Saturday, December 17, 2011

Who dis be?

Let's play a little Guess Who! This fruitloop showed up at our house wearing this stange get up.

Of course, Ellie thought it was phe-nom and wanted one for herself.

Please pay attention to all the odd poses.

Obviously, it's someone Ellie trusts, cause she's crawling all over them!

We decided to go next door and share this experience with the Fords. I told him/her that he/she had better be quick lest get shot!

Now that you can see the hair do in the back, I'll go on and tell you, it's a she. (As if the rockin' figure earlier didn't tell you that!)

You gotta realize they have NO IDEA who is in this black suit.

Paula hugged her but that's because "the Shadow" was all up on her giving her no choice in the matter.

and then came the posing. This girl is odd, no doubt!

and limber.

and now just showing off!

I do believe she'd wear this on a regular basis if she could get away with it. She just enjoyed it way too much!

Paula, you look very slim and agile too, girl!

I think there's a magic spell being cast on your foot right now, so hopefully, you will be careful!

Back home at the Groveses... Gabs gets in on the action.

and Todd is watching, thinking he is immune to the Shadow.

NOPE!! You gonna get some lovin too, daddy-O!

So, do you think you know?! Who would Todd let do this and actually still be smiling?!

Another hint.... we love her like she's one of ours.... weirdness and all!



  1. Mary Allison! Sweet girl loves your babies!

  2. MA! I must that "shadow" creeps me out a bit!

  3. These pictures are so funny!! The poses crack me up! Gotta be Mary Allison!

  4. I say Mary Allison! My oldest has a gold one like that!

  5. Yep! I agree....none other than that awesome Mary Allison!!

  6. I was going to guess Mary Allison also.

  7. I was going to guess Mary Allison also.

  8. MUST be Mary Allison! Am I right?

  9. I agree it has to be MA. I could tell in the very first photo!
