However, this chick was already all taped up for shin splints!! Being a PT, I recognize that kinesiotape!

Jenny was already lagging that tongue out at Mile 3. Girl, you better settle in! You have 10 more!
And here come the Huttos. I just read on Jakes page on FB that they are planning on the full next year! Rock on, peeps!
Looks like I only caught the thumb of a TEAMJAKEr here. Hey, it's hard to cheer AND take pictures! I do what I can!

Heeeere's Travis's mom!
And Brad and Amy Smith run every year in honor of their son, Allen, who was at St. Jude with us!

I have no idea how people can be dealing with their technology. I would be simply dealing with my BREATHING!!
And look, all fresh, and cute, and put together.
In fact, with Kim here, I would go so far as to say, JOY is in her face!!
Kim and I graduated from PT school together 18 years ago! She and I are good friends. She has been coming to run the 1/2 for many years now, and continues to bring her children, and has been responsible for getting MANY students to come and run in memory of Jake as well. (She is now teaching PTA students)
Here's Todd Pierce, Dad of Mason and Angel Shae. Another St. Jude daddy!
These two were apparently those crazies who really didn't train but just decided to come on up, be a trooper, and run a 1/2 marathon.
hey, it's Nurse Penny. She was one of Jakes' ICU nurses! And can you believe she is doing a half marathon?! I am very inspired, PennY!
And Cindi just had a baby! I am talking about 4-5 months ago. She is a TROOPER!!
Would you just look down that street?! This is right in front of the Target House. WE were in the Suburban in lunatic traffic. We decided to make the most of it, so we just hung our heads out of the windows, waving our signs, and screamed at the runners as they went by.

It was awesome! We had a heater, our drinks, and still got to cheer on the runners. We went as far as we could down Poplar, cruising in that car.

and then, we had to stop. We were at the 10 mile mark at this point. This is Madi and Jonah. Lots of people who ran by thought Jonah was Jake, all grown up. We just let them think that sometimes. We get a lot of "We are praying for you" or "Good luck". We just let them think whatever they wanna think. After all, they are running by, so no time for a full story. The important thing is that they are impacted by Jake's pics, his smile, and therefore, press on!
LOTS of them, kiss their hand, then put it on his face as they run by the sign I was holding in my hands.
Looking pretty good for 10 miles.
Of course, as cheerleaders go, Staci and Jin are pretty handy. They ran across the street for a whole tray full of hot chocolate and some snacks.

Hey, is that you, Jenny and crazy husband?!
Oh, nevermind!! THIS IS CRAZY FOLK, right here!!
JInJin handed Karl a banana here at mile 10. He said it really hit the spot.
Time doesnt' matter... just finish!!
ANd Amy and Brad are still cooking with grease!
And there are the Huttos and Jenn ran down to give Ling a little sugarpie to encourage him to keep going!
This lady has lost her everlovin mind!! She is planning on training for the full next year. Guess what?! She can see lots more signs than she did this year. She will also get to see us at more places around the route. That should be encouragement enough! ha. More on her plans here.... http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/teamjake/
Jenn and Jonah were cheering with us, but they went out to get Ling around the course. They also had me drop them off at Mile 12 to let them run with him to the finish line!
Madi was just kind of chilling!

This is husband (above) and wife (below). He finally just picked up his pace and left her. I'll bet he paid for that later.
Jenn went out to encourage her, though, never you fear!
And then, at mile 21... this is Ron running by, taking pictures of US!! Can you belive that?! He has the energy and want to to take pics of us on the sidelines?! Ron, you amaze me!
And Veronicia is still looking fresh at mile 21. You can do it, Veronicia, keep up that cheering!! Not too much longer, and we can go eat!! yipppeeee.
Look at all those little goos and drinks and such in her survival belt.
And Travis came by and said, "I gots this!". He was doing GREAT!!
Then, Anna came by. Anna is from West Monroe, but didn't run for TEAMJAKE. WHAT?!!?? Maybe we can recruit her next year. And for the record, she is mama of FIVE!
And finally, isn't that you, Jennifer? Sorry. I know I met you, but help a sister out!
is... mile 24. Just 2.2 more to go. And I am so proud of all of you who signed up, made the sacrifices necessary, trained back home, made the trip, and raised money for the kids of St. Jude. I saw yesterday that we have motivated two more to join us next year. Hopefully more of you will consider going to Memphis either as a runner or a cheerleader. It's always the first weekend of December, so it is easy to pencil in on your calendar! Come on! Just do it!

That's me Melanie! This was my first time to run a race ever ... It was truly life changing! The signs and cheerleaders really did make a huge difference...thanks for all your hard work from Caroline's mom!
Brings me to tears every year. Someday - I want to be a runner! It's on my bucket list. Would love to run for Team Jake!
So there are really 10,000 crazy people who actually have the energy to run a marathon???? JK! I ran a 5k last year in memory of my cousin we lost to leukemia! No training, just ran, and didn't even die!!!! Maybe someday I could work my way to a 1/2 marathon, but 26.2 miles? Really? WAY TO GO JAKE SUPPORTERS!
Great pics and stories... my "crazy" face with Karl was me demonstrating that this would be the ONLY time you ever got a pic of me running PAST Karl Kauffman, lol... had to ham it up a bit for dramatic effect... The new signs were great... I was also one of the kiss hand/touch sign as I passed by Jake's pics... kept me going!
Hi Mo!
I tried to email you at 2 different address and both times the mail was returned. I sent it to: RBurchfield@mmptinc.com and mgroves11@comcast.net. You need my address to send my Reindeer canvas - where can I send it to you? Let me know when you get a chance and thanks a bunch! Susan May
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