Ok, so about a week or so ago, I signed up to do a little craft bazarre type thing at a local feed store. It was a first attempt by this girl to do something like this, and well, I thought, "why not"!?

I gathered up the tools of my trade, because, hey... this meant I would have to be working my table, so daddy-O would be keeping the girls at home, which potentially meant I could get some work done. (Having a 3 and 4 year old pretty much limits your "alone" time!)

Beth's daughter-in-law was the one who put it on. And Beth works with me at MMPT. She asked me if I'd like to do it, and even offered to hang with me at my table, so I figured, let's try it!

I was ill equipped for such a thing, so I had to crounge up something in my attic to put my things on. As it turned out, these old wood plank panels were perfect!

My space was only 10' side, so I had to pretty much cram all my stuff into a small section as it was.

I still have a lot of these pearl and leather chokers left, if anyone is interested for Christmas presents. I also have the matching bracelet and earrings. Just sayin'!!

I thought I had a pretty good set up with all these necklaces, that is, until the WIND started blowing!! Then, we'd have to sift through the grass to find all the singleton earrings that had blown off.

I am making these pretty funky little chokers, and I LOVE the creativity of them!!

Every single one of them is different, and it allows me to pull out my funky little pieces, like keys, coins, hardware, etc, and more often than not, pair them with a feather.

I have a few of these left too, if you are interested. But better hurry, I think I have only three or so.

I sold some earrings, but again, have a bunch left. I am going to put them in the waiting room at MMPT like I did last year. I felt awkward doing that at first, but Miss Beverly, who is the top dawg in my adult practice in West Monroe, LOVES the idea of it, and even ASKED me to do it again this year. The patients seem to enjoy checking it all out in the waiting room, and Miss Bev keeps up with all the sales for me. Why wouldn't I?! If you live in the area, go by the WM adult practice and there will be plenty to see!!

Hopefully pretty soon, I will be getting my Etsy store up and running again! I am now working part time (although that is more in theory than in acutality), and I do my art classes on my off days, making them not all that "off" either!! But I FINALLY hired an assistant, so maybe I can get my junk on the Etsy site and keep up with orders a little better. By the way, if you have ordered something from me for Christmas, please RE-SEND me an email to clarify. Having the more recent email will help Robin have a starting point for getting me organized.

Have I mentioned I had my hormones checked recently and my sleep hormone (don't remember which one... seeeeee?!!!) is VERY low. ALmost non existent. So, I am concluding that if I don't sleep, then that may very well be why I can't remember ANYTHING anymore!! I have been to TWO docs lately about my extremely poor memory, and they both said the same thing.... "You've got too much going on." Has anyone else ever heard of something like this?! I just don't know if that is an ok answer for me.

I'm going with the "not enough sleep" as the culprit for now.

I took it up on myself to Facebook my whereabouts that day , and it most definitely paid off!! These are a couple of my peeps from MMPT who came to see what I had going on! Diane is a painter herself!

I brought my stamps with me, so I could personalize cuffs should anyone want one of them. I love the way this one turned out!!

And for the record, the candy canes, pumpkin, ornament on top and tiger are still for sale!

I LOVED the time I had to sit and create in this here lawn chair. I was sprawled out and doing my thing!!

Chloe and her mama came by to visit. Chloe picked out a cool fabric cuff, and her mama bought one of my hearts with wings canvases.

Oh, and did I happen to mention they put my booth right next to a cupcake lady who had individually wrapped cupcakes for sale?! NOT COOL!!

Let me know if you are waiting on me to make you something. Don't be hatin'!! I am hormone deficient!! And, if you saw something on this post, let me know as well.
I too can not remember anything! My Dr. Told me pretty much the same thing, too much going on, too much stress! Sleep hormone huh?? Wonder if that's my problem? My vit D is low but it's getting better, the sleep is not!!
Yep...sleep deprivation can do mean thangs to ya...and memory is a big one. Try the massage or spa thang once every 3 weeks or so. It helps..
Hey there, I am interesed in the oranament picture and the candy cane picture, how much are they? Thanks, Lisa
Campey: Ornmament is $40 and candy canes are $30. WIll need a little for shipping unless you're local. Hope you get this message.
I am in LOVE with the long earrings with the turquoise and the feathers at the bottom. (6th pair from the left maybe?) Do you still have those? Thanks a bunch! :)
Heather. They're $15,and I am pretty sure they are up at my office. Call me tomorrow, and I will check for sho. 318-396-1969
All my jewelry is up there and for sale. I did that last year, and it worked out great for me and for my patients who needed little gifts for folks through the holidays!
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