Hello everyone. Have I shared with you any of our Halloween adventures?! Let's start with Jessie, from Toy Story.

Ellie had wanted to go as Mulan for weeks, and I had been trying to find her the perfect Chinese outfit, but she wanted none of it. She wanted Mulan! And then, as we are passing through target, she sees Jessie and ta da.... that was it!
As for Gabs, she saw Tinkerbell and was pretty much smitten just as much. However, as it came time to head out for Trick or Treating, she started sulking and wanted to be Jessie too. Well, that wasn't gonna happen!

So, she started taking her costume off and refused to cooperate as we were trying to get over to the neighbors to start the festivities.

How bout that headband?! Yessirreee, mama Mel made it!! Out of about 10 flower clips.

She's cute even when she's pouting.

Ellie's costume was cute as long as she had on her hat. Once it came off, well, not so cute.

She's a cute little Jessie, I must say.

Especially when she points her pretend gun this way! I LOVE this picture! Probably gonna be on the wall!

JinJin came over prior to trick or treating to bring goodies.

By then, Gabs has perked up and was ready to get down to business.

It was a bit bittersweet to me to have a Halloween where we weren't all dressed alike or even coordinated. :(

This was a first. We were cowboys and Indians, pirates, and last year super heroes. But this year, we were all on our own. I guess that has been one of the first of many situations which should prove to me that my babies are growing up!

We even got Lizzie in on the action.

She was a shark!

JinJin gave the girls lip gloss. OH BOY!

Could you sense the sarcasm in my words?! JinJin tells me often, "sorry" as she hands them something that she KNOWS will make them squeal and make MY LIFE harder!! Like oh, finger paint, gum, fingernail polish, colored bubbles, makeup... yep... thanks, Jin!

Good ol Dad took the girls on over to the Trick or Treating area, while I finished up getting ready.

He refused to wear a coscume, even though I had him a great "the Situation" wig with spiky hair and a terry cloth head seatband. (I had the Snooki.) But nevertheless, he refused.

This is my friend, Wendy, and her daughter, left, and a neighbor's kid, right.

Pops and Nana stopped by to see the girls and bring them MORE Halloween treats! They are some kind of spoiled!

I brought Tashia and Paula leggings, a cut up shirt, scrunchies for their hair, and fingerless gloves. I didn't want them to have any reason/ excuse not to dress up for the hayride.

The fact that Paula had these white fringy boots is something in itself!! She actually bought those to wear to my 30th surprise birthday party!! Everyone had to come dresseed as a singer, adn we did karaoke. Todd totally surprised me with this party!! She was Dolly Parton. Thus, the fancy fringed boots.

I think gabbi was coming around to being Tinkerbell by now.

Funny when the "big boys" become so big that they just throw a football around in the front yard because they could NEVER be seen riding on the trailer with everyone or trick or treating. Dang! Life just moves right along!

Gabs seemed to appreciate her special bag of Halloween goodies from Nana and Pops.

She is such a loner. She couldn't care less what all the other kids are doing. She just takes her time and moves along doing whatever it is that has her attention. She is NOT a follower. And I guess that is a good thing.

So, we made it over to the Fords, watched a little football, got the mamas dressed for trick or treating, opened presents from the grandparents....

Now all we have left is the actual trick or treating!!

(Amy and I have on the same leg warmers!!)

S0, check back in tomorrow to see how THAT went!! We hit the whole neighborhood. And the kiddos got the hook up!!
Happy Monday, y'all!
Precious!! The pic of the girls with Todd on the golf cart is definitely wall worthy.
I love the "It takes a village" spirit of your neighborhood. :)
Leigh Ann
Sa-weeettt, looks like a fun time was had by all. Love the pics!....huggers, BJ
Love the fringed boots and bright leggings. Too cool.
Love love the "pouty" pics!! That second one just cracks me up with those little arms crossed--she is NOT having it!! I also love that one of Ellie shooting her "gun". Precious & definitely wall worthy! Looks like ya'll had a ball...can't wait to see the loot!
Love the costumes!! Too cute!!! I gotta admit though...Lizzie went more as "shark bait" than an actual shark it seems!! :)
That picture you like of Ellie is positively adorable! She played the part well!
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