filled with love and laughter, peace and contentment, health and activity. This is the year I’m going to slow down, way down and make sure I’m living for the right reasons: God, my family and myself!
    Looking forward to it!

  15. After deciding to come up with a word for '12, I was contemplating several when on Christmas afternoon my son was in an accident (thankfully he is ok), but totaled my only car. So during this past week of trying to find a replacement on the budget of a single mom, my words have varied. LOL, some not even printable!

    So please give me just a day or so to let the nerves settle, get back into my routine at work, and I will promise to have a word that will challenge me throughout this new year.

  16. I love your word Mo. I even considered it for my own. I definitely need order in all areas of my life. After a good deal of consideration I decided that what I needed more was "focus". Much of the disorder in my life comes from my lack of focus. I have struggled with ADD all of my life, but it has really been bad over the last year or so. I am 43 so I figure it is hormonal. I want to work on focusing this year on the things that will bring balance to my life. I will graduate in the spring with my Master's degree in Special Education, so I want to focus on finishing all of the little details that will lead up to that. I have spent the past 23 years rearing my children and ignoring my own health. This year I want to focus on getting fit and healthy. I want to focus on myself for the 1st time in a long time. In addition I want to focus on changes that I want to make in our home and in our lives. My husband and I have spent alot of years focusing on raising our kiddos. Our youngest is 16. It is time that we begin to focus on one another again. I am looking forward to a year of change and improvement in our lives. Thanks for inspiring me to put what was on my heart into words. It's funny how much clearer things became once I began to write them down.

    Happy New Year
    Leigh Ann

  17. I love your word Mo. I even considered it for my own. I definitely need order in all areas of my life. After a good deal of consideration I decided that what I needed more was "focus". Much of the disorder in my life comes from my lack of focus. I have struggled with ADD all of my life, but it has really been bad over the last year or so. I am 43 so I figure it is hormonal. I want to work on focusing this year on the things that will bring balance to my life. I will graduate in the spring with my Master's degree in Special Education, so I want to focus on finishing all of the little details that will lead up to that. I have spent the past 23 years rearing my children and ignoring my own health. This year I want to focus on getting fit and healthy. I want to focus on myself for the 1st time in a long time. In addition I want to focus on changes that I want to make in our home and in our lives. My husband and I have spent alot of years focusing on raising our kiddos. Our youngest is 16. It is time that we begin to focus on one another again. I am looking forward to a year of change and improvement in our lives. Thanks for inspiring me to put what was on my heart into words. It's funny how much clearer things became once I began to write them down.

    Happy New Year
    Leigh Ann

  18. Here's my feedback. I was holding my breath and finally got to the 'exercise and healthy eating' part, I was very happy. I'm a long time reader and I worry about you! and Todd and I know that with your work you need to set a healthy example, as well as for your adorable children! I hope you move that WAY up on your list, because you will find that it makes the other things come that much easier. Here's to your good health in 2012. Thanks for the blog!

  19. I think I'm going to choose "devour". Sounds really odd, but I need to remind myself that life is so very short, and I have to live it to the fullest extent. I've been kind of coasting by, and that's got to stop.

    I lost a dear friend last year so unexpectedly, and if I've learned anything, it's that no day is ever promised and we have to make the most of it and "devour" every single second as if it were our last.

    Somehow, too, I've found myself as a main caregiver of an elderly great-aunt, and she can't remember much of her day to day life, but she's got more experiences in her mind that are fond memories. The way I see it, in her prime, she devoured every opportunity for fun that was presented. What a lesson!

    I'm also going to use it to remind myself to devour *fruits and veggies*. Because what would a new year be if I didn't find myself wanting more out of my own body? I need to start devouring my time at the gym.

    I love this word of the year thing.

  20. Order is a good thing to have (in moderation). My word is Truth :: always seeking and learning God's Truth & striving to be the TRUE 'me' (authentic).

  21. My Word Is FOCUS!!!! I am going to Focus more on things that are important to me and put away trivial things that mean less. I am going to FOCUS more on my kids this year and insuring they are recieving everything they need. I am going to focus more on my education as I start my third year in college. FOCUS!!!!!

