Ready to be bored silly? Well, as you already know I am in Norlando and I have no way to upload new pics. Poor ol Granddad is still in the hospital, and I am computer illiterate, so bear with me as I plod back through old pics I never blogged about. And by old... I mean CHRISTMAS decorations!! Gabbi's room!

This is the wreath I had on her door. I added a few new things from last year.

I kinda have a problem with that... I collect, and keep on adding to. This little rocking horse looked just right up on top of this bookcase. I think this is his annual home.

And because I filled her built ins with snowmen, the collectible figurines were moved here. I am one to like a change, so they are going to stay hereas well. SOMEONE needs some new light bulbs in their chandelier.

So, as you may or may not remember, I do snowmen in GG's room. Ellie's is done in Santas.

I think all that white and light blue and pink look awesome with her walls and bedding.

So, if it's pink or lightblue or lime green, it usually makes the cut for Christmas decor in Gabs's room.

This little elf up there is a new addition this year. Isn't he cute? And I added that JOY canvas that was used in a craft booth last year and didnt' sell. I think it was meant to be, because I love the word JOY and I love that it is pink and teal, so it NEEDED to be with Gabs for Christmas.

I think that little red bird is new this year too. He has some hot pink accents, but because I do the owls in there, and everything is just a little bit nature-y, I thought he could live in here too.

These guys are oldies but goodies. Nevermind the frame in the backgroud with a tilted photo of my girls because I need to trim that 4x6 but just absolutely NEVER get around to it!

Now, onto the tree. I LOVE this ornament. It's about 12" or so tall and came with a similarly sized Santa one in a two pack at Sam's about 3 or4 years ago. I have never used it because I never had a place to use it. But this year, I got brave and decided there was no such thing as a "too big ornament", so on the tree it went.

And I love to add a few new ornaments every year, so this year, I added a couple of Gabs's favorite things. First off, puppy ornaments.

And then, because i t was her first year of ballet, she got this dancing giraffe. Of course, I date EVERY ornament!! Doesn't every psycho?

This little polka dotted "G" is new. I could NOT resist!

That baby shoe was from her first Christmas. The fuzzy snowman and little sweater girl were cheapies from Target this year. I think they are so cute!

And look closely. There's Miss Tink! Gabbi really loves Tinkerbell. She is an oldie but goodie.

There's another little ballerina tucked in there. She has glittery tutu.

And another leotard with feathers. I mean, a girl only has ONE first year of dancing, right?!!

OH. And maybe one more. Love that manicure, Mo!

Gabbi had my favorite tree!! I LOVE that tree. It is so full and fun and bright and girly! It glitters and sticks out all over the place. I think it has tons of personality!

I happened upon this tree topper last year (it was a cheapie!),and think it is just what this happy tree needed.

Oh, there's the other puppy ornament! See how slam packed this tree is? That's just how I think a tree should be.

I know there are many who would disagree, and to them I say, "Different stroked for different folks" But for Gabbi Girl, all the pink and teal and green we can stand!!

If I had thirty more ornaments, I would've crammed them on!

And then, just before Christmas, the top tier of lights went out. WHAT?!! And this is a prelit artificial tree. WHAT will I do?!

I suppose we will deal with that crisis next year. This tree served us well this year!

And while we are in the Gabbi Lou area. I added a few decorations to her bathroom as well.

This penguin riding a horse is usually in her room, but this year sat beside a dressform full of bows. And a glass mosaic piece I did at an art retreat a couple of years ago. Does anyone remember that? I didn't even know I'd be doing the "naturey" thing n her room, nor the colors at the time I painted it. But, it is just right.

This is a glittery snowman that was on its way to the junkpile when I rescued it and gave it new life in G's vanity area.

Even the toilet paper had a new home.

And finally, in the entry area just outside her room, we put this 5' giraffe. I'm glad he got to greet everyone as they entered the rooms.
So, that's what's fun about MoJoy. You open it up and just never know what you will find!! Tomorrow may be Easter 2009. Who knows? It's just all a big mystery!!
LOVE IT!! I was wondering when we would finish Christmas ;). The room just screams adorable little girl, it fits Gabbi.
Hope y'all are having fun.
So my question you take all of those beautiful ornaments off each tree for storage? Or do you just store the entire tree as is? It blows my mind how full and pretty the Christmas trees are in your house! Awesome! Thanks for sharing. I see why it takes you so much time to decorate! Enjoy Nolando!
hugs from Missouri,
I LOVE it! I have a thing for snowmen!
I love it! Your home is so beautiful-love the decorations!
Love the wall paint color! Do you remember what color/brand you used?
Hey I could do CHRISTMAS AT MO'S all year round!! Hadn't been on the "puter" much, so I'm playing catchup. Godspeed on "Granddad" recuperation.
I was not bored one minute - I love all the decorations and ideas. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful ornaments - some day, they will all be very special ones on her very own tree in her very own home with stories to tell her little ones.
While I enjoyed the post...I hope Grandpa gets to feeling better soon!
LOVE the giraffe in the hallway!!!
The girls were realllllly tired. I know you all will have an awesome time as always. Hope Gdad gets out of hospital soon so they can enjoy each other. He needs to be entertained by Ellie and some Gabbi love. Gabbi's tree is PERFECT. You can hardly see the flocking on my tree or the green on the garland for the decorations, love it!
I have been meaning to give you my word for 2012 - TOUCH - I have always been a "touchy" person, my daddy taught me that. He always had a hug to share along with an "I love you". I want 2012 to be a year that Mancy/MimMim takes time to TOUCH the things in my life that need attention and make the decision to follow my heart wherever that may lead me. Most importantly I want to TOUCH the lives of those that know - without a doubt- that I love them more than life so they will always feel how important they are in my life. Whether their TOUCH is a TOUCH of love or a TOUCH that's reaching out for help, I want to be able to recognize that TOUCH no matter how insignificant it may seem and be able to acknowledge it with love and respect just as Jesus did when the sick bleeding lady TOUCHED the hem of his garment and knew she would be healed. We all need our family, friends and a feeling of worth in our lives and I BELIEVE there is no better way to express that to one another than by a TOUCH.
Love the tree! I have always dated my ornaments and when my boys got married they were passed on to them for their homes and trees. I now decorate my tree for the grandchildren and put their names and dates on the ones that will one day go to them. Thinking of your grandpa with love & prayers that he will soon be home
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