Ok, so who all does the Elf on the Shelf?!

Well, thanks to JinJin, we now do!! And I didn't read the book yet, but I think maybe somehow they must've travelled to her house instead of ours all the way from the North Pole! And at night, they get mischievous and come out and play!

And if you touch them, they lose their magic. So, during the day, when they are frozen in place, hands OFF!

The girls were totally enthralled with the description of all of this.

Ellie needs to use conditioner. But I digress.

The girl elf that Gabs is holding, we've named Lola.

Ellie chose the boy elf and his name is Luke.

That is if I can continue to convince her that Rudolph is NOT a good name for an elf. And at present, we are discussing, and she is leaning toward Maddi for the girl elf, soooo... stay tuned.

Who knows?! These elves may have lots of different names!! For now, I am sticking with Luke and Lola.

Ellie's fave friend, Bryce, was over for the whole shindig.

And wait til you see what our elves have been up to!! They have been moving all over this place and getting into all kinds of mischief!!

Just another fun thing to celebrate!! I LOVE the holidays!! Thanks, JinJin for the new tradition.
I can't wait to see what your elf gets into. We have one headed to our house this year. I have a list of ideas...I cannot wait to get started!
My kids have had elves for years. Holly and nicki make the trip very year. Enjoy.the magic.
Love, love, LOVE the Christmas holidays.....the whole season is "magical" to me! I BELIEVE!!...huggers, BJ
We have the elf too. Ours is named Nielse Carlson after a story I loved as a kid. He arrives at our host Thanksgiving morning and waits with the milk and cookies to return home with Santa on Christmas Eve.
ELf on the Shelf is gonna arrive at our house this year. I guess he will be the replacement for our Halloween guest.....the WITCH with the SWITCH ! HA!!!
I just picked up our Elf on the Shelf while in FL! I didn't see any "girl" elves ~ that would have been fun! We haven't named our elf yet, but I am sure he will have a super fun name! Cannot wait to start this Holiday tradition also!!
I've never heard of "Elf on the Shelf" I will have to google!
i have never hear of elf on the shelf? i will google it too.. i might want to do it this year where do u find them at? i cant wait to see what all your elf's get into.. looks like they are fun to have on the shelf.. i will have to name mine if i get one this year.. well yall have a wonderful thanksgiving.. love ya
We started a tradition at our family Christmas about 7 or 8 yrs ago, where one person buys a book for someone and we read that first before opening any presents. This year is my year to buy a book. When we found the book "The Elf on the Shelf" I KNEW I had to get it for my nephew! When he was a year old, I was babysitting while his parents were at a Christmas party. He had fallen and hit the wall and knocked my shelf off the wall. He immediately started to cry, and I figured it had just scared him because I knew the shelf didn't hit him. When I picked him up, blood was running down the side of his face! Not cool! I panicked! Called grandma, no answer! Had to call his parents and make them leave the party. Long story short, all was fine! But what happened when the shelf fell down was, I had an elf (ceramic, of course!) sitting on the shelf, and his pointy little hat had hit him in the head and caused that big gush of blood. Well, 9 yrs later he won't let me forget about that!!!!! So I can't wait to see his face at Christmas when he opens this book!!!!!
"Hermie" has been coming to our house for 3 years now. The elves report back to Santa each night so, the hope is, the kids will be on their best behavior. A fun tradition! Hope your girls enjoy it as much as my boys do. Happy Thanksgiving!
We have had elves for oh, about 14 years now. Seph has not mentioned his this year, but it will show up soon...This may be our last year :(
Enjoy! it is so fun!!!
There are tons of websites out there with crazy ideas for the elf to get into. Pinterest has been my favorite. I can't wait until my two are just a bit older. Christmas with two 1 year olds is amazing!
Check out this link. This lady had some fun ideas for elf mischief. http://www.homestoriesatoz.com/2011/11/elf-on-shelf-ideas-elf-on.html
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