  22. I have been looking forward to reading about your word (more than reading Ali's post actually) and love going through the comments to see others choices! I think my word is going to be 'present' - I want to be present in more things. Present to my husband and son, present to other St. Jude families, present to my students and fellow teachers, present to the rest of my family, just present in LIFE. I have more to give than I've been giving so I need to be more PRESENT to do that!!

  23. I know that God has that word for me, but I haven't gotten it, yet. Guess I need to spend more time in THE Word, and He'll reveal it to me. I'll let you know when I know!

  24. Love your word! My word for 2012 is CREATE! I plan to creats:
    - Wonderful memories with my girls
    - More time for my marriage
    - More time for myself
    - Less stress for myself
    - Order for my household chores
    - Scrapbooks & sewing creations!!!
    - A more positive environment for my family
    - A healthier lifestyle
    I could go on and on.... Happy New Year!

  25. Hey girl! I have been thinking that my word for 2012 should be JOY:
    -- joy and more laughter in our home
    -- joy and more laughter in the clinic
    -- JOY in sharing God's word with my kids -- that they see it JOYfully displayed on my life.
    -- JOYful in my response to my kids (not joyful in discipline but consistent with it)
    -- JOYful in our 20 yrs of marriage (not hard to do at all -- but making sure I make the right time as I begin JOYfully studying again)!!! :)

  26. Still working on my word..takes me a while....could you maybe give us a "heads up" around November each year to be thinking on it? :)

    Also, I don't think you could have picked a more perfect word for yourself this year. With the girls ages, MMPT growing like crazy, and your crazy health stuff, I think this word is "just the ticket" to a completely new WONDERFUL world of peace and freedom that comes with ORDER! Hope to have settled on my word in the next few days-will let you know!

  27. My word is going to REMAIN the same as last year. I need this word, and embrace it every day when I slip it over my head. I touch it as I visit with Miss Suzie, and it gives me strength. I find myself being very thankful for the small things. Things like opening a bag of sugar without blessing the counter and floor, finding all the socks in the dryer. Just everyday things that I used to pass by.

  28. My word for 2012 is LEARN. I want to LEARN to knit (that should be fun) and I want to take a photography class and LEARN how to take better pictures. Maybe this 47 year old brain can still LEARN a thing or two.

    Happy 2012 everyone!

  29. Hi! I think this is my first time your blog! My word is HOPE. There are a couple of things that I am "wishing" and praying for this year but I want to live in HOPE that even if God chooses to not give me those things on my timeline, He still loves me so, so much and only wants the best for me. I want a more HOPEful outlook because I've had more than a few pity parties this year because of some disappointments. I am HOPEful that one day God will show me the reasons for making me wait for things in life. Happy New Year Mo!

  30. My word from last year BELIEVE will carry over until 2012 because I still need to BELIEVE. Good luck with your resolutions for 2012...they are admirable and I may steal a few. Love to your adorable girls. Jake brought us together his last December with the Believe Train and I will always keep him in my heart. Jake knew no fear and touched many people.

  31. Last year my word was "Change" and I'm gonna embrace it again this year. It was the perfect word for or family. Major changes happened for our family in 2011.The dynamics of our family CHANGED and we are (as you already know) newly adoptive parents. A change we didn't see coming, a change that was bittersweet...but a wonderful change nonetheless.

    Mo, I continually pray that God ORDERs your steps in the way that only He can guide them. It was a pleasure meeting you and your family (The Raborn/Massey clan) and the wonderful community of West Monroe in 2011. I look forward to joining you in 2012's SHAKE FOR JAKE.

    Bring on 2012!!!!!!

  32. My word this year is "CHERISH." I had a health scare last year and my son had some health issues as well. I need to cherish the time I spend with my family, friends, and myself. I need to CHERISH this life that was given to me!

  33. Well my word for 2012 is going to be ME.....I am going to take care of Me for a while and stop putting things I want and need last...maybe that's because I'm having a bad day....but I am making more time for ME!!!!

  34. My word is FAITHFUL. I have an anchor verse for the year, and FAITHFUL represents it. Here's my blog post about it:

  35. My words for 2012...relax and learn to say no more often. Love yours Mel. Now order I have down pat. I am so organized and orderly I think it frightens my husband. If you need a drill sergent to come down there just give me a holla!
